
About 8 item dissertation in line with Phenylurea herbicides query results,the following is 1 to 50(Search took 0.021 seconds)

  1. Development of an Enzyme Linked-Immunosorbent Assay for the Determination of Phenylurea Herbicides,YuanMeng/Tianjin University of Science and Technology,0/4
  2. Isolation and Indentification of Oproturon Degrading Strains:Degradation Characteristic and Application,SunJiQuan/Nanjing Agricultural College,0/14
  3. Ionic Liquid Based Microwave-assisted Extraction of Triazine and Phenylurea Herbicides from Environmental Medium,ZhongQiu/Beijing University of Chemical Technology,0/93
  4. Synthesis and Recognition Mechanism of Molecularly Imprinted Polymers for Phenylurea Herbicides and Genistein and Their Application Study,WangJinCheng/Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics,1/585
  5. Application of Dispersive Liquid Liquid Microextraction to Treatment of Environmental Water and Biological Samples,WangYing/Jilin University,0/99
  6. Ultraviolet Photolysis Efficiency of Phenylurea Herbicides and Their Derivatization Conditions with OPA,ZhiJianLiang/Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences,0/39
  7. Studies on Quantitative Structure Activity Research of Phenylurea Herbicides and Their Analysis Methods,YangDi/Nanjing University of Technology,1/151
  8. Studies on the Analysis Methods and the Treatments of Phenylurea Herbicides in Environment,ZhangJuan/Nanjing University of Technology,1/173

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