
About 38 item dissertation in line with Mumford-Shah model query results,the following is 1 to 50(Search took 0.039 seconds)

  1. Study of CV-LevelSet method and its application in meteorological target segmentation in,ZhangZeXian/Yunnan University,0/32
  2. Moving Object Analysis Based on Computer Vision,ZhengLei/Zhejiang University of Technology,0/56
  3. Research on Graph Min-cut Theory and Its Applications in Medical Image Segmentations,LiQiFeng/Hunan University,0/8
  4. Research on Nonlinear Statistical Shape Analysis and Complex Medical Image Segmentation,XiaoMaoFa/Hunan University,0/23
  5. Research on medical image segmentation based on level set model C-V,WangJianPing/Kunming University of Science and Technology,0/1
  6. Study on Brain MR Images and Chinese Visual Human Brain Images Segmentation,ChenYunJie/Nanjing University of Technology and Engineering,5/838
  7. Researches on Digital Image Processing Based on Partial Differential Equation,ZhuCaiZhi/University of Science and Technology of China,9/1181
  8. Man-made Objects and Natural Scenes Classification by Partial Differential Equation,WangWei/Shanghai Jiaotong University,1/305
  9. Research on Image Segmentation Methods and Application,ChenQiang/Nanjing University of Technology and Engineering,22/3246
  10. Research on Image Segmentation Based on General Fuzzy Operation and Active Contour Model,LiGuoYou/Yanshan University,4/651
  11. Variational PDE Models in Image Restoration and Segmentation,JiaDiYe/Harbin Engineering University,26/1256
  12. Image Segmentation Theory and Algorithm Based on Gap Statistics,HuangChenRong/Nanjing University of Technology and Engineering,3/450
  13. Variational PDE and Multifractal Based Image Modeling Theory, Algorithm and Application,XiaoLiang/Nanjing University of Technology and Engineering,9/1078
  14. Study on Automatic and Interactive Segmentation of Left Ventricle Contour in MR Images,LiuFuChang/Nanjing University of Technology and Engineering,4/267
  15. Studies on Medical Image Segmentation Based on Deformation Model,MengXiangRui/Nanjing University of Information Engineering,1/178
  16. Image segmentation based on the area active contour model,MaoHongDa/Zhejiang University,1/265
  17. Vector image segmentation method based on the Mumford-Shah model,LiuHaiLin/Northwestern University,0/149
  18. Based on the level set of infrared image edge detection algorithm,FangLiang/University of Electronic Science and Technology,2/388
  19. Variational method in the GMS-5 satellite imageries Treatment Research,FeiWenLong/Nanjing University of Technology and Engineering,2/175
  20. Research and Improvement of the segmentation algorithm,WangHaiJun/Shandong University,4/671
  21. Study on Image Segmentation Based on the Level Set Method,ChenJinNan/Yanshan University,19/775
  22. Research on Key Technics of Automatic Segmentation in Medical Image,ZhuFeng/Jiangsu University,18/368
  23. Segmentation model based on the shape of a priori information about the initiative research,TuCheng/Nanjing University of Technology and Engineering,0/194
  24. The Research of Image Segmentation Method Based on Mumford-Shah Model,GongXianWei/Harbin Engineering University,1/255
  25. Research on the Wood Cell Image Segmentation Based on Computer Vision,GuanXueMei/Northeast Forestry University,5/158
  26. Geometric Deformable Models Analysis and Research on Its Application in Medical Image Segmentation,LiuXin/Qingdao University,5/190
  27. Medical Image Segmentation Based on Level Set Method and Interactive Model,BaiJie/Qingdao University,1/260
  28. Active Contour Model in MR image segmentation,LuoJia/Nanjing University of Information Engineering,2/250
  29. Human brain image segmentation technology research,XueGengJian/Northwestern Polytechnical University,7/294
  30. Research of Approaches in Medical Image Segmentation Based on Level Set,JinDaNian/First Military Medical University,15/505
  31. Research on Medical Image Segmentation Using Geometric Deformable Models,YuJingZuo/Qingdao University,0/291
  32. Research in Medical Image Segmentation Based on Mumford-Shah Model,WenTieXiang/Southern Medical University,,1/143
  33. Image Segmentation Methods Based on Active Contours Model,CuiJianFang/Shandong University,0/248
  34. Research on the Piecewice Constant Level Set Method and the Mumford-Shah Model for Medical Image Segmentation,ZhangQingHua/Hunan University,1/224
  35. The Improved Mumford-Shah Model and Its Applications in the Medical Image Processing,SunXiaoHuan/Southern Medical University,,1/51
  36. Research and Application of Document Image Paragraph Segmentation,ZhaoNa/Shandong Normal University,0/61
  37. Research on Image Edge Detection Based on Improved Snake Model,WangZuo/East China Normal University,0/146
  38. Research on Multiphase Image Segmentation Method,YeWei/Fudan University,0/43

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