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The Study on Dynamic Fracture Toughness of 12Cr1MoV Steel
Author: LiuAiHui
Tutor: WangLiPing
School: Harbin University of Science and Technology
Course: Materials Processing Engineering
Keywords: 12Cr1MoV low-alloy steel Dynamic fracture toughness Estimate
CLC: TG115
Type: Master's thesis
Year: 2004
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In this paper, the instrumented impact test , impact toughness 12Cr1MoV steel at a constant temperature of 540 ℃ variation with the holding time . The results show that : the impact absorbed energy curve under the platform with the holding time, the impact on the platform of the absorbed energy curve , the ductile-brittle transition temperature changes . Holding time is less than 500h , the increase in the ductile-brittle transition temperature (DBTT) increased brittleness ; 500h holding time , the the DBTT highest , brittle ; holding time is greater than 500h , DBTT decline reduce brittleness , toughness automatic recovery . Dynamic fracture toughness of the 12Cr1MoV steel thermostat 500h Hopkinson pressure bar test system , was to the dynamic fracture toughness 12Cr1MoV steel - temperature curve . The curve has the ductile-brittle transition trend of the curve on the platform area, the ductile-brittle transition transition zone under the platform area . The dynamic fracture toughness - temperature curve instrumented impact test impact energy - temperature curve of the trend of the two curves are basically the same , but the dynamic fracture toughness of the steel 12Cr1MoV - temperature curve than the impact energy - temperature curves are translated to the high temperature zone . The instrumented impact the results of the experiment , to combine empirical formula to estimate the dynamic fracture toughness of 12Cr1MoV steel holding time changes with temperature and time . The estimated results show that : compared to the dynamic fracture toughness - temperature curve of the impact energy - temperature curve 12Cr1MoV steel pan to the high temperature zone all hold time trend . And to estimate the dynamic fracture toughness curve and 12Cr1MoV steel non-equilibrium grain boundary segregation kinetics experimental curve fit well . Therefore , the estimates used in the empirical formula has important application value .
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CLC: > Industrial Technology > Metallurgy and Metal Craft > Metallurgy and Heat Treatment > Metallurgy ( Physical Metallurgy ) > Analytical tests of the metal (Metal Testing and Materials )
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