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Stability Analysis of Roller Compacted Concrete Gravity Dam Based on Time-history Method

Author: YuChongBin
Tutor: ZhangLiXiang
School: Kunming University of Science and Technology
Course: Hydraulic Structure Engineering
Keywords: RCC gravity dam dynamic characteristic finite element method stability against sliding
CLC: TV642.2
Type: Master's thesis
Year: 2011
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The southwest is the richest region with the water resources, but it’s also the high-intensity earthquake-prone area. In recent years, the group of the world-class high RCC gravity dams are being built in these areas. In this high-intensity earthquake, the seismic safety of the RCC gravity dam is directly related to the large downstream areas of the industrial and agricultural production and the people’s lives and property, particularly of great practical significance. Therefore, using finite element dynamic analysis method, research under high seismic intensity RCC gravity dam dynamic properties, The prime tasks are as follows:1. Introduced the basic theory of dynamic response, the basic idea of the finite element method, finite element dynamic analysis, dynamic time-history analysis theory, and describes the analysis methods of the dam stability against sliding along the base surface.2. This thesis combines the actual engineering of the RCC gravity dam, the use of the large-scale general-purpose finite element software ANSYS to build a typical three-dimensional finite element model of the retaining dam. And it conducts the static analysis of the structure, analysis of the main structure of the displacement and the stress distribution, lays the foundation for the dynamic analysis.3. In this thesis, the time history analysis to block the dam section three-dimensional finite element model transient time-history analysis, the dynamic calculation results and schedule as static calculation results are united, as a last calculation results. Analysis of the displacement and stress response of the dam and the variation in the earthquake, and find out the weak positions of the dam under the action, and put forward the corresponding calculation in based on the seismic guards against the crack measures.4. According to the existing hydraulic structures and by reference to the seismic code current building regulations and establish multiple seismic waves with single input model of the gravity dam model as the research object, and for different seismic input model under gravity dam foundation of anti-sliding stability of comparison and analysis of stability against sliding, verify the safety coefficient whether meet the requirements specification.This thesis work closely with the engineering practice, with the specific engineering background, the research results to design and similar engineering to have the certain reference value and significance. At the same time, the high seismic intensity of the RCC gravity dam under the dynamic reaction is very complicated problem and its dynamic analysis of some issues still needs to be a more in-depth research.

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CLC: > Industrial Technology > Hydraulic Engineering > Water control,hydraulic structures > Dams > Concrete dam > Roller compacted concrete dam
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