
About 2230 item dissertation in line with Technological innovation query results,the following is 1 to 50(Search took 0.093 seconds)

  1. Study on the Advantages of the Science and Technology Development from the Needham Problem,OuYaNan/Wuhan University of Science and Technology,0/86
  2. Study on Hu Jintao’s Science and Technology Viewpoint,ChengCheng/Northeastern University,0/5
  3. Study on the culture of technological innovation,GuoLinSheng/Yunnan Normal University,0/16
  4. A Study on the Impact of the Adjustment of Financial Structure on the Economy of China,GaoZhi/Anhui University,0/15
  5. Study on the Impact of Technological Innovation on China’s Foreign Trade Development Pattern Conversion,ZhouJian/Nanjing University of Finance and Economics,0/2
  6. The Research on Technological Innovation Investment Strategy for B2B E-intermediary Based on Option Game,LiuXin/Nanjing University of Technology and Engineering,0/17
  7. Small and medium-sized private enterprises technology innovation and development strategy study of Nanjing Hongguo company as a case,ZhangShuJian/Nanjing University,0/12
  8. Research on High-tech Enterprises Sustainable Growth Based on Technological Innovation Performance,ZuoFenZuo/Zhejiang University of Technology,0/28
  9. The Size Distribution and Innovation’s Effect of Chinese Strategic Emerging Industries,LiuHaiYang/Dongbei University of Finance,0/11
  10. Research on performance evaluation and incentive mechanism of science and technology business incubator,SongWenZuo/Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences,0/21
  11. Breakthrough the Obstacles of Human Resource in Technological Innovation Process of Enterprises,CaiZuo/Tianjin University of Science and Technology,0/44
  12. Research of Corporate Intellectual Property Strategy to Promote High-tech Enterprises’Technological Innovation,CaoYing/Northeastern University,0/7
  13. A Study on Ecosystem’s Operation of Firms’ Technological Innovation,ZhouDaMing/Harbin Engineering University,0/270
  14. Study on the Effect of Technological Innovation on Logistics Enterprises’ Vertical Boundaries,NiuZhenGuo/Northeastern University,0/1
  15. The Research on Technology Innovation Risk Avoiding of Small and Medium-size Enterprises of Heilongjiang Province,XinKeFu/Harbin Engineering University,0/14
  16. Strategic Management of Technological Innovation in Chinese Private Enterprise M Company,LiSong/University of Electronic Science and Technology,0/6
  17. The Influence of Strategic Flexibility on Technological Innovation Capability of High-tech Enterprises,DingSuYang/Nanjing University of Finance and Economics,0/4
  18. Research on the Relation between Technical Innovation and Competitive Power Enhancement of Small and Micro Enterprises,DingYuanYuan/Nanjing University of Finance and Economics,0/25
  19. Study on Technology Innovation Ability of HAN’s LASER Based on Integration Strategy,YangChaoHui/Tianjin University,0/2
  20. The Effect of Process of Marketization on Technological Innovation of Enterprises under the Different Characteristics of Property Rights,ZhuXiaoFen/Nanjing University of Technology,0/14
  21. Research on Choices of Technological Innovation Mode in Chinese Large Enterprises,AnYaNa/Harbin Engineering University,0/271
  22. An Empirical Study on the Technical Innovation of High-Tech Industry in Hubei Province,ChengPing/Wuhan University of Technology,0/65
  23. The Research on Research and Development Project Management of the HG Company,WangJing/Hebei University of Technology,0/13
  24. Resource intensive technology innovative enterprises motivation research,LiYuanYuan/Yunnan University of Finance,0/5
  25. Listing Corporation involved in the effect of venture capital on enterprise innovation ability research,GuanKaiFu/Yunnan University of Finance,0/11
  26. The Research in Technological Innovation Approaches and the Exports of High-tech Products in Jiangsu Province,YangDeBin/Nanjing University of Finance and Economics,0/4
  27. Research on the Effect of Executives’ Equity Incentives on Technological Innovation,WanWenQiang/Hubei University,0/13
  28. Research on Preferential Tax Policy of Enterprise’s Technological Innovation in Our Country,LiuDong/Chang'an University,0/35
  29. Study on the Technological Innovative Capacity of High-tech Enterprises,ZhouPeiCheng/Anhui Agricultural University,0/72
  30. Research on Evaluation and Improvement of Technological Innovation Capacity of High-tech Industry in Guangdong Technology Economy and Management,ChenMei/Guangzhou University,0/126
  31. A Study on the Effects of Technological Innovation Investment to Technological Innovation Performance of Enterprise,TaoYongMing/Dongbei University of Finance,0/46
  32. The path and the implementation of technological innovation strategy of small and medium-sized enterprises the choice,SangChunRong/Northwestern University,0/21
  33. Studying the Impact of Innovation Environment Factors on Enterprise Technological Innovation,LiMiaoMiao/Dalian University of Technology,0/93
  34. Kunming city Wuhua science and Technology Industrial Park of science and technology innovation system construction research,TanHui/Kunming University of Science and Technology,0/22
  35. The Risk Management Research of GO Corporation HepDX Technological Innovation Project,DaiYunHua/East China University of Science and Technology,0/18
  36. The Government Subsidies, the Enterprise Technological Innovation and the Change of Finance in the Strategic and Emerging Industries,ChenWanYun/Dongbei University of Finance,0/10
  37. Research on the Risk Compensation Mechanism of Corporate Technological Innovation,Zhao/Wuhan University of Technology,0/103
  38. Survey Report Onenterprises’ Technological Innovation in Zhejiang Province,HuangEnHui/Zhejiang Technology and Business University,0/1
  39. The Organization Mode of China’s Complex Product Systems Technological Innovation in Large and Medium-sized Enterprises,WangJing/Beijing Jiaotong University,0/41
  40. Research on the Technological Innovation Diffusion Environment of the Small and Micro Tourism Enterprises Based on the Ecological System,FuJunQiang/Harbin University of Science and Technology,0/24
  41. Analysis on the effect of FDI on independent innovation of high technology industry in China,LiYanFeng/Capital University of Economics,0/6
  42. Research on Technology Innovation Efficiency of High-tech Industry,LuWenZe/University of North,0/10
  43. Research on Shanxi listed enterprise technology innovation ability, scale and performance and their relationship,ZhaoQiong/Taiyuan University of Science and Technology,0/0
  44. Research on technological innovation model of GN company,LiJun/Capital University of Economics,0/1
  45. The Study on the Technological Innovation Effect of Modular Organization in Strategic Emerging Industries,LiuDan/Hunan Normal University,0/0
  46. The Effect of Executives Incentives on Technological Innovation in China Innovative Enterprises,ZhangKeBiao/Hunan University,0/32
  47. Empircal Study and the Relationship between Organizational Learning Capability and Financial Performance in Smes,WangQing/Hebei University of Technology,0/10
  48. D Company Development Strategy Reasearch,ZhengZheng/Northwest University of Science and Technology,0/14
  49. The Empirical Study on the Influence of Corporate Social Responsibility on Technological Innovation Capacity,ZhouZuo/Nanjing University of Technology,0/54
  50. The Impact of Enterprise Human Capitalon Technological Innovation,XiaZuo/Hebei University of Technology,0/60

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