
About 8060 item dissertation in line with Literature and Art query results,the following is 1 to 50(Search took 0.031 seconds)

  1. Research Oriented Innovation - the development of the theme park leisure economy with Songcheng as the focus of the case,YouYun/Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences,0/37
  2. The life cycle of enterprise and entrepreneur spirit,RenXueMei/Shandong Normal University,0/16
  3. The Research of Herborist’s Branding and Communication,WangZuo/Sichuan University of foreign languages,0/4
  4. Development and Dilemma of Television Reading Program,ZhangChangZuo/Sichuan University of foreign languages,0/1
  5. A Study of Foreign Correspondent Group of Ta Kung Pao during the Anti-japanese War,HeMengYing/Sichuan University of foreign languages,0/2
  6. Fast, Free and Deep Pursuit of Life,WangLu/Sichuan Normal University,0/12
  7. The Study of "Storylized News" in City Newspaper,GaoMing/Sichuan Normal University,0/40
  8. The Study of Micro-blog Agenda-setting Function,NiChengYing/Sichuan Normal University,0/28
  9. The Study of Microfilm Advertisement Based on the Brand Communication,HuQiuQin/Sichuan University of foreign languages,0/3
  10. The Communication of Mobile Internet and It’s Influence under the Perspective of Media Ecology,ZuoZuo/Sichuan University of foreign languages,0/2
  11. The Researches on Neil Postman’s Medium Idea,LiuYiXuan/Shanxi Normal University,0/3
  12. Research on social media marketing,LiuXiaoWei/Shandong Normal University,0/61
  13. Research on cross border and specification - Contemporary China "neutral fashion" phenomenon,WangDan/Shaanxi Normal University,0/56
  14. Butler performance theory research,ShiHaiShu/Shaanxi Normal University,0/27
  15. Study on the spatial and temporal changes under the influence of life - the subway in Shanghai as an example,ZhouAoYang/Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences,0/8
  16. Study on the landscape of social theory of Guy Deb,GuoCheng/Shandong Normal University,0/6
  17. Suture Criticism as Political Analysis——Slavoj Zizek Students,LiuZuoTing/Nankai University,0/32
  18. A Study on the Relationship between Religious Thoughts and Literary Activities by Young Engels,KongShuHua/Xiangtan University,0/34
  19. On the "Qi" Aesthetic Category's Generalization and Maturity in the Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasties,GuanCaiJun/Chongqing Normal University,0/6
  20. Chinese Aesthetic Modernity Conversion Case Analysis,ZhengHaiZuo/Shanghai Normal University,0/37
  21. Aesthetics of Wang Guo Wei's life,XiongZuo/Southwest University for Nationalities,0/15
  22. Study on life aesthetics of Feng Zikai,XuLing/Yangzhou University,0/43
  23. "Since the era of media" aesthetic psychology,XuDanDan/Yangzhou University,0/212
  24. Study on parody phenomenon in the context of contemporary aesthetic culture,KongLing/Yangzhou University,0/30
  25. Aesthetics from the body to the body becomes the example with the philosophy of Richard Schusterman body beauty students,LiangChengShuai/Yangzhou University,0/379
  26. The Theoretical Construct of Eagleton's Body Discourse,ZhouShengNan/Hubei University,0/42
  27. Discourse the Theory of Aesthetic Ideology in Marcuse's Social Criticism by "One Dimensional Man",WuXiRui/Hubei University,0/6
  28. The Aesthetic Form of Modern Chinese Aesthetics Theory,YangNing/Northwest Normal University,0/25
  29. The Study of Contemporary Environmental Aesthetic Model,ShiJianCheng/Central South University,0/16
  30. Study on Dilthey's Life-aesthetics,QiXinYu/Northwest University for Nationalities,0/16
  31. Nietzsche and Carl Jung aesthetic comparative study from two aspects of mythology and art analysis,TangJiaLu/Shaanxi Normal University,0/46
  32. The study of contemporary Jiangnan City Aesthetic Imagery,ZhangJun/Yangzhou University,0/295
  33. The Survival of Aesthetics under Ideology,BaoZuo/Northeast Normal University,0/74
  34. Cognition Andaesthetic in Tourism Activities,TangHongYan/Inner Mongolia Normal,0/6
  35. New Pragmatism View of the Aestheticization of Everyday Life,YangYue/Central China Normal University,0/8
  36. The Study of Tang Junyi's Aesthetics,ChenLong/Xiamen University,0/1
  37. The Study about "Miao" of Chinese Classical Aesthetics Category,GuoMin/Shanxi Normal University,0/4
  38. Research on Dewey's Experience of Aesthetics,ZhangJinLi/Shanxi Normal University,0/1
  39. The Aesthetic Metaphysics of Schopenhauer,XieFen/Xiamen University,0/0
  40. Schiller and Chinese Aesthetic Education Thought in the First Half of the20th Century,MoXiaoHong/Hunan Normal University,0/6
  41. On Li Dazhao "is still used" Aesthetic Ideology,GuanLiNa/Shenyang Normal,0/0
  42. Science fiction is a cognitive game,ZhaoBo/Northwestern University,0/18
  43. The study of enterprise culture from the perspective of Kong Meng thought,ZuoXiaoLin/Shandong Normal University,0/6
  44. Research on the Play Theory of Gamader,JiaDongXiao/Northwest University for Nationalities,0/48
  45. Walter Benjamin's View of Truth, and Criticism Theory,LiuFangFang/Shaanxi Normal University,0/25
  46. The Thought of Arches:Identity and Jewish Culture——Peer to Derrida's Deconstructionism,HeYuGuo/Nankai University,0/43
  47. The Voice of Nature's Child,LiaoZhangRui/Central China Normal University,0/3
  48. The influence of Husserl's phenomenology of Melo concept of subject - Ponty aesthetic subject concept,WuChengCheng/Xiamen University,0/1
  49. Rousseau's "Returning to Nature" Ideological and Aesthetic Interpretation,HanZuoZuo/Shanxi Normal University,0/0
  50. Study on Fromm's Freedom,LiXiaoLe/Central China Normal University,0/9

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