
About 194 item dissertation in line with Trace Element query results,the following is 1 to 50(Search took 0.019 seconds)

  1. The Determination of the Trace Elements in Tea Leaves by ICP-AES、ICP-MS、AFS、IC,TanHuiRen/Sun Yat-sen University,0/430
  2. Studies on Methods for Determination of Ethanol and Trace Element Content in the Blood,WangLi/Central South University,0/48
  3. Application of Modified Chitosan on Speciation of Environmental Trace Element,DaiJun/Central South University,0/85
  4. Study of Low-temperature Hydrothermal Fluids' Characteristics in the North Rim of Sichuan Basin,DuanLiZhi/Chang'an University,0/8
  5. The Sedimentary Paleoenvironment and Provenance Analysis in Deepwater Area of Qiongdongnan Basin since Oligocene,LiNa/Ocean University of China,0/133
  6. Determination and Application of Trace-elements and Ultratrace-elements in Polymetallic Sulphides at Seafloor,YinXueBo/Ocean University of China,0/133
  7. Study of the Influence of Atiosteoporosis Drug and Trace Elements on the Growth and Phase Transitions of Hydroxyapatite Precursor Nanocrystal,ZhangGuiLing/Zhejiang University,0/62
  8. Study of the Biomimetic Mineralization of Calcium Phosphate in a Galatin Hydroocl-based System,LiZhiCheng/Zhejiang University,0/35
  9. Study of Relations between Serum Level of Zinc and Recurrent Oral Ulcers and Taste,LiXueXi/Central South University,0/59
  10. Analysis of Soil Trace Element Content in High and Low Gastric Cancer Occur Areas in the Northern Shanxi Province,YangPing/Yan'an University,0/1
  11. Effect of zinc on children with recurrent respiratory tract infection,LiuRuiNa/Liaoning University of Traditional Chinese Medicine,0/70
  12. Study on the Relationship between Complex Fatigue and the Mineral Metabolism,GongXianWen/Fourth Military Medical University,0/29
  13. Clinical Evaluation of the Effect of Sha-sheng-mai-dong-tang on Quality of Life in Cancer Patients Receiving Radiotherapy,LiaoChunHua/Nanjing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine,0/53
  14. The Study of Shashenmaidongtang Combined Radiotherapy and Chemotherapy for Head and Neck Cancer Efficacy and Trace Elements Zinc, Selenium, Copper Relations,SunZhongShi/Shandong University of Traditional Chinese Medicine,0/124
  15. Distribution and Health Effects of Trace Element in Ecological System of Longevity Elder’s District ChengMai,WangYaJuan/Hainan University,0/4
  16. Survey and Analysis of Longevity Factors of the Centenarians in Shandong Province Rongcheng,ZhengFeiBo/Shandong University,0/34
  17. Study on Screening of the Formulation, Preparation Technique and Stability of Multi-trace-element Injection for Livestock and Poultry,XiePeng/Sichuan Agricultural University,0/24
  18. The Influence of Different Trace Element on the Growth and Taxol’s Content of Taxus Media,YangXiuLi/Sichuan Agricultural University,0/50
  19. Research on Biomass and Trace Elements Biological Cycle of Urban Forests in Karst Areas,WangZhong/Central South University of Forestry Science and Technology,0/35
  20. Ffects of Trace Elements on Physiology and Quality Characteristic of Chinese Dates,KangPeng/Xinjiang Agricultural University,0/30
  21. The Effect of Harvesting Time on the Main Active Compoment of the New Cultivated Kinds of Hang Baiju,SunShuFang/Zhejiang Forestry University,0/95
  22. Study on Effect of Reducing Fertilizer Application on Tomato Production, Quality and the Yield of Next Rice Season in Chao Lake Basin,SunLi/Anhui Agricultural University,0/14
  23. Comprehensive Utilization of Magnesium Slag Study and Analysis on Preparation of Silicon, Calcium and Magnesium Fertilizers,WangYan/Zhengzhou University,0/91
  24. Study on Geochemistry Characteristics of Trace Element in Parent Material-Soil-Plant Systems in the Central and West of Jilin Province,ShiXian/Jilin University,0/67
  25. Extract and Study of the Main Ingredients from Cotton By-product in Xin Jiang,TianXiaoHong/Xinjiang University,0/69
  26. Environmental Stability of Trace Elements in Desulfurization Gypsum from Coal-fired Power Stations,LiuYuKun/Tsinghua University,1/83
  27. Studies on the Transformation Behaviors of Trace Elements in Huainan Coal-fired Power Plants and Antiproliferative Activity of Nitridoosmium Complexes,TangQuan/University of Science and Technology of China,0/52
  28. Effect of Petroleum Contamination on Physic-chemical Properties and Enzymes of Soils in Northern Shaanxi Oilfield,ZhangXiaoYang/Northwest University of Science and Technology,0/5
  29. Study on Trace Elements in Waters in the Xilin River Basin,XueLiYang/Lanzhou University,0/2
  30. Migration Mechanism of the Trace Elements on the Microwave Retorting of Oil Shale,LiMingMing/Tohoku Electric Power University,0/70
  31. The Studies of Rhizoma Chuanxiong’s Concentrate-Granules and Metallic Element,MaoXia/Southwest Jiaotong University,0/4
  32. The Research of Characteristic of Geogas Field and Geogas Prospecting Significance in Exploration Area of Dongshan Lead-zinc Mine in ShiDian County of Yunnan Province,LiuBin/Chengdu University of Technology,0/50
  33. Sediment Source Analysis of Oil and Gas Objective Strata in the Qiongdongnan Basin,ChenKui/Ocean University of China,0/116
  34. Trace Element Geochemistry Characteristic of Pyrite and Its Significance for Deposit Genesis from the Dongguashan Copper-gold Deposit in Tongling,Anhui,LiangJianFeng/Hefei University of Technology,0/187
  35. Detrital Record of Collision and Exhumation Processes of Orogen,YangJiangHai/China University of Geosciences,0/841
  36. Determination of Trace Elements in Stalagmites by ICP-MS and the Research for Paleoclimate Reconstruction in Western of Henan Province,China During MIS8/9,LiShanYing/Southwestern University,2/162
  37. Study on Lower Triassic Stratigraphy of High Resolution Geochemistry for Chaohu Section, Anhui Province:Implication for Paleo-environment,ChenJianBo/China University of Geosciences,0/105
  38. The Basement Property and Evolution of the Northern Junggar Basin by In-situ Analysis of Zircon U-Pb Chronology and Trace Element,YangFu/Northwestern University,0/192
  39. Research of the High Resolution Records of Stalagmite Nsm03for Climate Change of the Past500Years in the Three Gorges Region,ZhangYueMing/Southwestern University,0/0
  40. Optimization of Microstructure and Magnetic Properties by Co Ga Dopant Nanocomposite Pr2Fel4B/α-Fe Alloy,SuHao/Shandong University,0/22
  41. Study on Plumbi-expelling Through Intestinal Tract by Activated Carbon,XiaoPing/Central South University,0/171
  42. Study on the Characteristics of Marine Nepheloid Layers and Their Influential Factors in the Middle Pacific Ocean and in the East China Shelf Sea,LiYunHai/Ocean University of China,0/90
  43. Palaeolacustrine Productivity Study of Early Late Cretaceous in the Central Area of Songliao Basin,YinXiuZhen/Chinese Geology University (Beijing),5/384
  44. Application of Improved ICP-AES Technique to the Analysis of Various Samples in Geochemical Exploration,WangSongJun/Jilin University,1/328
  45. The Modeling of Homogeneous Reaction and Application of Methane Premixed Combustion Based on Adaptive Chemistry,QiaoZuo/Huazhong University of Science and Technology,3/211
  46. Material Cycle of Marine Cage-Culture Ecosystem in Daya Bay,XuZhongNeng/Jinan University,1/319
  47. Investigation of Deformation and Recrystallization Behavior as Well as Texture of High Purity Aluminum Foil,LiuChuMing/Central South University,5/832
  48. Studies on Extraction, Purification of Alkaloid and Flavonoids and Bioactivity of Flavonoids from Mistletoe,Li/Nanchang University,3/1397
  49. Experimental Study on Simultaneous Removal of Trace Selenium and Arsenic in Flue Gas Desulphurization Within Medium Temperature Range,LiYuZhong/Tsinghua University,0/257
  50. A Study on the Population Biology and Conservation of the Chinese White Dolphin in Xiamen, China,ChenBingYao/Nanjing Normal University,3/310

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