About 58 item dissertation in line with Pulse Doppler query results,the following is 1 to 50(Search took 0.08 seconds)
- Study on the high speed moving target detection algorithm,YuXiaoLong/Nanjing University of Technology and Engineering,0/29
- Research and Realization of Jamming Technology Against Pulse Doppler Radar,DaiXiaoJun/Jiangsu University of Science and Technology,0/4
- Study on Anti-interference Technique and Applied Research of Pulse Doppler Radar,YangMengFei/Jilin University,0/115
- Study on Target Detection and its Related Topics for Missile-borne Phased-array PD Radar,CuiZhongZheng/Hunan University,0/45
- A Study of Clutter Suppression and Target Resolution Algorithm for Missile-borne Phased Array PD Radar,DengZhiXiang/Hunan University,1/27
- Research of Ambiguity Problem in Pulse Doppler Weather Radars,LiMinJie/Hefei University of Technology,0/5
- Short range millimeter wave radar target detection,WuDaiLong/Nanjing University of Technology and Engineering,0/92
- The Research and Realization on Virtual Prototype of the Millimeter-Wave Fuse,SongChunMei/Shanghai Jiaotong University,0/35
- On Signal Processing Algorithms for Pulse & Inter-pulse Binary Phase Coded Radar Altimeter,LiuJianXin/University of Electronic Science and Technology,3/437
- A Quantitative Measurement and Numerical Simulation of Turbulent Hydrodynamic Characteristics Downstream of the Stenostic Tubular Steady Flow in Vitro,GuoYingQiang/Sichuan University,0/141
- Theoretical Analysis and Study on the Signal Processing in Space-time Four-dimensional Antenna Arrays,LiGang/University of Electronic Science and Technology,0/295
- Quantitative Study of Fetal Heart Conduction Time Intervals by Tissue Doppler Imaging and Pulse Doppler Echocardiography,YangYuan/Zhejiang University,0/92
- Jamming Technique and Implementation for Countering PD Radar Based on DRFM,LiuYong/National University of Defense Science and Technology,13/317
- Research on Multi-target Resolution Technology of Millimeter PD Radar,DiQingLin/National University of Defense Science and Technology,4/165
- The Research of Airborne Pulse-Doppler Radar Identification System,LiYuCai/Xi'an University of Electronic Science and Technology,1/298
- PD Radar Data Processing System Simulation,GaoAiLi/University of Electronic Science and Technology,13/539
- Airborne PD radar signal environment simulation,DengQiang/University of Electronic Science and Technology,4/409
- Pulsed Doppler Weather Radar Signal Processing System,ZhangHua/Nanjing University of Technology and Engineering,9/561
- Modeling and simulation studies of pulse Doppler radar seeker,LiuJianCheng/People's Liberation Army National Defense University of Science and Technology,13/823
- The the PD radar receiver and signal processing system simulation study,ZhangJianHua/University of Electronic Science and Technology,25/680
- Target Detection in Clutter for Airborne PD Radar,ZhouYiNan/Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics,0/273
- Endoscopic Ultrasonography in Nasal Cavity, Paranasal Sinuses and Skull Base,CuiZuoZuo/PLA Postgraduate Medical School,0/33
- ( The radar part ) modeling and simulation of aircraft power supply system,ZhaoXinKai/Northwestern Polytechnical University,0/275
- Pulse Doppler radar signal processing digital simulation,WeiYongHao/Sichuan University,6/877
- Based on the theory of high-precision radar pulse Doppler velocimetry,ChenQuanBin/Nanjing University of Technology and Engineering,1/497
- The variable polarization technical system program,YangChen/Nanjing University of Technology and Engineering,6/190
- Ambiguity Resolution Research in Pulse Doppler Weather Radars,TangZuo/Anhui University,1/153
- Development of Blood Flow Measurement System by Pulse Doppler Ultrasound,LiHongFa/Jilin University,4/325
- Tau Tracking System Modeling and Simulation Technology pulsed Doppler guide,WangGang/Northwestern Polytechnical University,3/459
- The towed radar active bait interference technology research,CuiXu/University of Electronic Science and Technology,16/459
- Alteration of Left Ventricular Diastolic Function During Off-pump Coronary Artery Bypass and Its Clinical Significance,LiRong/Qingdao University,0/31
- The Processing Methods of Pulse Doppler (PD) Weather Radar Radial Direction Velocity Datum and Identification of the Low Level Jet,YangZuoZuo/Nanjing University of Information Engineering,0/166
- Rearch on the Jamming Technology to PD Radar,LuMin/Xi'an University of Electronic Science and Technology,12/642
- Research on Identifying Techniques to Pulse-Doppler Radar System,ChenGenHua/Xi'an University of Electronic Science and Technology,0/591
- PD radar receiver and signal processing systems SPW simulation,ZhuChiHeng/University of Electronic Science and Technology,6/340
- Development of computer-controlled highway rear-end collision warning system communication unit,GaoYan/Chang'an University,5/263
- Kalman filter -based target detection and tracking of road,ShiYiYuan/Chang'an University,7/782
- High pulse repetition frequency interference effects on pulse Doppler radar,LiuKai/University of Electronic Science and Technology,2/325
- Typical radar jamming system simulation technology research,WangXin/Nanjing University of Technology and Engineering,16/908
- Pulsed Doppler weather radar signal processing system research,XuBaiKui/Nanjing University of Technology and Engineering,6/377
- Modeling and Simulation Techniques Research for Airborne Radar,ZhaoXiaoHui/Xi'an University of Electronic Science and Technology,3/0
- Pulsed Doppler signal processing / active interference modeling and simulation,LiJing/Xi'an University of Electronic Science and Technology,4/307
- The Modeling and Simulation of Airborne Pulse-Doppler Radar Echo,ChengGang/Xi'an University of Electronic Science and Technology,6/322
- Modeling and Simulation of Radio Fuze System,GaoWei/Xi'an University of Electronic Science and Technology,2/217
- Effect of the Preload on Tissue Doppler Imaging Evaluating Left Ventricular Function,ZhangJie/Huazhong University of Science and Technology,0/21
- The Use of Brain Natriuretic Peptide (BNP) and Tissue Doppler Imaging (TDI) to Diagnosis Asymptomatic Heart Failure (AHF) in Elderly Patients,ZuoHaiXiong/Fujian Medical,0/100
- Research on Towed Decoy Jamming Mechanism,JiXiaoLin/Xi'an University of Electronic Science and Technology,5/121
- Study for Scattering of Rainfall in Millimeter Wave Band and Effect on the Doppler Fuze,ZhuChao/Xi'an University of Electronic Science and Technology,2/120
- PRCPM composite pulsed Doppler probe signal processing technology research,XuYuanYin/Nanjing University of Technology and Engineering,2/115
- The Methods Research on Anti-Jamming of Towed Decoys for Millimeter Wave Mono-pulse Doppler Radar,LiaoYun/Hunan University,6/178
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