About 11 item dissertation in line with Expected Profit query results,the following is 1 to 50(Search took 0.076 seconds)
- Analysis of Asset-based Financing under Buy-Back Contract,ZhaoTianTian/Shanghai Jiaotong University,0/73
- Research on the Model of Account Sale Expected Profit Evaluation on the Basis of the Measuring of Information Acquisition Degrees,ZhangQiongQiong/Hebei University of Economics,0/14
- Study on Vendor-Managed Inventory and Its Coordination,LiuPengFei/Central South University,6/1539
- The Application of Reinforcement Learning in Electricity Market,HuangJinHong/Huazhong University of Science and Technology,0/141
- The Study on Enterprise’s Compensation Incentive System,YinLuSheng/Xi'an University of Architecture and Technology,2/500
- International Project Bidding Strategy and Methods,XieAiJuan/Tianjin University,2/431
- Research of Shill Bidding in Online Auction,XinXiuFang/Huazhong University of Science and Technology,1/129
- Analysis of the Financing Preference of Chinese Enterprises,ZhangYuanShui/Ocean University of China,0/807
- The Game Analysis on Environmental Pollution and Control,ZhangYanXia/Shandong University,2/307
- The Study on Enterprise’s Compensation Incentive System,SongYunXia/Ocean University of China,3/293
- The Heterogeneous Agents Model of Financial Crisis and Its Simulation,SuKai/Shanghai Jiaotong University,0/107
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