About 214 item dissertation in line with Guaranteed-Cost Control query results,the following is 1 to 50(Search took 0.052 seconds)
- Stability Anlysis and Robust Controller Design of the Parameters Uncertain Time-delay Systems,LiJia/Harbin Institute of Technology,0/9
- Study on Hardware Redundancy Rate Based on Guaranteed Cost,ChangLinJie/Shenyang University of construction,0/2
- Guaranteed Cost Control of Synchronization for Complex Delayed Networks,LiShuKai/Tianjin University,0/3
- Robust Control Research on Fuzzy Singular Systems with Time-Delay Based on LMI,YangZiZuo/Northeastern University,0/3
- Study on Guaranteed Cost Control for Stochastic System with Time Delays,FanQing/Hebei University of Science and Technology,0/16
- The Analysis and Control for Singular Time-delayed Systems with Markovian Jumping Parameters,ChengShuHua/Zhejiang University of Technology,0/2
- T-S-model-based Quantized Guaranteed Cost Control of Wireless Networked Systems,ChengHongLiu/Hangzhou University of Electronic Science and Technology,0/2
- Design for several classes of controller and H_ ∞ filter, the generalized T-S fuzzy systems with time delay,XuYanJun/Nanjing University of Technology and Engineering,0/20
- Guaranteed Cost Control for Interval Discrete Time Singular Systems,ZhangZongZuo/Northeastern University,0/17
- Study on Robust Filter for Complex Neutral Control Systems,LiYi/Hebei University of Science and Technology,0/21
- Study on Robust H_∞Guaranteed Cost Control for Nonlinear Singular Systems,LiuShuNa/Hebei University of Science and Technology,0/27
- Research on Problems of Robust Time-delay Systems,WangZuo/Lu Tung University,0/0
- Reliable Control Research Based on Uncertain T-S Fuzzy Systems,RongJian/Shenyang Normal,0/3
- Research on Guaranteed Cost Control of Uncertain Complex Dynamical Network with Delay,LiuHuan/Xiangtan University,0/30
- Stability Analysis of Networked Control System with Packet Loss,ZhouJunYu/Hunan University of Science and Technology,0/40
- Control and Fault Detection for Non-Gaussian Stochastic Distribution Systems,QuYi/Lanzhou University of Technology,0/42
- Robust H_∞Guaranteed Cost Control of Uncertain Time-delay Fuzzy Systems Based on Generalized T-S Model,SunHuaYang/Northeastern University,0/22
- Reliable Control for Delta Operator Systems with Time-delay,WangYouEn/Fujian Normal University,0/14
- Generalized Guaranteed Cost Control Under Multi-objective Constraints,WangMei/Fujian Normal University,0/1
- The Robust Control of a Class of Singularly Perturbed Systems,WangHaiNan/Northeastern University,0/13
- Research on Guranteed Cost Control for Singular Systems with Uncertainty and Time-delay,LiuZuo/Northeastern University,0/29
- Robust Control Theory and Applications of Delay System,WangYan/Lu Tung University,0/102
- Stability Analysis and Controller Design of T-S Fuzzy Control Systems,LiuYuLin/Northeast University of Petroleum,0/25
- Singular time-delay systems and non fragile guaranteed cost control and reliable control,ShangAMan/Shaanxi Normal University,0/19
- Research on the problem of robust control of uncertain time delay systems,CuiGuoZeng/Qufu Normal University,0/45
- Several of the network control problem of time-delay system,LiQiu/Heilongjiang University,0/44
- Robust guaranteed cost control for BMI for uncertain discrete time-delay systems based on,SunZhaoMei/Central South University,0/48
- Guaranteed cost control and network robust control for time delay systems of polynomial based on fuzzy model,LiWeiHong/Nanjing University of Technology and Engineering,0/50
- Study on Linear and Nonlinear Networked Control System and Its EE Applicaiton,JiangBing/Hefei University of Technology,1/181
- Study on Maximal Wind Energy Capture and Grid Conection of Wind Generator System,XieJianPing/Yanshan University,0/5
- T-S Model Robust Control and Its Applications to Speed Control of PMLSM System,QiLi/Shenyang University of Technology,0/119
- Research on Robust Variable Structure Control for Hydraulic Servo System of Cold Strip Rolling Mill,WangWenBin/Yanshan University,0/76
- Guaranteed Cost Control of Uncertain Delayed Singular Systems with Nonlinear Perturbation,ZhangJinHua/Northeastern University,0/17
- Stability Analysis of Singular Networked Control Systems with Uncertain Time Delay,WangJunYi/Northeastern University,0/28
- Stability and Robust Control for Switched Descriptor Systems,GaoZaiRui/Jiangnan University,0/195
- Robust Control for Uncertain T-S Fuzzy Time-Delay Systems,LiYongMin/Nanjing University of Technology and Engineering,0/457
- Analysis and Controller Design for 2D Discrete State-Delayed Systems,XuJianMing/Zhejiang University of Technology,1/128
- Study on Robust Optimal Control for Uncertain Time-delay Systems,HuNaiPing/Ocean University of China,1/659
- Flexible Multibody Spacecraft Dynamic Modeling and Attitude Control,ZuoXiYue/National University of Defense Science and Technology,7/999
- The Study of Stability and Guaranteed Cost Control for the Singular Systems Based on LMI Approach,ShiGuoDong/Nanjing University of Technology and Engineering,2/591
- Robust Control for Classes of Switched Linear Systems,SunWenAn/Northeastern University,2/762
- Robust Control for Time-delay Singular System,YangFan/Northeastern University,6/576
- Research on Robust Stability, Robust Control and Impulsive Stabilization for Impulsive Delay Systems,LiuXiuXiang/South China University of Technology,3/400
- Research of Control on Time-Delay Systems and Large-Scale Interconnected Time-Delay Systems,LiuHongXia/South China University of Technology,0/487
- On Problems of Decentralized Control for Uncertain Composite Time-Delay Systems,LiuXiaoZhi/Northeastern University,3/246
- Robust Analysis and Control Synthesis for Uncertain Systems,JiaXinChun/Southwest Jiaotong University,0/551
- Modeling, Stability and Control of Networked Control Systems,HuangJian/Huazhong University of Science and Technology,3/1217
- Guaranteed Cost Control for Uncertain Nonlinear Time-Delay Systems,XieZuo/Ocean University of China,2/399
- Study on Stability and Control for Dynamical Systems with Time-delays,ChenWuHua/Huazhong University of Science and Technology,7/819
- Stability and Decentralized Control for the Singular Large-Scale Systems,WoSongLin/Nanjing University of Technology and Engineering,10/666
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