About 87 item dissertation in line with Political Stability query results,the following is 1 to 50(Search took 0.052 seconds)
- Research on the Relationship between Income Distribution and Middle Income Trap,YangLi/Nankai University,0/139
- The Study on "One-Party Dominant System" of Malaysia(1946-1990),MoYanHua/Tianjin Normal University,0/2
- The Analysis of the Influences of Netizen Internationalization to Political Stability in China,MaZuoZuo/Northeastern University,0/0
- The Research on the Political Legitimacy of the Contemporary China,WanAnZuo/Shanxi Normal University,0/4
- Discuss the Thought of CPC Maintaining the Stability in Xinjiang since the Founding of New China,GuLiSiTan·YaSheng/Xinjiang Normal University,0/42
- Analysis of bilateral economic and trade relations in recent 20 years,PaLiWeiZi/Foreign Service Institute,0/117
- Transition of rural social management mechanism innovation and basic research on political stability in Xintai "peace association" as an example,WangHuanHuan/Qufu Normal University,0/179
- Political Stability Problem Analysis in the Process of the Political Development in National Regions,HouXiaoYan/Inner Mongolia University,0/31
- Study on the mechanism of grass-roots government stability stability under pressure,ZuoNa/Nanjing Normal University,0/1
- Network foreign influence on national political security analysis,ZhangZuo/Shaanxi Normal University,0/109
- The political party system and political stability in the process of modernization in Mexico,ZhengZuoWen/Foreign Service Institute,0/3
- Research on the problem of the Egyptian political stability from the perspective of modernization,QiuJunJie/Foreign Service Institute,1/180
- Political stability and Singapore authoritarian system,WangHongTao/Nanjing Normal University,0/2
- The Study on Political Stability of Kyrgyzstan,CaoChunYan/Lanzhou University,0/140
- Tunder the Perspective of Political Stability and Local Government Management Innovation,WangLi/Zhengzhou University,0/124
- Influence of political blog in China on China's political stability,LiuChuanYuan/Foreign Service Institute,0/48
- Network Expression of Interests of Political Stability and Its Countermeasures,JiaoGuangJun/Northeast Normal University,0/56
- Study of Contemporary College Students’ Political Identity under the Perspective of Political Stability,ZhangHaiYan/Guangxi Normal University,0/63
- Research on Deng Xiaoping’s Social Stability Concept,DongLing/Liaoning University,0/93
- Benevolent Governance and Governance,LiuYanLi/Henan University,0/73
- Searching for the Balance between Development and Stability,MengJun/Zhejiang University,2/904
- On Social Stability of the Contemporary China: History, Challenges and Countermeasures,LiChuanZhu/The Central Party School,3/996
- The new era of political stability study,JuJian/Nanjing Normal University,2/1049
- Mexican Modern Ejido Institution,GaoBo/Beijing University,2/316
- Interests Separation and Political Stability in the Transition of Chinese Social Stratum and Class Structure,LiuXiaoKai/Northeast Normal University,7/2013
- The contemporary political stability Mechanism,LiuHuaAn/The Central Party School,18/1285
- Transition and Development : National Problem and political stability,ChenZuo/Central University for Nationalities,1/1690
- On the Political Stability Problem in Sadt-Mubarak’s Egypt,BiJianKang/Graduate School of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences,1/474
- Ethnic relations to coordinate the development and political stability,SongZuoHua/Central University for Nationalities,0/410
- Economic crisis , social mobilization and political stability,LuoYang/The Central Party School,0/338
- State Control and Social Autonomy,LiuDaYu/Jilin University,0/261
- Countryside Information Risk and Countryside Political Stability under Information Background,OuSanRen/Hunan Normal University,1/214
- Disadvantaged social transformation studies on the impact of political stability,YangQiaoYan/Northwest Normal University,2/400
- Research on Current Chinese Citizen’s Orderly Political Participation,GuoLiJiang/Northwest Normal University,3/310
- Social Stratification and Political Stability Research in Contemporary China,YangRongJun/Sichuan University,3/737
- Analysis of Mauritius Democratic Politics,YuZuo/Huazhong University of Science and Technology,0/113
- Research on the Political Stability in the Era of Mao-Zedong,ZhangPeiJuan/Henan University,0/148
- On Political Stability of Higher Education Institutions in the 21~(st) Century,ZhaoJing/Wuhan University,2/221
- Medical Insurance System and the Social Stability,QiChang/Jilin University,3/565
- China vulnerable to political influence stability,JinAiHui/Northeast Normal University,1/459
- Chinese social and political function of volunteer organizations,DuWenYan/Shanghai Normal University,9/748
- The Study of the Stability of the Politics of the Present Age of China,LiAiGuo/Southwest Jiaotong University,5/427
- Party system function output : A study of political stability in transition China New Perspective,HuShiPing/Nanjing Normal University,0/321
- On Deng Xiaoping’s Thought of Political Stability and Realistic Thinking,TaoMan/East China Normal University,2/247
- About the Influence of Interest Differentiation on the Political Stability in the Social Transition Period of Our Country,WangXian/Southeast University,0/327
- Qin and Han report rape law Preliminary,LiuFanZhen/Zhengzhou University,1/313
- The Influence of Contemporary Chinese Autonomous Organization of Countryside Society Upon Political Development of Countryside,WangHaiFeng/Wuhan University,1/323
- Evolution of contemporary Chinese social class structure and political stability,ZhongYiZhi/Nanjing Normal University,2/352
- The Research on the Influence of City Dwellers’ Social Mobility on Political Stability and the Relevant Measures in Contemporary China,ZhangXing/Zhejiang Normal University,0/224
- On the Factors and Mechanisms of Present Rural Political Stability in Our Country,WangHuanYan/Jilin University,2/443
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