
About 115 item dissertation in line with Post-cold war query results,the following is 1 to 50(Search took 0.017 seconds)

  1. Research on Post Cold War Relations between Vietnam and France(1991-2011),WuMingXiong(VO MINH HUNG)/Central China Normal University,0/2
  2. Research on the Russian Japanese relations after the Cold War,WangChengLong/Shandong Normal University,0/1
  3. After the cold war between India and its effect on the Chinese,WangHongKun/Shandong Normal University,0/10
  4. Analysis of United States’ Taiwan Strait Policy after the Cold War,WangMinLi/Nanjing University,0/0
  5. Japan to study Africa aid after the Cold War,LiuMingYang/Foreign Service Institute,0/2
  6. The Study on America's Exporting Democracy in the Post-Cold War,ZengZhuo/Central South University,1/56
  7. Analysis of Post-cold-war Central Asia Policy of Turkey,WuYuanZuo/Xinjiang University,0/63
  8. U.S. Foreign Policy: Regime Change after the Cold War,SunNing/Liaoning University,0/10
  9. Russian Polish relations after the Cold War,TangJuan/Heilongjiang University,0/27
  10. The U.S.Strategy in East Asia after the Cold War and China’s Response,ZhangZuoZe/Nanchang University,0/29
  11. After the cold war, Japanese foreign policy-making process research,YingJingXiuCheng/Fudan University,1/432
  12. After the cold war American foreign intervention study,ZhangYanHong/Qingdao University,0/131
  13. The Study of Post-Cold War’s US Aid to Africa: Contents, Reasons and Evaluation,JiangXinRu/Hebei Normal,0/135
  14. Research on India policy in Central Asia after the Cold War,ZhouMing/The Central Party School,0/308
  15. Study on the output American democracy in Post Cold War Era,LuXia/Shandong Normal University,1/189
  16. A Study on China-russia Relationship in the Post Cold War Era,ZhangHaiXia/Jilin University,0/718
  17. Research America arms sales to Taiwan after the Cold War,ZuoFangZhou/The Central Party School,0/167
  18. Analysis USA policy decision-making cognition after the Cold War,SongDa/The Central Party School,0/392
  19. After the cold war, the Russian anti missile policy and to Chinese enlightenment,YangKaiDa/Foreign Service Institute,0/0
  20. In the post Cold War evolution of NATO strategic concept to see us European relations change,LiZuo/Foreign Service Institute,0/0
  21. Research on "Responsibility to Protect",LiuLian/Central China Normal University,0/19
  22. Post-cold War Period of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization,GongYan/Yan'an University,0/18
  23. "Why study replicated armed" based on the analysis of the macro political quantitative tools for learning,LiYunFan/Fudan University,0/15
  24. Russian Studies in United Kingdom in the Post-Cold War Period,FengShuai/East China Normal University,0/289
  25. A Study on Japan’s Grand Strategy Adjustment in the Post-cold War Era,MaQianLi/China University of Political Science,0/336
  26. Australia’s Maritime Strategy (1991-2009),WangQianZhu/Jiangxi Normal University,0/13
  27. Discussing about the Adjustment and Influence of Indian Policy on Central Asia during the Post-cold War Period,LiFang/Xinjiang Normal University,0/44
  28. A Study on Japan’s Image in Time in Post-Cold War Era-1991-2011,DongXiaoShu/Jilin University,0/82
  29. On the Changes of the Britain’s International Role after the Post Cold War,XuZuo/Nanjing University,0/262
  30. The Research on the Energy Diplomacy of Japan in Post-Cold War,CaoSiKang/Shanxi University,0/91
  31. From Empire to International Community,RenDongBo/Jilin University,0/348
  32. India’s Diplomacy and Strategic Security in Post-Cold War Scenario,ZhangLi/Sichuan University,2/873
  33. Power, Security and Economic Interest: US-India Relationship in Post-Cold-War Era,TangYuHua/Jinan University,2/614
  34. The United States after the Cold War policies in Latin America,ZhuHongBo/Fudan University,3/580
  35. The evolution of the post- Cold War era , U.S. policy toward North Korea,ZhanDeBin/Fudan University,6/720
  36. The US Global Strategy and US-Taiwan Relations at the Post-Cold-War Ear,TanShiPing/Jinan University,9/1101
  37. Study on the Ethnic Separatism in the Post-Cold War Era,ZhangYouGuo/Jilin University,1/1051
  38. The American multicultural diplomatic policy and its historical evolution of,ZhuQuanHong/East China Normal University,9/1609
  39. The post-Cold War era of the Chinese political and security,YinShuYan/The Central Party School,5/630
  40. On the Reason Why U.S.A.Demonize China,TianBingXin/Jinan University,3/602
  41. China-Africa Political and Economic Relations in the 21st Century: An Analysis of China’s New Involvement into Africa,WangAnFei/Jilin University,0/559
  42. A Research on the South Korea Policy in Northest Asia,MaJing/Yanbian University,0/380
  43. Studies on the Soviet Union & Russia in Japan in the Post-Cold War Period,YanDeXue/East China Normal University,0/62
  44. Russia’s Middle East Policy and Case Study in the Post-Cold War Era,LiYanChang/Northwestern University,0/132
  45. Armed Humanitarian Intervention in Post Cold War Conflicts: an Analysis of Nato’s Intervention in Kosovo (1999),ShiDiFen(Chuka Enuka)/Jilin University,0/397
  46. The US-EU Security Regime in the Post Cold War Era,YinXiang/Shanghai Jiaotong University,0/115
  47. A Study on OSCE in Post Cold War,WangZuo/East China Normal University,1/106
  48. The Diplomacy Choice of Turkey in the Post-Cold War Era: The West and the Middle East,MiZhi/Inner Mongolia University for Nationalities,0/185
  49. A Study on U.S.-Brazil Relations in Post-Cold War Era,GuoHaiTao/Jilin University,1/126
  50. The Study on Taiwan Issue under the Framework of Sino-U.S-Japan Trilateral Relations in Post Cold War,ZuYan/Harbin Engineering University,2/391

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