
About 43 item dissertation in line with Microphase Separation query results,the following is 1 to 50(Search took 0.013 seconds)

  1. Study on Synthesis and Properities of Novel Aromatic Polyamides for Proton Exchange Membranes,HuYaPing/Donghua University,0/30
  2. Preparation of Polyester-polyether Based Waterborne Polyurethane Adhesive and Application in Caleium-plastic Corrugated Cardboard,ZhaoMan/Beijing Institute of Printing,0/25
  3. The Role of Diisocyanate Structure on the Synthesis and Microphase-separated Morphology of Polyurethane,HeYong/South China University of Technology,0/147
  4. The Preparation and Surface&Antifouling Properties of Amphiphilic Fluorinated Block Copolymers,ZhangGuangFa/Zhejiang University,0/0
  5. Unexpected Reaction of Inert Vinylic Groups during RAFT(mini) Emulsion Polymerization and Microphase Separated Latex Film Preparation,SunPeng/Zhejiang University of Technology,0/1
  6. Synergic Effects of Imidazolium Ionic Liquids on P123Mixed Micelles for Inducing Micro/Mesoporous Materials,GaoFeng/East China University of Science and Technology,0/3
  7. Synthesis and Properties of Novel Side-chain Azobenzene Polymer,SunWuQiong/East China Normal University,0/117
  8. Design, Synthesis and Properties of Copolymer Antifouling Coatings with Microphase Separation Structure,ZhangXuZuo/Harbin Engineering University,0/59
  9. Preparation of Water-borne Binders with Low Modulus and High Strength Characteristics Via Highly Efficient Coupling Reaction Being Confined on the Colloidal Interface,YangHai/Zhejiang University of Technology,0/4
  10. Preparation and Modification of Nanographite Flakes and Their Application in Polyurethane Composites,YeYunHe/East China University of Science and Technology,0/117
  11. Controlling Condensed Nanostructures of Poly(3-alkylthiophene)-based Systems,PanZhongCheng/Fudan University,0/19
  12. Synthesis and Characterization of Well-controlled (fluoro)siloxane-containing Copolymers by Atom Transfer Radical Polymerization,HuangChuanXia/Zhejiang University of Technology,0/67
  13. Solvent Induced Morphology and Transitions of PS-b-PEO,MaoHu/Tianjin University,0/73
  14. Using Reactive Polymers as Porogen to Prepare Porous Materials,ZuoWeiWei/Shanghai Jiaotong University,0/55
  15. Block Copolymers with a Variety of Architectures: Synthesis and Applications of Modulating Nanostructures in Thermosetting Polymers,YuRenTong/Shanghai Jiaotong University,0/189
  16. Study on Self-assembly and Application of Fluorine-containing Block Copolymers,ZuoShan/Shanghai Jiaotong University,0/235
  17. Synthesis, characterization and properties of a new type of biomedical polymer materials,LuoYanLing/Shaanxi Normal University,0/697
  18. Research on SRIM Process and Properties of the Parts Prepared by SRIM Process,TangHongYan/Wuhan University of Technology,2/170
  19. Dissipative Particle Dynamics Study of Microstructures of Complex Block Copolymer Systems,LiuDaHuan/Beijing University of Chemical Technology,1/287
  20. Design and Study on Antifouling Coatings with Microphase-Separated Structure,FengLiBang/Fudan University,0/650
  21. Microphase Separation Behavior and Properties of PDMS-MDI-PEG Multiblock Copolymer Coatings,FangHongXia/Fudan University,2/465
  22. Monte Carlo Simulations and Experimental Observations of Soft Matter Composed of Chain-like Molecules,JiShiChen/Fudan University,2/573
  23. A Statistical Theory of Viscoelasticity and Its Application for Styrene-Diene Block Copolymers-Thermoplastic Elastomers Dissertation,HeZiRu/Beijing University of Chemical Technology,1/279
  24. Synthesis and Characterization of Protein Resistant Polymers,MaChunFeng/University of Science and Technology of China,4/534
  25. Research on the Relationship between Properties and Structure of High Performance Castable Polyurethane Elastomer for Dynamic Loading Application,ChenXiaoDong/South China University of Technology,3/601
  26. Preparation and Characterization of PET-PCT Copolyester and Its Ionomer,Wang/Donghua University,0/151
  27. Poly(Hydroxyl Ether of Bisphenol a)-block-Polydimethylsiloxane Alternative Block Copolymer: Synthesis, Characterization and Its Nanostructured Blends of Epoxy Thermosets,GongWei/Shanghai Jiaotong University,0/313
  28. Study on Preparation, Characterization and Crystallization Behavior of Polymer Nanoblends,JiangYingZuo/Donghua University,0/185
  29. Study on the Synthesis and Surface Modification of Polyurethane,LinFangZuo/Tianjin University,4/533
  30. Study on the Properties of Waterborne Polyurethane Systems and Their Application,ChenWeiTao/Tianjin University of Science and Technology,3/723
  31. Polypropylene thermoplastic elastomer of the micro phase separation,LiuYongChao/Zhengzhou University,0/173
  32. Self - assembly of water-based two-component polyurethane coating structure and properties of,WeiHao/Beijing University of Chemical Technology,1/510
  33. Development of novel the isoprene polymerization of body,LuYongJun/Dalian University of Technology,2/204
  34. Effects of "Click" Groups on Surface/Interface,WuQi/University of Science and Technology of China,0/147
  35. Synthesis of Amphiphilic Block Copolymer and Control of Nanostructured Thermosetting Polymers,LiLei/Shanghai Jiaotong University,0/145
  36. Study of Protein Adsorption Behavior on Materals Surfaces Based on Quartz Crystal Microbalance Technology,ZhangZuo/Jinan University,0/250
  37. Study on Waterborne Polyurethane Antifouling Coatings Modified by Fluoride and Siloxane DMU,ZuoMei/Dalian Maritime University,0/231
  38. h-HTBN-b-PEG polyurethane block copolymer synthesis , micro-phase separation behavior of its biomedical properties,NanYunFei/Shaanxi Normal University,0/60
  39. Synthesis, Structure and Properties of Pui,YangXiaoHui/Shanghai Jiaotong University,0/47
  40. Preparation of HTPB-PU Pervaporation Membrane for Concentration of Dilute Butanol Aqueous Solution,GeLingLing/Zhejiang University,0/29
  41. Preparation and Self-assembly of Block Copolymer/Prussian Blue Nano-particles Hybrid,CaoKai/East China University of Science and Technology,0/41
  42. The Synthesis and Properties Research of High Hydrophilic Polyurethane,LiJing/East China University of Science and Technology,0/55
  43. RAFT Soap-free Emulsion Polymerization and Preparation of Binds with ABA Triblock Structures,ChenLi/Zhejiang University of Technology,0/67

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