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Study Relationship between TCM Differentiation Syndromes of Coronary Heart Disease Patients and Serum NO and Plasma ET

Author: XiaoYanPing
Tutor: LiuWeiPing
School: Central South University
Course: Chinese and Western Medicine
Keywords: Coronary heart disease Endothelin Nitric oxide TCM syndrome
CLC: R259
Type: Master's thesis
Year: 2011
Downloads: 46
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Background synthesis and release of vascular endothelial cells with a oxide (NO) as the main factors and diastolic relaxation to endothelin (ET) as the main vasoconstrictor factors work together to maintain the balance of the cardiovascular system. Studies have shown that coronary heart disease (CHD) patients with endothelial dysfunction, manifested as between NO and ET synthesis and release of balance, vasomotor dysfunction, leading to coronary artery spasm and thrombus formation. We speculate: coronary syndromes and NO, ET also exist certain rules and contacts. But coronary syndrome differentiation studies have not clearly articulated among various syndromes TCM NO and ET content changes, so it is necessary to undertake a comprehensive study to explore the various coronary syndromes TCM endothelial function changes as clinical syndrome treatment to provide a reference, but also for the further development of standardized coronary syndrome provide objective clinical data. Purpose of detecting coronary artery disease patients with different syndromes Serum NO, plasma ET levels to explore different syndromes in patients with coronary artery disease endothelial function changes between diagnosis and treatment for the syndrome differentiation and provide an objective basis. Methods 165 cases of coronary heart disease by TCM is divided into 26 cases of blood stasis, phlegm Yong plug type 28 cases, 28 cases chill stagnate, heart-kidney in 27 cases, 29 cases and Yang Yin Deficiency type Qi decline type 27 cases, choose the normal control group of 30 patients were detected NO, ET levels. Results ① coronary syndromes different group than the control group was significantly lower NO, ET was significantly increased, were statistically significant. ② NO value: phlegm Yong plug type, blood stasis type lt; Yang Qi decline type lt; chill stagnation, heart-kidney, Yin Deficiency type. Pairwise comparison of various types, 15 pairs 11 pairs were statistically significant: phlegm Yong plug type, blood stasis type and the remaining four types, Yang Qi stagnation type bad type and chill the heart-kidney and Yin of the two deficiency syndrome, chill stagnation, heart-kidney and Yin Deficiency type 3 type no significant difference compared with each other. ③ ET value: Yang Qi decline type was significantly higher than the other five types, there is statistically significant. The remaining five types ET values ??were not statistically significant compared with each other. Conclusion NO, ET values ??TCM syndrome and coronary heart disease have a significant correlation can be used as guidance of TCM syndrome differentiation typing and reference index. NO, ET levels and the severity of coronary artery disease, phlegm Yong plug type, blood stasis type and Yang Qi decline heavier Vascular endothelial function is impaired, as serious condition of the card.

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CLC: > Medicine, health > Chinese Medicine > TCM Internal Medicine > Modern medicine, internal diseases
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