About 1519 item dissertation in line with Port, Coastal and Offshore Engineering query results,the following is 1 to 50(Search took 0.036 seconds)
- The Study on the Mechanism of the Retainning Structure with Double-row Piles in Deep Foundation Pit,FanNingYang/Changsha University of Science and Technology,0/39
- Gravel Pile Underwater Model Test and Numerical Simulation,ZhangJing/Dalian Maritime University,0/3
- The Experimental Study on Chloride Diffusion in RC Members under Load&the Caculation Method of Durability,CuiYanQiang/Tianjin University,0/5
- PBL Shear Key Finite Element Analysis Based MIDAS,ZhangYunLong/Dalian Maritime University,0/3
- An Experimental Study about the Effects of Vegetation on Flow Structure,LiAn/Harbin Engineering University,0/16
- Study and Application of Evaluation Method on Compaction Quality in Land Fill Based on Electric and Elastic Wave Imaging,LiuYang/Chongqing Jiaotong University,0/24
- Hydrodynamic Performance Analysis and Dynamic Characteristics Research of Mooring System for Deep Sea Truss Spar Platform,ZhouYuan/Ocean University of China,0/85
- Fracture Analysis of Offshore Platform Structures,LiuZuo/Ocean University of China,0/370
- Vibration and Noise Reduction Research on Ocean Engineering Bulkhead Structure,WangGuoQing/Ocean University of China,0/106
- Study on the Navigation Problems of Qianwei Hydro-junction during Construction Period,WangDie/Chongqing Jiaotong University,0/40
- Slot Optimization Disruption Management Model and Algorithm of Import Containers in Container Yard,LiZuoAn/Dalian University of Technology,0/84
- The Study of Chaos Cloud Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm and Its Application in Port Management,LiMingWei/Dalian University of Technology,0/43
- Study on Container Port's Energy Structure Based on Life-cycle Theory,ZhangYingChao/Dalian University of Technology,0/79
- Reliability Analysis of Transverse Bent Structure on Overhead Vertical Wharf Located in Backwater Change Area of Three Gorges Reservoir,HuangRan/Chongqing Jiaotong University,0/11
- Analysis and Prediction of Siltation in the Dredging Channel of Large Bay,LuYaZuo/Zhejiang University,0/8
- Research on Determination Method of Designed Level of Port Engineeirng in Fluctuating Backwater Area of Reservoir,ShangMingFang/Chongqing Jiaotong University,0/28
- Antiseismic Optimization Design of Three Gorges Reservoir Area High-piled Frame Wharf,TanLun/Chongqing Jiaotong University,0/30
- Study on Structural Strengthening and Restructuring Technologies of Gravity Wharf,WangHongXu/Ocean University of China,0/224
- The Experimental Research on3-D Stability of Rubble-mound Breakwater,GongShiJie/Tianjin University,0/1
- Nonlinear Dynamic Behavior of Synthetic Fiber Mooring Ropes and Response of the Taut-wire Mooring System,HuangWei/Tianjin University,0/23
- The Kinematic Model and Theoretical Method for Predicting the Trajectory of Drag Anchors in Seabed Soils,LiuChengLin/Tianjin University,0/13
- Study on Damage Diagnosis for High-pile Wharf Based on Residual Force Vector,ZhangGan/Harbin Engineering University,0/17
- Research of Stability Analysis for Deepwater Structure under Storm Surge,ZhangGuiPing/Harbin Engineering University,0/30
- The Research on the Wharf Structure Stability Based on Pile-soil Interactions,ZhangXingWang/Harbin Engineering University,0/42
- Research of Coastal High-pile Wharf Construction Safety Risk Assessment and Security Control,LiangLei/Chongqing Jiaotong University,0/46
- Experimental Study on the Hydrodynamic Characteristic and Anti-collision Performance of Buoy Chain Anti-ship Collision System,WangZuo/Dalian University of Technology,0/15
- Computationa Analysis on Thermo-structural Coupling of Lock Head and Crack,ZhangQingLiang/Chongqing Jiaotong University,0/6
- Experimental Study on the Failures of Spur Dike under Unsteady Flow,ZhangXiuFang/Chongqing Jiaotong University,0/30
- Study on Water-related Disaster Damage Assessment and Mitigation Method of Mountainous Highway along River,ChenYuanChuan/Chongqing Jiaotong University,0/164
- The Characteristics and Simulation of Tidal Hydrodynamics and Suspended Sediment in Winter in the Luotou Strait of Zhoushan Islands Area,FengShenKe/Zhejiang University,0/27
- Experimental Study and Numerical Simulation of Water and Sediment Movement in Mountain-bend River Confluences,FuZhongMin/Chongqing Jiaotong University,0/37
- Mathematical Simulation and Physical Model Research on Tidal Flow and Sediment in the Area with Many Islands,WenChunPeng/Harbin Engineering University,0/20
- Study on Hydrodynamic Characteristics and Sand Binding Mechanism of Suspended Flexible Curtain,SiFeng/Shanghai Jiaotong University,0/14
- Experimental Study on Deposition in Static Water of Fine Sediment of Yangtze River Estuary,ChenZuo/Ocean University of China,0/83
- Study on Sediment Movement of Muddy Seabed in Archipelago Waters,ZuoShuHua/Dalian University of Technology,0/41
- Study on Lake Ice Microstructure and Its Effects on Thermal and Mechanical Parameters,HuangWenFeng/Dalian University of Technology,0/15
- Anisotropic Bounding-surface Plasticity Model for Cyclic Behaviors of Saturated Clay and Its Application,HuCun/Tianjin University,0/51
- The Physical Model Test and the Settlement Calculation of the Underwater Stone Column,WenBoYang/Dalian Maritime University,0/2
- Study on the Probability Mode and Impaction Mechanism of Water-rock Flow,LiuLi/Chongqing Jiaotong University,0/90
- Optimization Study on the Feature of Slope of Rocfall Threatening Sections,LiuDan/Chongqing Jiaotong University,0/21
- Study of the Pollutant Transport Processes from the Unsteady Runoff of Qiantang River,ChenQin/Zhejiang University,0/65
- Research on Vortex-induced Vibration of Marine Risers with Buoyancy Modules,DuanJinLong/Ocean University of China,0/42
- Numerical Simulation of Mass Ratio's Effect on Vortex-induced Vibrations of Slender Circular Cylinder,FanJieLi/Ocean University of China,0/29
- Study on Non-linear Analysis Method on VIV of Deepwater Risers with Large Deflection,WuXueMin/Ocean University of China,0/199
- Experimental and Numerical Studies on the Suppression of Vortex Induced Vibration of Long Flexible Riser by Multiple Control Rods,WuHao/Dalian University of Technology,0/50
- Numerical Simulation on Hydrodynamic Response to Tidal Current Energy Extraction,YuanJinXiong/Zhejiang University,0/21
- Study on Modal Parameter Identification of Offshore Platform Structures Based on Stochastic Subspace Algorithm,XinJunFeng/Ocean University of China,0/4
- Research on FDPSO Risk Assessment Techniques,ZhangCai/Tianjin University,0/13
- The Study and Application for Valuation Methods of Reclamation Impact on Marine Resources,ZhaoBoBo/Ocean University of China,0/120
- Numerical Simulation of Floatover Installation for Offshore Platform,WangWenJuan/Ocean University of China,0/75
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