About 277 item dissertation in line with Performance Index query results,the following is 1 to 50(Search took 0.084 seconds)
- The Performance Examination Research for Technical Person in TR Company,WangZuo/South China University of Technology,0/92
- The Research on the Performance Appraisal System Based on Process Networks,CuiWenZuo/Shandong University of Finance and Economics,0/1
- The Optimization Study on the Index System of the Textile Enterprise Environmental Performance Evaluation,ShaoHua/Ningbo University,0/1
- China’s Regional Energy Saving and Emission Reduction Performance and Influencing Factors Analysis,ZhangDan/Hunan University,0/83
- Research on the Financial Performance Evaluation Indicators System of the Real Estate Listed Companies,YuSha/Harbin University of Science and Technology,0/37
- A Real Estate Company Based on the Balanced Scorecard Performance Management Research,HuangXiaoMing/East China University of Science and Technology,0/108
- Construction and Empirical Study on Dual Performance Evaluation Index System of Social Enterprise,HuLan/Hunan University,0/58
- Research on Structure Optimization of Alunminum-alloy Casting Robot,ZhuJingZhong/Harbin Institute of Technology,0/58
- Research on the Performance and Parameters Identification of a Six-axis Accelerometer,ChenPeng/Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics,0/7
- The Design and Implementation of Encryption Security Chip for USB KEY,WangZhuo/University of Chinese Academy of Sciences,College of Engineering&Information Technology,0/2
- Performance Analysis and Size Optimization Design of a Fire Monitor Based on Parallel Mechanism,ChuiGuoHui/East China Jiaotong University,0/4
- Study on Seismic Fragility Analysis for Reinforced Concrete Core Walls Structure,YangFeng/Xi'an University of Architecture and Technology,0/24
- Research on Evaluation Index of Port Logistics Performance,GuHongXia/Chongqing Jiaotong University,0/128
- Study on the Road Performance of Argillaceous Soft Rock and Slag,WangMingZuo/Chang'an University,0/3
- Study and Application of Highway Maintenance Management System,ZhuYing/Hubei University of Technology,0/6
- Analysis Design and Experimental Study for Vertical Docking Test Platform,SunLiLi/Harbin University of Science and Technology,0/3
- Input shaping method in the application of flexible spacecraft attitude maneuver control of,LinBing/Nanjing University of Technology and Engineering,0/15
- The Study on Comprehensive Evaluation of Enterprise Performance of Low Carbon,MengFanHui/Shandong University of Finance and Economics,0/2
- Study on the Safety Assessment of Construction Project,ChenLin/Huazhong University of Science and Technology,0/23
- Study on the Performance of Magnetic Abrasive by Hot Pressing Sintering,HaoGuangHua/Taiyuan University of Technology,0/18
- Theoretical Analysis and Experimental Research of Liquid Hydrostatic Slide's Performance of Gantry Turning and Milling Center,ZhaoJianHua/Yanshan University,0/18
- China Geological Exploration Design of Performance Evaluation Index System,WeiYueFang/Shijiazhuang University of Economics,0/40
- A Study on Performance Evaluation for Marketing Team in XianYang Branch of China Construction Bank,TangYuMing/Northwestern University,0/78
- A Comparative Study of the Regional Tourism Industry Agglomeration Performance and Competitive Situation in Hebei Province,LiZuo/Yanshan University,0/3
- Study on the Selection of Key Preformance Index of the Innovation Enterprise Based on the Broadband Compensation,WangYan/Yanshan University,0/137
- A Study on the Staff Performance Appraisal System of Shenyang Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine Bureau,LiZuo/Jilin University,0/74
- Research on Reconfiguration of Comprehensive Appraisal System of Middle Management for JL Group,ZhouJing/Chongqing University of Technology,0/1
- The Design and Application of Performance Management System Based on Strategic Objectives,HouYinMei/Chengdu University of Technology,0/270
- A Study on the Relationship between the Characteristics of Managers of Listed Companies and Company Operating Performance,TianXueZuo/Shenyang University of Technology,0/25
- The Design on Performance Evaluation System of JiaYang Company,YangBinHui/Dalian University of Technology,0/73
- Research on the Performance Management System of Guangda Technology Corporation,LiQiang/North China Electric Power University,0/43
- Performance Assessment Model for Provincial Power Companies based on Dynamic Theory,WuZuoQun/North China Electric Power University,0/78
- The Research of S Power Company Employee KPIs Based on the BSC System,HuYue/Xi'an University of Petroleum,0/64
- Research for Performance Management System of JIER Group Company,LiuWei/Shandong University,0/149
- The Research of G Town Village Cadres Performance Evaluation Index System,WuJunTao/Huazhong University of Science and Technology,0/55
- Study on the Development of Farmer’s Cooperative in Yangling,RanChiNong/Northwest University of Science and Technology,0/51
- Performance appraisal index design of the Balanced Scorecard Based on property engineering personnel,JiaXiaoChen/Capital University of Economics,0/4
- Study on Express Delivery Logistics Performance Evaluation System,WangXiaoDan/Nanchang University,1/215
- A Study on the Operation Performance of Strategy Alliance for Industrial Technology Innovation,WangJing/Hangzhou University of Electronic Science and Technology,1/337
- The Research on FDI’s Impact of Hefei City,WangBaoBao/Anhui University,0/100
- Research on performance evaluation of e-commerce alliance,MaLi/Yangzhou University,0/36
- Comparative Analysis on the Macro Performance of the "Brics"’s Foreign Direct Investment,HuQin/Zhejiang University of Technology,0/133
- Do Environmental Regulation Influence the Trade Competitiveness of Solar Energy Products?,LinZhiYing/Jinan University,0/12
- The Design of Quadruped Robot Based on2-UPS&UP Parallel Mechanism Leg,NiSen/Yanshan University,0/64
- Global performance and optimization of PRS-XY series parallel robot,ZhuHaiNing/Nanjing University of Technology and Engineering,3/128
- Research on a Novel Humanoid Mechanical Leg,LiuYi/Zhejiang University of Technology,0/33
- Research on Structure Optimization of Heavy Load Industrial Robot with Joint Flexibility Considered,ZhaoXinXiang/Harbin Institute of Technology,0/8
- Research of I4R parallel robot global performance and its optimization,LiuPingSong/Nanjing University of Technology and Engineering,0/88
- Dynamics Analysis of3-PRRU Parallel Robot,DuanQiHan/Zhejiang University of Technology,0/141
- The performance of swarm intelligence algorithm for image segmentation analysis and optimization method research,LiuYanLi/Shaanxi Normal University,1/157
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