
About 27 item dissertation in line with Cultural Structure query results,the following is 1 to 50(Search took 0.081 seconds)

  1. The Imaginary and the Real of the "Children at Play in an Autumnal Garden",LiangLu/Shenyang University,0/25
  2. The Origin Study of the Folk Narrative Poem in the South of Hubei Province,DanZuo/Central China Normal University,0/9
  3. A Comparative Study of ’Face’ in Chinese and American Advertisements in a Cross-cultural Perspective,WenQing/Henan University,0/3
  4. A Research on the Preliminary Study of China’s Volleyball Culture Structure,WangLiHua/Beijing Sport University,0/64
  5. A Comparative Study on the Cultural Structure between Shanghai and New York since Twenty-first Century,CaiXiuYuan/Chongqing Normal University,0/36
  6. Local Interpretation of a Folk Dance Named Guangdang Lamp,MaoYuXia/Liaoning University,0/1
  7. Studies on Economic Culture in Society Transformation,ZhangBaoQuan/East China Normal University,1/870
  8. A Research on the Managerial Direction under the Revision of the Education System by the MSAR Government during the Initial Stages after the Handover of Macao,LiYiMing/Southwestern University,0/191
  9. A Study on Cultural Structure of Urban Space with the Case Study of Cities in Southwest China,HuangZuo/Chongqing University,3/2165
  10. Research of Early Iron Age Archaeological Culture of the Eastern Part of Heilongjiang,MaJi/Jilin University,0/114
  11. An Empirical Study on Traditional Culture Identification of Tujia Nationality and Its Influencing Factors in Hubei Province,YuHong/Huazhong Agricultural University,3/390
  12. Monotone Liveliness and Serious-minded Absurdness--Analysis for Busy Reason and Characters about "Aulic Drama about Qing Dynasty" on TV in China Recently,WuDan/Jilin University,1/363
  13. Cai Yuanpei Aesthetic Education and Its Contemporary Significance,LiJian/Anhui University,2/308
  14. A Review on the Cultural Structure of Junior English in China,LiuLingYu/Central China Normal University,5/390
  15. Studies on the Sociocultrual Structure of Urban Spatial Axis,SongJinPing/Southeast University,2/398
  16. Study on the Cultural Structure and Modern-day Adaptation of Folk Beliefs in the Rural Village,WangXiangFei/Northwest University for Nationalities,1/332
  17. Legal occupational cohort study,ShiXiaoSheng/Southwest University of Political Science,1/250
  18. School Culture: Steps in the Space of Ideality and Reality,LiJia/East China Normal University,5/627
  19. A Study of V.E.’s Culture,LiuLeiLei/Ocean University of China,0/274
  20. A Tentative Study on Girlish Images Across Cultures: Chinese Versus U.S. Women’s Magazine Ads,WangJing/Chongqing University,0/763
  21. Research on Strategic Management of Guangzhou Tianhe Bus Station,ChenWeiBo/Jinan University,1/378
  22. A Comparative Study on "Face" Features between American and Chinese Advertisements,CuiXiaoLei/Dalian University of Technology,1/596
  23. A Comparative Study of Cultural Value Orientations between Chinese and American University Students,LiuChang/Central South University,4/636
  24. Cultural Structure of Family Ethic Soaps in the New Century,XuNaLing/Jinan University,2/385
  25. The Evolution of Population Structure and Its Impact on Economic and Social Development of Shenzhen from 1990’s,ChenXi/Jilin University,1/524
  26. Ecological and Cultural Structure of Rural Settlements in Yonghan of Guangdong Province,JiangXueZuo/Zhejiang University,1/127
  27. Shanxi Businessmen Drama Activities,LiHaiJun/Shanxi Normal University,0/43

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