About 224 item dissertation in line with Consumer Society query results,the following is 1 to 50(Search took 0.063 seconds)
- The Reasons of Changing Body,LinJingJing/Jinan University,0/52
- Research on the Image of WuYuan Tourism Based on the Symbol Perception,GaoHongQi/Beijing Forestry University,0/178
- TV job kind program performance of Consumerism,SunYing/Tianjin Normal University,0/1
- On Mobile Phone’s Symbol Consumption,WangZuo/Xiangtan University,0/149
- Research on consumer behavior of online shopping under the view of media culture,HuangLi/Chongqing Technology and Business University,0/67
- Cultural Consumption and Cultural Conflict in Consumer Society,LuoChunZuo/Jiangxi University of Finance,0/20
- The Reflection and Transcendence on Western Consumer Society Based on Historical Materialism,FuGaoSheng/Huaqiao University,0/0
- An Empirical Study of College Students' Online Shopping Behavior,AnXiao/Shanxi Normal University,0/13
- The Research on Banderilla's Consumer Society Theory,LiMingMing/Tianjin University of Commerce,0/2
- A Study on the Theory of Consumer Society of Jean Baudrillard,HuXiaoDan/Donghua University,0/67
- Study on television, Yong Zheng theme China,RenJie/Nanjing Arts Institute,0/132
- Analysis on reasons of kitsch tendencies of contemporary literature,XuZuo/Yangzhou University,0/45
- Ubiquitousness of Death,GaoYun/Shanghai International Studies University,0/30
- The Body Narrative in Visual Culture,LiWenJing/Dalian University of Technology,0/17
- The Mythology of Architecture in Consumer Society,ZhangXi/Zhejiang University,0/116
- Research on Consumer Society and Environmental Issues from the Perspective of Alan·Durning,LeiXiaYu/Southwestern University,0/11
- Function Research on the TV Advertising Music in Brand Promotion,YangZuo/Guangxi University,0/4
- The Comparative Research of Leisure Consumption Values between China and Western,WangDanZuo/Northeast Normal University,0/93
- Repression Policy System of TV Programmes and Environmental Impact Studies,DiMengShuang/Shanxi University,0/41
- The Media Present of City Culture,JinJing/Anhui University,0/110
- Research news film star negative,DengLiHong/Nanjing Normal University,0/148
- A Tentative Study on Mobile Phone Text Message Communication,JiangHui/Southwest University of Political Science,0/36
- A Study of the Brand Totem from the Perspective of Consumer Society,YangZuo/Hunan Normal University,0/134
- Consumption of Literary Texts for Sports Industry,PengWei/Chongqing University,0/2
- An Empirical Study of the Impact of University Teachers’ Consumption on Life Satisfaction in Beijing,LiMiao/Beijing University of Technology,0/71
- The Influence to Men’s Development by Consumer Society,RenHaiLi/Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications,0/29
- A Research on Leisure Alienation in Consumer Soceity,ZhouEn/Shandong University,0/39
- Consumption of Nonmainstream as a Way to Mainstream:How Did Guyue a Backpacker Become a Star of Sina Microblog?,JieJia/Nanjing University,0/203
- On Consumer’s Society Responsibility,YangJianQuan/Lanzhou University,0/56
- Consumption Society under the Perspective of Study on Environmental Problems,KangWeiLi/Shandong University,0/83
- The Consumer Society People’s Values Deviation and Reconstruction,DongLiQing/Beijing Jiaotong University,0/1
- Baudrillard’s Thought of the Ideology of the Symbol Consumption Theory Research,HaoCongCong/Yanshan University,1/137
- The Research of Baudrillard "Consumer Society" Theory,LiShiJuan/Lanzhou University,0/196
- The Research of Marcuse’s Critical Theory of Consumer Society,SuJie/Yanshan University,0/123
- The western Marx's critical theory of modernity and Its Contemporary Significance,MaXinYing/The Central Party School,0/1083
- The Research of Vulgar Phenomenon on Chinese Mass Culture,WangNa/Southwestern University of Finance and Economics,0/385
- Ideal Mass and the Mass Culture Theory of John Fiske,ShiZuo/Central China Normal University,0/15
- From the consumer to the symbol consumption - Jean Baudrillard consumer society theory research,WangShan/Heilongjiang University,0/180
- The Sduty of Female Body Culture under the Background of Consumer Society,XieZuo/Northwest University of Science and Technology,0/272
- Thoughts on trademark design from the viewpoint of Ecological Aesthetics,ZuoBin/Shandong Normal University,1/61
- Research of Dairy Products Packaging Design in Consumer Society,LiLi/Harbin Normal University,0/219
- Classic Consumption and Classic Heritage,DingYing/Xiangtan University,0/8
- Deconstruction and Reconstruction,LiuZuo/Suzhou University,0/69
- A Study of Benn’s Tragedy in More Die of Heartbreak: a Multiple Perspective,SongChunYan/Chongqing University,0/17
- Fear of Death in the Consumer Society,ZhongZuo/Capital Normal University,0/11
- Study of Baudrillard's art theory of object,WuZuo/Central University for Nationalities,0/24
- Study on Architecture Practices in a Trasitional China in the View of Consumer Society,MaMingHua/South China University of Technology,0/456
- The Genesis of Consumer Society and Critique,LiuLin/Shanghai University,0/107
- Consumer Ethics Research,XuXin/Central South University,6/901
- Consumer Philosophy Introduction,ZhangAiFeng/The Central Party School,9/1025
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