About 2296 item dissertation in line with P2P query results,the following is 1 to 50(Search took 0.028 seconds)
- The Analysis of Impact Factors on Loan Performance in Chinese P2P Microfinance Market,GuoYang/Tianjin University,0/32
- Microfinance Wholesale Mechanism Research and Construction Analysis,YiZuo/Southwestern University of Finance and Economics,0/107
- Studies on the Business Mode of Online Peer to Peer Lending,GaoJiaMin/Southwestern University of Finance and Economics,0/2748
- Research on Investment Style in P2P Online Lending,PengZhongLi/Southwestern University of Finance and Economics,0/285
- The Research on P2P Model for Farmers’ Loan,LiuYanBo/Liaoning University,0/420
- Research on Credit Risk Evaluation of P2P Lending in China,LiuZhiTing/Guangxi University,0/2821
- An Empirical Research on the Factors of Decision-Making Behavior of Online P2P Lending in China:Based on Three Platform,NiZeHao/Donghua University,0/319
- Analysis and Research on development prospects of economics situation, P2P financing mode,HanYu/University of Electronic Science and Technology,0/48
- Research on Group Lending of SMEs in Online P2P Lending Platforms,NiXiaoFen/Huaqiao University,0/10
- Research on the Intermediary Functions of Online Peer-to-Peer Lending Platform,ChenLi/Hunan University,0/227
- The Investigation Report of P2P Lending,YangZhongMin/Southwestern University of Finance and Economics,1/0
- The Research on Pricing Issues of P2P Lending Platform,XuWenJie/Dongbei University of Finance,0/53
- Risk Management of P2P Network Financing Mode,WangSheng/Zhejiang University of Technology,0/39
- The Construction of P2P Networks Lending Risk Management System in China,LuoYang/Zhejiang University of Technology,0/77
- Research on Kernel-based Credit Risk Model in P2P Lending,GaoJian/Huazhong University of Science and Technology,0/95
- Research on Knowledge Sharing Model of Semantic Community Based on P2P Networks,ShiBoWen/Xi'an University of Electronic Science and Technology,0/5
- Peer to Peer Network Credit of the Borrower’s Credit Risk Assessment Research,JiangYan/Nanjing University of Technology and Engineering,0/210
- Botnet Design and Implementation for Internet Offensive and Defensive Test Platform,LiuXingLong/Harbin Institute of Technology,0/29
- Research on Detection of Peer-to-Peer Botnet,ZhangShuai/Harbin Institute of Technology,0/14
- Trust Management Against Risks in Peer to Peer E-Commerce,Ngui; Felix Musau(MuSa)/Central South University,0/352
- Research on Key Technologies of Anonymous Communication Based on Peer-to-peer Network,MaZuo/Tianjin University,0/8
- Research on P2P Worm Defense Model in Dynamic Environment,TangHaoKun/University of Electronic Science and Technology,0/58
- The Application of Client Puzzle and Trust Mechanisms in the Mobile Internet,RaoDaHeng/Ningbo University,0/0
- Research on Trust Model for Dynamic Malicious Behavior in P2P Network,YanXiangShuai/Northeastern University,0/0
- P2P network trust model based on transaction characteristics and feedback evaluation,ZhangWeiZuo/Jiangxi University of Technology,0/40
- Research of a Trust Model Based on the Improved Ant Colony Algorithm in P2P Networks,WangQingLian/Anhui Agricultural University,0/28
- Propagation Model and Construction of Scale-free Semi-distributed P2P Botnet,HuangBiao/Sichuan Normal University,0/8
- The Application of P2P Traffic Identify and Monitoring Technology In the Network Operation,TianWeiWei/Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications,0/1
- Research on the Modeling Algorithm About Hierarchical Trust in Mobile P2P Network,CuiKai/Northeastern University,0/1
- Design and Implementation of P2P-VoD System Based on BitTorrent,ZhuangYingJie/Northeastern University,0/2
- Study on Community-Based Information Retrieval System in Peer-to-Peer Networks,YangMeiZuo/Xi'an University of Electronic Science and Technology,0/17
- Research on Game Server Architecture Based on Kademlia,ZhongZuoLong/Donghua University,0/11
- The Research on WAN Distributed Storage Technologies Based on P2P Architecture,YangLei/Hunan University,0/14
- Research on Route Mechanism of Publish/Subscribe Systems Based on Structured P2P,XuDongDong/Harbin Engineering University,0/12
- Research and Improvement of Distributed Lookup Protocol Based on Chord,LiaoXiaoNa/Tianjin University,0/0
- Research on the P2P Node Tracking Algorithm Based on Interference,WangWuLing/Huazhong University of Science and Technology,0/1
- Research on Churn-resistance Mobile P2P Overlays,LiJun/Harbin Engineering University,0/29
- Research on Kev Technologies of Content Distribution in P2P Network,ZhangJianWei/Zhejiang University,0/24
- Research and Implementatioil of Mobile Streaming Media Platform Based on Cloud Computing,ChangLong/Northeastern University,0/9
- Data Consistency Research in P2P Environment,PengYang/Central South University,0/9
- Research on the improvement of Chord algorithm in P2P network,CaoLei/Shaanxi Normal University,0/19
- Algorithm Research on resource search in unstructured P2P network,FangPei/Shaanxi Normal University,0/27
- Research of the Trust Management Model for P2P Based on the Membership Degree,YangZuo/Hubei University,0/10
- Research and Implementation of Resources Search Algorithm Based on Unstructured P2P Network,SunZhanBiao/Northeastern University,0/4
- Research on Resource Sharing Technology in Mobile P2P,XingBaoShu/Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications,0/12
- Research on Unstructured P2P Searching Technology Based on Ant Colony Algorithm,LiXiaoNa/Jiangxi Normal University,0/37
- Topology Construction for P2P Streaming System Based on Complex Network,ZhuJianLei/Xi'an University of Science and Technology,0/24
- Researches of Network Topology Construction Based on Cayley Graph and Small-world Phenomena,ZhangZuo/South China University of Technology,0/18
- Research on Improvement of JXTA Network Routing Algorithm,JiangZuo/East China University of Science and Technology,0/8
- Modeling and Optimization for the Repair Strategy of the Fixed Nodes in a Hybrid P2P Network,WangChenFei/Yanshan University,0/1
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