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The Research on Extrusion Parameters Through the Plate Billet of Magnesium Alloy

Author: KongXiangFeng
Tutor: QuanGaoFeng
School: Dalian Jiaotong University
Course: Materials Science
Keywords: AZ31 magnesium alloy wide extrusion microstructure and properties mechanical properties numerical simulation
CLC: TG379
Type: Master's thesis
Year: 2011
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This article took the flat ingot of AZ31 Magnesium Alloy as the research object, Through designing flat extrusion dies which is simple and applied, on the industrial extrusion’s machine experiments were dong with different extrusion ratios on the width compression, and tested the sample on the micro structures and the mechanical properties. At the same time during the experiment, using DEFORM-3D software does the simulate tests, mainly for the simulate test for the plates and hollow products " eye" profile of argument, do the analysis of the load, the field of the velocity and the field of the temperature,and get better results..The flat extrusion’s results showed that:during the extrusion’s processes, as the extrusion’s ratio increases, the extrusion’s pressure gets bigger.By a variety of the extrusion, the dynamic recrystallization happens to the product’s microstructure. The grains distinctly get smaller than what before extrusion. With the extrusion ratio increases, the grain’s size decreases, the uniformity of the grain’s size is improved, the decline to the proportion of crystallization is no further significant.Through the extrusion, the products’tensile strength could be 360 MPa, and the prolongation ratio was 21%. Compared to the microstructure and properties of the cast, the mechanical properties of AZ31 Magnesium Alloy through the wide could be increased effectively.Before the numerical simulation procedure, the AZ31 material’s model was constructed. Through several experiments in the extrusion process the temperature’s field and velocity’s field were analyzed, the experiment was focusing on the wide extrusion temperature, and the word made a preliminary exploration to the hollow "eye" extrusion, these were preparations for the actual production.The paper has studied the influence of the extrusion ratio to the microstructure and mechanical property in the processing of the AZ31 Magnesium Alloy, the law and mechanisms of Magnesium Alloy grain refinement and performance changes were discussed, explore the impact and the season of anisotropy on the microstructure and the properties.

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CLC: > Industrial Technology > Metallurgy and Metal Craft > Metal pressure processing > Extrusion > Non-ferrous metal and alloy extrusion
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