
About 82 item dissertation in line with Industrial Concentration query results,the following is 1 to 50(Search took 0.027 seconds)

  1. Study on the Correlation between Industrial Concentration and Market Performance in China’s Gold Industry,LiuNi/Capital University of Economics,0/3
  2. Analysis on the Investment Benefit of Daan Heat Source Plan Building Project,ChenWenYu/Jilin University,0/27
  3. Research on Industrial Concentration of the Western Coal and its Influencing Factors,ShenYaMeng/Xi'an University of Science and Technology,0/48
  4. The Effect of Mergers and Acquisitions of Shanxi Coal Enterprises,GuoJianQin/Shanxi University of Finance,0/1
  5. The Empirical Research about the Chinese Medicine Industry's Internationalization & the Degree of Industrial Concentration,ChenZhaoKui/Nanjing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine,0/134
  6. The Analysis of Wujiaqu City Industrial Concentration Influence Factors in Xinjiang,LiShuQin/Xinjiang Agricultural University,0/16
  7. On the Dilemma and Countermeasures of Biomedical Industrial Park of Liuyang,LuoYongJun/Xiangtan University,0/0
  8. Agglomeration effects on total factor productivity of manufacturing industry from the angle of interest groups,DingZuo/Shaanxi Normal University,0/2
  9. Study on the Influence of Central Region Industrial Transfer Based on Industrial Cluster,ZhangQing/Hunan University,1/135
  10. Look at the impact of M & A on the performance of listing Corporation from the industry concentration,LiuHeYong/Fudan University,0/93
  11. Study on concentration of China wind power equipment industry,WangZhenLi/Northwestern University,1/126
  12. The Empirical Research of Henan Agricultural Product Processing Industry Gathering,DuZuoQiong/Xinyang Normal University,1/256
  13. The Study of Port Industrial Cluster Development in Dalian,ZiZhiLan/Dalian Maritime University,1/301
  14. Research on Industrial Concentration District Planning Based on Ecosystem Theory,YangDongXue/Lanzhou University,0/61
  15. Under the Environment of Cluster Enterprise Development Strategy Research,BiHaiYang/Zhongyuan Institute of Technology,0/36
  16. A Study on Global Competitiveness of China’s Steel Industry from the Perspective of Industrial Concentration,ChenYan/Dongbei University of Finance,0/128
  17. The Research of Optimal Point of Industrial Concentration According to the Eiffciency Standards of Maximal Industry Profit and Maximal Social Welfare,LiuHaoRan/Northwest University of Science and Technology,0/20
  18. Development and Optimization of Steel Industry: A Dynamic CGE Approach,WangLaFang/Hunan University,4/1129
  19. Study on Industrial Concentration in China,LiBing/Jilin University,5/961
  20. Mergers and acquisitions, centralization and the development of market economy,HeWeiMin/Xiamen University,5/516
  21. Market competition and economic performance and industrial concentration,WeiHouKai/Graduate School of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences,15/2057
  22. Banking crisis theory,SuTongHua/East China Normal University,9/896
  23. Research about Firm’s Location Choice Base on Agglomeration Effect,SuZhaoGuo/Southwest Jiaotong University,2/651
  24. The Research on the Relationship between the Structure of Regional Government Fiscal Expenditure in the Condition of the Fiscal Competition,ChenGang/Suzhou University,1/355
  25. A Study on Industrial Concentration of Steel Industry in China,YangZhengLin/Huazhong University of Science and Technology,8/925
  26. The Status Quo and Advices on Industrial Agglomeration of Home Appliance Manufacturing Industry in the Region of Jiaodong,FanShuBin/China University of Petroleum,2/199
  27. Chinese Industrial Space Structry: The Reaserch on Industrial Distribution Transition of Diferent Province,ChengJian/Zhejiang Technology and Business University,0/277
  28. Study on the Industrial Concentration District Development in Jilin City,DuYingZhi/Northeast Normal University,1/153
  29. Research on the Development and Deviation of the Space Concentration and the Market Concentration,HeHuiShuang/Henan University,1/119
  30. Research on Motive Theories and Evaluation of Efficiency in M&A of Enterprise,ZhuFei/North China Electric Power University (Beijing),4/539
  31. Research on the Feasibility of Implementation of the Strategic Trade Policy in China,ZhengYueMing/Wuhan University of Technology,2/271
  32. The Impact of the Trade Barriers Alteration on Industrial Structure of Manufacturing Industry,JiZuoTao/Beijing University of Technology,2/324
  33. The Study on Relationship between Chinese Manufacturing Industrial Technology Characteristics and Its Market Structure,LiLiMing/Jilin University,1/128
  34. China Automotive Industry,NingXiaoJie/Dalian University of Technology,15/734
  35. The Research on Concentration Ratio of Construction Industry of Jiangsu Province,FanXiaoZuo/Southeast University,3/290
  36. Study of the stability of the structure of the container liner shipping market,FuHaiWei/Shanghai Maritime University,1/246
  37. Analysis of Travel Agency Industry Concentration in China,HongMei/Xiangtan University,9/670
  38. The Study on the Relationship between Chinese Tobacco Industry and the Economic Performance,SuYanLin/Ocean University of China,9/975
  39. Study on Industrial Concentration Ratio Measure and Industrial Policies about the Third Party Logistics Industry in China,GuoXinYi/Chongqing University,6/553
  40. Study on Market Structures for Steel Industry of China,WangHe/Northeastern University,4/574
  41. Research on the Location Characteristic and Development Strategy of Knowledge Intensified Service Industry,WuYiJing/Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics,2/519
  42. Study on Industrial Concentration of Auto Parts Industry in China,JianZuo/Chongqing University,4/568
  43. An Approach to the Concentration of China’s Petroleum Industry,BaiXueFeng/Harbin University of Science and Technology,6/707
  44. Study on the Evolution of China’s Regional Division Structure and Analysis of the Relevant Factors,ZhangChuanRong/Zhejiang University,0/147
  45. Chinese ETE International Competitiveness Study,LvJin/Zhejiang University of Technology,0/335
  46. The Research on Chinese Iron and Steel Industry Layout Based on GIS,ZhuKeLi/Chongqing University,4/555
  47. Status Analysis of China Mobile Market and the Industry Growth Along with Solution,ZengZhiJun/Huazhong University of Science and Technology,2/740
  48. Study of Environment Protection Programming of Meihekou Industry Clusters Zone,ZuoXueFeng/Northeast Normal University,0/137
  49. The Study on the International Competitiveness of Chinese White Spirits Industry of China,LiuDuRuo/Jiangnan University,3/898
  50. A Study on Concentration of Travel Agency Industry in China,ZhangYaJing/Qingdao University,1/366

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