About 166 item dissertation in line with Equilibrium Exchange Rate query results,the following is 1 to 50(Search took 0.048 seconds)
- Research on the determinants of RMB exchange rate,CongCong/Institute of International Relations,0/16
- Study on the determinative factors of RMB equilibrium exchange rate,CongCong/Institute of International Relations,0/35
- Empirical Studies of RMB Equilibrium Exchange Rate,QianFei/Nanjing University of Technology,0/19
- An empirical analysis of RMB real exchange rate misalignment,XuTianZuo/Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences,0/4
- Empirical Study on RMB Equilibrium Exchange Rate Misalignment,WangHui/Tianjin Normal University,0/1
- The Research of RMB Equilibrium Exchange,SuJunXia/Tianjin University of Finance and Economics,0/8
- Research on Economic Effect of RMB Real Exchange Rate Misalignment,ZuoWeiNa/Tianjin University of Finance and Economics,0/5
- Empirical Study of Equilibrium Exchange Rate of RMB,WeiHongXiu/Tianjin University of Finance and Economics,0/5
- The Measurement and Application of RMB Equilibrium Exchange Rate,YeJun/Nankai University,0/43
- Study on RMB equilibrium exchange rate in Post Crisis Era,YangLei/Capital University of Economics,0/2
- Research on RMB Equilibrium Exchange and Adjustment of Trade Balance both Theoretically and Empirically,YaoXiuFang/Ningbo University,0/1
- Empirical Research of the RMB Equilibrium Exchange Rate,WuJie/Southwestern University of Finance and Economics,0/104
- Research on RMB’s Equilibrium Exchange Rate and the Characteristics of RMB’s Exchange Rates and Its Pass-through Effect,ZhaoHuaChun/Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics,0/22
- Study on Equilibrium Exchange Rate of RMB According to BEER Model,JinTao/Xinjiang University of Finance and Economics,0/2
- Statistics and Analysis on RMB Equilibrium Real Exchange Rate,XuJiBin/Jinan University,1/118
- Research of RMB Equilibrium Exchange Rate Based on Feer,LiuChao/South China University of Technology,0/18
- Study of RMB Equilibrium Exchange Rate,DuanWeiZhi/Suzhou University,0/71
- The internal and external equilibrium and the equilibrium exchange rate of RMB China economy,HeHuaCheng/Fudan University,0/167
- The Empirical Study of RMB Real Exchange Rate Misalignment Degree and Import and Export Trade of China,CaoTao/Changsha University of Science and Technology,0/22
- An Empirical Study on the Effects of Real Effective Exchange Rate on China’s Major Macroeconomic Vairables,ZhengPengCheng/Jilin University,1/732
- An Empirical Study on RMB’s Equilibrium Real Exchange Rate from1996to2011,WangXin/Jiangxi University of Finance,0/81
- The Effects of Foreign Capital Inlfow on the RMB Exchange Rate,WangMeiQi/Shandong University of Finance and Economics,0/182
- The Study on the Balance of Foreign Exchange Rate Based on ERER Model,ZouZuo/Hunan University,0/74
- An Empirical Research of RMB Equilibrium Exchange Rate Based on ERER Model,YuSuYun/Shandong University,0/112
- The Equilibrium Exchange Rate of RMB and Misalignment Analysis,YaoXiaoYun/Chongqing University,0/4
- Empirical Analysis of RMB Equilibrium Exchange,DaiFangLong/Jinan University,0/23
- The Reseaarch of Reminbi Equilibrium Exchange Rate Based on the BEER Model,LiXian/Hunan University,0/18
- Exchange Rate Decision Theory and Prediction,SunYeMeng/Jilin University,5/1956
- Analysis of RMB Exchange Rate Mechanism Reform Effects on Chinese Economy,GuYu/Jilin University,2/2364
- Study on Currency Crisis: The Economy Imbalance、the Exchange Rate Misalignment and the Current International Monetary System,LiuWei/South China Normal University,4/2200
- Equilibrium exchange rate and macroeconomic effects of exchange rate changes,LiHuaiDing/Fudan University,12/2578
- Exchange rate system in transition : efficiency , balanced and credibility,LiZuo/Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences,0/799
- RMB Equilibrium Exchange Rate Theory and Policy Studies,LiTianDong/Fudan University,4/1458
- Not perfect arbitrage conditions RMB Equilibrium Exchange Rate,XuJiaJie/Fudan University,0/666
- The Fluctuation, Misalignment of RMB Exchange Rate and Its Influence on the Export Trade of Pan-Yangtze River Delta Economic Circle,LiMin/University of Science and Technology of China,1/831
- Research on the Rationality of RMB Exchange Rate,WangLei/Jiangxi University of Finance,3/1138
- Research on RMB Behavioral Equilibrium Exchange Rate,WangYaJie/Harbin Institute of Technology,0/444
- Estimation Research on the RMB Equilibrium Exchange Rate,HuHaiLin/Tianjin University of Finance and Economics,2/691
- A Study on RMB Real Exchange Rate: 1994-2005,XuZuo/Southwestern University of Finance and Economics,1/738
- Study on the Measurement of RMB Exchange Rate Misalignment and Pass-through Effect,TangYaZuo/Jilin University,0/584
- Research on the Influence of the Product-Market Openness of the Dynamic Adjustment to the Equilibrium Exchange Rate,ZhaoXueFang/Hunan University,0/38
- Degree of deviation of the real exchange rate and equilibrium exchange rate based on the the BEER model of RMB,XueZuo/Nanjing University of Technology and Engineering,1/210
- The Research of Renminbi Equilibrium Exchange Rate Based on the BEER Model,ChenZhengFeng/Suzhou University,1/185
- Study on Equilibrium Exchange Rate of RMB in Recent Years,JiangBo/Suzhou University,0/191
- Research on Equilibrium Exchange Rate and RMB Equilibrium Exchange Rate,GongYuYan/Northeast Normal University,0/239
- The Empirical Study on RMB Equilibrium Exchange Rate: 1994-2006,ZhaoJiZhi/Guangxi Normal University,1/256
- Research on Permanent Equilibrium Exchange Rates of RMB,LiMeiJuan/Tianjin University of Finance and Economics,0/99
- Theory and Empirical Research of Equilibrium Exchange Rate and Misalignment,XiongYanHui/Xiamen University,0/87
- Empirical Analysis of RMB Real Equilibrium Exchange Rate,LiYan/Xiamen University,1/281
- Effect of exchange rate relationship between the number of factors,ZhuHongZeng/Wuhan University of Technology,1/537
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