
About 100 item dissertation in line with Quasi-public goods query results,the following is 1 to 50(Search took 0.030 seconds)

  1. The Analysis of Problems and Countermeasures of Quasi-Public Goods in the City-free-Opening City Parks,XuYanLing/Shanghai Jiaotong University,0/61
  2. Multi-Objective Pricing Model Application in Quasi-Public Goods Investment and Pricing,ZuoHuaLi/Zhejiang Technology and Business University,0/1
  3. Research on the Existing Problems and the Countermeasures of Preschool Education in China,ChenYing/Dongbei University of Finance,0/28
  4. Supply of Special Equipment Inspection and Optimization Methods,ZhuYuFei/Southwestern University of Finance and Economics,0/27
  5. From Collective Consensus to Collective Deadbeat:Farmers' Collective Action in Different Places-using the Case of the H Team of Hu Village in the North Hunan Province to Build Road for Example,HuangZuoLei/Central China Normal University,0/0
  6. The Study on High Speed Railway Ticket System from the Perspective of Quasi Public Goods,ZhangHanQing/Dongbei University of Finance,0/4
  7. The Research on the Guangzhou Metro Supply Mode,XinTengFei/Jinan University,0/25
  8. Research on the Problem of Rural Workers’ Housing and Housing Security Policy,YangJunLing/Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics,0/190
  9. The impact of the national macro-control on real estate market,CaiJun/Fudan University,0/592
  10. China’s Quasi-public Goods to a Diversified Supply of Study,ZuoLongFei/Southwestern University of Finance and Economics,2/554
  11. The evaluation and Countermeasure of vehicle operation efficiency suggest that primary and middle schools in Kunming,DuanYiCai/Yunnan University,0/67
  12. Research on China's post baccalaureate teacher education development and the role of government,LiHaiLi/Nanjing Normal University,0/58
  13. The Demand and Supply Analysis of Chinese City Supporting Resource for Elderly,LongZuo/Zhejiang University,0/201
  14. The Analysis of Supply-demand Equilibrium of Migrant Workers Training at the Present Stage,LiTong/Shandong University,0/179
  15. Research on government responsibility of preschool education in China,LuoJin/Central University for Nationalities,0/9
  16. Investigation on Government Functions in the Field of Supplying Quasi-public Goods,XuJing/Fujian Normal University,0/155
  17. A Study on the Fund Supply and Demand of the Final Management and Maintenance in Agricultural Land Consolidation Project,ZhangHaiZuo/Huazhong Agricultural University,0/2
  18. Research on the Supply Mode of Urban Public Bicycle Service,ZuoNa/Guangxi University,0/0
  19. Research of Domestic Waste Disposal in Rural Area Based on the Perspective of Quasi-Public Goods,YuWei/Zhejiang University of Finance,0/206
  20. Change and Innovation of Public Goods Provision System in Rural China,HuangLiHua/Jilin University,13/1316
  21. Research on the Private Provision of Quasi-public Goods and the Role of Government,ZhengShuYao/Liaoning University,10/1991
  22. Study on Rent and the Rent-seeking Game in the Provision of Public Goods,HongBiGang/Hunan University,2/882
  23. A Study on the Function of State-run Economy on the Provision of Quasi-public Goods,GaoHeWen/Jilin University,3/511
  24. Study on the External Effect of Quasi-public Goods in Urban, Taxes Compensation by Beneficiary and Local Fiscal Transition,LuoDongQiu/Chongqing University,2/565
  25. Responsibility of government to promote the development of China 's smart grid analysis,ZhangGang/Institute of Fiscal Science,2/797
  26. The Research on Quasi-public Product Supply Policy and State-owned Economy Function and Institutional Innovation,ChenYao/Jilin University,0/314
  27. Research on the New Rural Cooperative Medical System in China,WanYaJun/Sichuan University,2/457
  28. On the Supply of Guangzhou Community Health Service,QiuShuoJia/Jinan University,3/546
  29. Feasibility Study of City Public Goods Provided by Private Sector,HaoLiHua/Suzhou University,2/363
  30. China's current rural public facilities operating mode selection,HaoPengFei/Jinan University,1/273
  31. China's medical services diversified supply system research,WangMin/South China Normal University,4/390
  32. The Pricing Research of Chinese Quasi-Public Goods Developed with Foreign Capitals,TianXueXin/Shenyang University of Technology,3/204
  33. The Research about the Tuition Questions of Higher Vocational-technical Education,QianHuFeng/Anhui University,1/321
  34. The Theory That National Government Charges Western Market Economy is Analysed and Drawn Lessons,WangJingLiang/Jilin University,2/267
  35. China 's urban water the cause of Reform Analysis,WangYu/Southwestern University of Finance and Economics,6/434
  36. Grants investigate the fairness and efficiency,ZhangYinCheng/Zhejiang University,13/654
  37. Research on Polycentric Governance and Urban Park Management,TaoFeng/Shanghai Jiaotong University,3/469
  38. College of financing research,XuGuangYu/Hunan University,6/843
  39. Quasi-public goods supply and pricing theory and practice,ChenXiaoAn/Southwestern University of Finance and Economics,34/1410
  40. Evasion of Public Risks in Market Provision of Quasi-Public Goods in China,JiaXuan/Shanghai Jiaotong University,2/432
  41. The Financing of Underground Railway Item: The Combating between Government and Market Behavior,XiaYongYuan/Jinan University,0/666
  42. The Research on Money Raising Strategy of Non-Profit Organizations,WangWenHong/Hunan University,5/933
  43. Chinese broadcasting industry of government regulation,LiFang/Dongbei University of Finance,1/226
  44. China's new rural cooperative medical system,ZhengHuiBin/Dongbei University of Finance,8/717
  45. Public Policy Analysis on Private Forest Subsidy Institution,HongZhiSheng/Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University,1/317
  46. The Study of the Government Quasi-public Goods Supply System in Less Developed Areas,ZhangLiZuo/Guizhou University,2/355
  47. New Era Chinese Rural Endowment Insurance Run by Commercial Company,TianLing/Hebei University,0/290
  48. Research of Quasi-public Goods and Scenic Spot Ticket Pricing,ShiHuiLai/Capital University of Economics,10/750
  49. SME credit guarantee system for research,XueQingRui/Shandong University,3/327
  50. A Study on the Government’s Management of Independent Institute,WuChangQing/Huazhong University of Science and Technology,12/376

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