
About 45 item dissertation in line with Security investment fund query results,the following is 1 to 50(Search took 0.044 seconds)

  1. The Study on the Exercise of Equity by Mananger of Security Investment Fund,ChenLingLing/China University of Political Science,0/61
  2. Research on Improving the Governance Structure of Contractual Security Investment Fund in China,LiuCuiXia/Hunan University,0/76
  3. The Research on the Trading Behavior of Chinese Security Investment Funds Based on Momentum,YuXiang/Hunan University,0/658
  4. The Study on the Asset Allocation of Security Investment Fund and Performance,JiangXiaoQuan/Huazhong University of Science and Technology,1/1503
  5. The New Models of Security Investment Fund Performance Evaluation and Empirical Research of Medium-long Period Performance Evaluation of Chinese Funds,LiXianLi/Tongji University,7/1832
  6. Nonlinear Theoretical Researches in Security Investment and Its Empirical Evidence Analyses in Chinese Security Market,ZhouXiaoHua/Chongqing University,5/661
  7. Investment Funds Performance Study Based on Combination Evaluation,YuZhiYan/Beijing Jiaotong University,0/211
  8. Study on Performance Evaluation of Security Investment Fund,LiXiaoZuo/Xiamen University,4/288
  9. Empirical Research on Herd Behavior of Security Investment Fund,XiaoYuJun/Hunan University,1/263
  10. The Theoretical and Empirical Research of the Performance of Appraisal about Security Investment Fund,WangWei/Huazhong University of Science and Technology,0/328
  11. The Empirical Research on Performance of Security Investment Fund in China,HuaDong/Jiangsu University,0/168
  12. Research on the Supervision Validity of Security Investment Fund in China,ZuoZhengLong/Liaoning University,2/365
  13. Contractual Securities Investment Fund governance structure of legal research,ShengXia/Dongbei University of Finance,2/112
  14. Legal analysis of the internal governance structure of the securities investment fund,WuQianZuo/Southwest University of Political Science,0/262
  15. The Research and Empirical Analysis on Performance Evaluation of Our Country’s Closed-end Funds,XiaoYanFei/Hunan University,1/192
  16. Market Timing Ability of Securities Investment Fund,ZhangHongXing/Zhejiang University,1/188
  17. The Research on Dynamic Asset Allocation of Security Investment Fund Company in China,GaoFei/Southwest Jiaotong University,4/412
  18. Study on the Net Value of Security Investment Fund and Its Influendce Factors in China,TianShuo/Jilin University,2/262
  19. A Study on Security Investment Fund Governance in China,MaYuJuan/Jiangxi University of Finance,0/278
  20. An Empirical Analysis of the Performance of Chinese Security Investment Funds,WangBaoZhou/Donghua University,0/182
  21. The Study on Investment Fund and Practice in China,WangMingHao/Beijing University of Technology,0/136
  22. The System of Security Investment Fund Evaluation in China,LiJie/Beijing University of Technology,0/149
  23. The trust obligations Studies of the securities investment fund managers,MaDeYue/Southwest University of Political Science,3/198
  24. Assessment of performance analysis of China 's securities investment funds,LiuZuoQing/Southwestern University of Finance and Economics,0/265
  25. Empirical Analysis of the Securities Investment Fund Performance Evaluation in reference selection and its impact,YanYueHong/Central South University,1/135
  26. The Research on Movement and Risk Control for Security Investment Fund of China,QinZuo/Hefei University of Technology,1/354
  27. China's securities investment funds and continuous evaluation system research,ZhangXiaoJun/Shanghai Maritime University,0/202
  28. On the Relationship between Security Investment Fund and Security Market in Our Country,BaiXueRong/Sichuan University,0/371
  29. The Empirical Research on the Market Structure and the Performance of China’s Security Investment Fund,GanZhiBin/Jinan University,4/420
  30. Study on the Application of VaR Technique in Stock Market of Our Country,LinJiaQiang/Chongqing University,6/953
  31. An Empirical Study on the Performance of Chinese Security Investment Funds,LiJiangBo/Chongqing University,2/371
  32. The Research on Risk Measurement and Performance Valuation of Security Investment Fund Based on VaR,ZhangJie/Hunan University,5/796
  33. Chinese fund management company's competitive strategy research,WuTengLong/Southwestern University of Finance and Economics,0/304
  34. Research on Performance Persistence of Chinese Security Investment Fund,DongZuoHui/Qingdao University,1/212
  35. Of open-end securities investment funds Performance Study,ChenXiaoZuo/Southwestern University of Finance and Economics,5/439
  36. Insurance funds market risk analysis and countermeasures,ZhangRui/Hunan University,1/256
  37. The Research on the Regulation Mechanism of Fund Holders to Fund Managers,LiHuiJun/East China University of Political Science,6/166
  38. VaR Model and Securities Fund’s Investment Risk Management in China,ShaZuoZuo/Jinan University,2/604
  39. Research on Multi-Stage Stochastic Programming Models for Asset Allocation and Their Application,YeHua/Guangxi University,2/280
  40. The Research on Stock-picking Ability of Funds from the Perspective of Earning Announcements Alpha,LiMengLai/Hunan University,0/62
  41. Research on the Influence on Chinese Financial System by the Development of Security Investment Fund,HuangZuo/Henan Polytechnic University,0/117
  42. The Research on Performance Evaluation of Security Investment Funds,LiBiao/Southwestern University of Finance and Economics,0/187
  43. Research on Behavior of Chinese Security Investment Fund,HanZuo/Southwestern University of Finance and Economics,0/351
  44. Legal Issues of securities investment fund managers misconduct,SuLaiZuo/Fudan University,0/44
  45. Empirical Research on Investment Strategy and Performance of Security Investment Funds in China,ZhangJinXue/Dongbei University of Finance,0/135

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