
About 163 item dissertation in line with The reform of state-owned enterprises query results,the following is 1 to 50(Search took 0.013 seconds)

  1. A Research about That Special Principal-agent Relationship of State-owned Enterprise Innovation Incentive Mechanism,LiXia/Dongbei University of Finance,0/4
  2. Deepening the Reform of State-owned Enterprises in Competifive Areas,ZuoWen/Southwestern University of Finance and Economics,0/249
  3. A Study on the Merging of Private Eeterprises to the State-owned Enterprises,YeCan/Huazhong University of Science and Technology,0/21
  4. Ownership Structure, Corporate Governance and Reform of State-owned Enterprises,FengYue/Nankai University,0/126
  5. "Daily News" reported on the Tianjin reform of state owned enterprises (1990-1999),SunQingXiu/Tianjin Normal University,0/6
  6. Research the Rights and Interests of Workers Background in the Context of State-owned Enterprises,HanYuZuo/Jilin University,0/25
  7. The Marketing Strategy Research for the Electronic Balance Product after Company a Restructuring,DuWeiHui/East China University of Science and Technology,0/23
  8. On Perfecting China's corporate governance structure of state-owned enterprises,XuXiaoFeng/East China University of Political Science,0/253
  9. Research on Governance and supervision legal problem of state-owned listing Corporation,ZhouChangLin/Graduate School of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences,0/1
  10. The Research of the Diffusion and Configuration of the Residual Right in the Enterprise,ZhangDongMing/Jilin University,0/194
  11. Marxism Institutional Economics,GuZuoMin/Shanghai University of Finance and Economics,0/787
  12. A Study of the Legal Supervision System of the State-shared Property Conveyance,ZhangYing/Southwest University of Political Science,1/472
  13. Research of the national ownership of the transition period,ZhangJianWen/Southwest University of Political Science,3/835
  14. Institutional Economics Analysis of Chinese state-owned enterprise system innovation mode and strategic process,ChenManSheng/Nanjing University,2/1214
  15. Firm Contracts: Economic Thinking and Statistical Analysis,ZhangXiaoZuo/Tianjin College of Finance,0/359
  16. Research of State Owned Companies’ Reform Basing on the Business Reengineering,YuLiMing/Jilin University,1/891
  17. Analysis on the Political Control in the Process of China’s Social Transformation,ShiQingJun/Jilin University,4/1299
  18. Independent legal property system research,ZhangLi/Southwest University of Political Science,3/982
  19. A Study on Game Behavior and Operational Mechanism of Debt-to-Equity Swaps in Stated-owned Enterprises,PengXiaoBing/Chongqing University,0/654
  20. Factor Liberalization and Implicit Incentive of Managerial Labor Market,YuanJiangTian/Tianjin University,3/476
  21. A Study of Sina-Korea State-Owned Enteriprise Reform and Protecting of Minority Shareholders,JinZhenQing/China University of Political Science,2/587
  22. Study of Incentive and Restraint Mechanism for Chinese Entrepreneurs,WangQiang/Northwest University of Science and Technology,6/1177
  23. Corporate Governance and Firm Performance: A Theoretical and Empirical Study,SongZengJi/Chongqing University,4/1573
  24. The Study of Corporate Governance System,YangHui/Tianjin University,2/615
  25. Mergers and acquisitions in China's reform,WuJinLiang/Southwestern University of Finance and Economics,5/1442
  26. Diversification of the property rights of state-owned enterprises,ZhangShaoLu/Southwestern University of Finance and Economics,4/638
  27. The Direction of State-owned Enterprises Reform: Antitrust and Marketization,LvDaZhong/Nankai University,0/471
  28. The Study on Capital Operation of State-owned Enterprises in China,LiLingJie/Northeast Normal University,3/695
  29. On the Government Action in the Reform of State-owned Enterprise,XieHaiPing/Central China Normal University,2/504
  30. Risk management, mergers and acquisitions in the reform of state-owned enterprises in Heilongjiang Province,WangXueZuo/Heilongjiang University,0/251
  31. The old industrial base in Heilongjiang Province, China Enterprise Internal Control Studies,MaXin/Heilongjiang University,4/246
  32. The Inward Cross-border M&A and the Property Rights Reform of Chinese State-Owned Enterprises,YaoYan/University of Foreign Trade and Economic,0/308
  33. The Marketing Management of the Press Journals,HuChangLi/Huazhong University of Science and Technology,0/99
  34. A Scheme of Bankruptcy Reorganization and Enterprises Restructuring for GSAC and HXAC,ZhangShaoHui/Lanzhou University,0/152
  35. Studies on the Personification Advantages for the Private Capital Participate in the Reform of SOE,LiEnRui/Jilin University,1/134
  36. Legal Perfection of Wholly State-funded Corporations Governance,SuYing/East China University of Politics and Law,0/184
  37. Deal with the legal thinking of the restructuring of state-owned enterprises in debt,SunYuanFeng/East China University of Politics and Law,0/109
  38. \,CaoXiuFeng/China University of Political Science,3/230
  39. Discussion on the regulation \,DongQiChao/China University of Political Science,0/135
  40. On the reform of China 's state-owned enterprises with multinational M \u0026,YiXuFeng/University of Foreign Trade and Economic,0/200
  41. Corporate Governance and the Reform of SOE,DongChunYu/Anhui Agricultural University,0/370
  42. On Reflection and Exploration of the State-owned Asset Management System Reformation,XuDongHui/Jilin University,0/464
  43. The Reform of the State-owned Enterprise and the System of Social Security,WangDeGuo/Jilin University,1/473
  44. The Theory and Practice of State-owned Enterprise in West Europe and the Reference to China,LiXiaoHui/Jilin University,0/313
  45. An Analysis of the Business of Investment Bank of CSF & RCS,ZhangZuo/Jilin University,0/437
  46. On Reform of State-owned Enterprises in West Europe and Revelation to China,YangZuoJie/Jilin University,0/394
  47. A Tentative Study on the Reform of China’s State Assets Management System,GaoQun/Jilin University,0/583
  48. Researches on the Separations of Enterprises and Their Attached Schools,XieJianGuo/Hunan Normal University,0/51
  49. Research on Management Buy-outs in Present Economic Environment of China,PuMin/Jilin University,1/130
  50. The Reform of the State-owned Enterprises and the Development of the Non State-owned Enterprises in the Process of Industrialization in China,WangJinZuo/Jilin University,1/309

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