About 130 item dissertation in line with Grid service query results,the following is 1 to 50(Search took 0.080 seconds)
- Key Technologies on Service Oriented Grid Workflow,GuoWenCai/Beijing University of Science and Technology,1/35
- Research and Realization of CNGrid Services of Gansu Supercomputing Center,SunYiTong/Lanzhou University,0/23
- Research on the key technology of the grid environment and storage of GML spatial data query,YuHongLi/Jiangxi University of Technology,0/17
- Research on Cooperative Spatial Information Workflow and Its Implementation Technology in Grid GIS,WanLin/China University of Geosciences,0/657
- The Research of Critical Techniques of Scalable Collaborative Virtual Environment,ZhangZhu/Nanjing University of Technology and Engineering,1/198
- Research on Process Preparation Resource Management in the Grid,TongYiFei/Nanjing University of Technology and Engineering,0/250
- Research on Some Key Technologies of Manufacturing Resource Management Based on Manufacturing Grid,YeZuoLiang/Zhejiang University,5/628
- Research on Some Key Technologies of Semantic Grid Architecture and Applications,ZuoXinQing/Wuhan University of Technology,4/509
- Research on Key Techniques for Mutual Trust Mechanism in Grid,QuXiangLi/National University of Defense Science and Technology,16/555
- Research on Architecture and Resource Management for Manufacturing Grid System,FuJingZhi/Nanjing University of Technology and Engineering,4/499
- The Study of the Theory and Methodology of Intelligent Electronic Commerce Recommendation Based on Knowledge Grid,LiuPingFeng/Wuhan University of Technology,10/1662
- The Study on the Grid-Oriented Access, Integration and Interoperation of Massive Spatio-Temperal Data,ZhangFeng/Zhejiang University,12/1359
- Software architecture modeling and evolution of research -oriented grid services,WuYiJian/Fudan University,2/1068
- Research on Service Scheduling Mechanism in Grid,GuQingFan/Southeast University,16/1178
- Research on Key Issues of Grid Service Deployment in Grid Service Mining,LuZuo/Sichuan University,1/586
- Research on Scientific Data Grid Service Discovery Architecture and Its Key Problems,LuoZe/Institute of Computing Technology,1/563
- Research on Key Issues of File Management in Grid,CaoLiQiang/Institute of Computing Technology,2/357
- Research on Interactive Computability and Its Topological Approaches,LiuXingWu/Institute of Computing Technology,0/340
- Research on Data and Computing Collaboration in Virtual Geographic Enviornment Based on MAS,ZhuJun/Institute of Remote Sensing Applications,3/684
- Research on Data Mining in the Scientific Data Grid,ZuoQiang/Institute of Computing Technology,5/995
- Research on Agent-Oriented Software Analysis and Design Modeling Methodology and Environment Based on Grid,LiuZuo/Shanghai University,3/663
- Research on Manufacturing Grid and Its QoS-Based Resource Management System,LiuLiLan/Shanghai University,17/685
- Research on Grid-based Remotely Sensed Data Processing Node,WangJianQin/Institute of Remote Sensing Applications,6/446
- Research on Key Technology of Content Delivery Based on Service Grid Architecture,LvZhiHui/Fudan University,2/990
- Service Oriented Virtualization Technology for Medical Image Grid,SunAoBing/Huazhong University of Science and Technology,2/368
- Research on the Theory and Application of the State π Calculus Based Formal Verification for Grid Service Flows,XuKe/Tsinghua University,5/311
- Research on Grid Service Reliability Modeling and Task Scheduling Optimization,GuoZuoChang/University of Electronic Science and Technology,2/386
- Research on Trust Mechanism of Grid Services,DongXiaoHua/Chongqing University,0/321
- Research on Manufacturing Grid’s Quality of Service Guarantee Mechanism and Its Key Technologies,SunHaiYang/Shanghai University,1/217
- Research on Key Issues of Service Oriented Grid Workflow,CaoHaiJun/Huazhong University of Science and Technology,2/531
- Research on Traffic Information Service Grid Based on WSRF,TianCuiHua/Northeastern University,0/106
- Research on Net-Centric Warfare Concept, Architecture and Related Technology,YanTiHua/Xi'an University of Electronic Science and Technology,1/560
- Research on Dynamic Scheduling Model of Grid Service Workflow,LiChao/Suzhou University,0/71
- The Research and Application of Service-Orient Grid Workload Management Middleware,LiuLiNa/Xi'an University of Architecture and Technology,1/78
- GLOBUS - based grid service and resource scheduling simulation,LiangJinHua/Kunming University of Science and Technology,0/120
- Design and Implementation of Information Service Subsystem in Grid Environment,ZuoZuo/PLA Information Engineering University,1/57
- Design and Implementation of Job MetaScheduler Subsystem in Grid Environment,LiNan/PLA Information Engineering University,0/21
- Application of Knowledge Service Grid in Network Education,YangJun/Chongqing University,2/169
- Research on Applications of Grid Technology in Enterprise Information,HuJing/Huazhong University of Science and Technology,0/226
- Research on Collaborative Design Method Based on Grid Environment,ZhaoLiHua/Harbin University of Science and Technology,1/235
- The Research of RDF-Based Grid-Data Qurey and Integration System,LuMingYan/Nanjing University of Technology and Engineering,3/160
- Research and Implementation of Computing Node Component in Distributed Virtual Compute Enviroment,YangRongKang/Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications,0/76
- Research and Development of Grid System Based on the Standards of Web Services,LiangHaiFei/Wuhan University of Technology,1/137
- Study and Implementation of Decision Tree Classifier on Globus,FangChongQuan/Chongqing University,0/72
- Research and Design software co- development environment based on grid,HuXu/South China Normal University,2/132
- LAN grid resource discovery,ChenShi/Central South University,0/76
- The Research and Implementation of the University Computing Grid Resource Monitoring and Discovery,GuoYiFeng/Chengdu University of Technology,1/50
- Research and Application on Open Grid Services Architecture,LiYanKui/Dalian Maritime University,4/220
- Research on the Core Technology of Grid Computing Based on OGSA,DaiZhenZhong/East China Normal University,15/429
- R&D of the Grid Service Oriented Middleware for the Integration of Designing Software,HuLiKai/Zhejiang University,3/198
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