About 324 item dissertation in line with angiotensin converting enzyme query results,the following is 1 to 50(Search took 0.093 seconds)
- Effects of COX-2, ABO and NR3C2Genetic Polymorphisms on Cough and Efficacy of Enalapril,LuoJianQuan/Central South University,0/6
- Targeted Dipeptidyl-peptidase IV (CD26)-mediated Bone Marrow-derived Endothelial Precursor Cells (EPCs) Inhibits Laser-induced Choroidal Neovascularization,LiHong/Fourth Military Medical University,0/22
- A Case-parent Triads Study on Associations between AGT M235T, ACE I/D Gene Polymorphisms and Hypertensive Disorders in Pregnancy,ZhuMing/Huazhong University of Science and Technology,0/4
- Blockade of the Renin-angiotensin System Reduces the Incidence of Type2Diabetes in Patients at High Risk of Cardiovascular Disease:a Meta Analysis,LiMeiJuan/Huazhong University of Science and Technology,0/9
- 1.Taurine and Angiotensin-converting Enzyme Inhibitor: the Protective Effect on Acute Lung Injury2.Analysis of Influential Factors in ALI/ARDS,MaXiaoZuo/Chongqing Medical University,0/140
- The Effect of Angiotensin-converting Enzyme2and Its Expression in Hypertension and Cardiac Hypeirophy,LuoYuMei/Chongqing Medical University,0/22
- Study on the Nutrition and Functional Properties of the Polypeptide of the Walnut Juglans Comes Dali,Yunnan,XuLei/Southwestern University,0/15
- Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme (ACE) Inhibitory Activity of Protein Hydrolysates and Phenolic Extracts Derived from Proso Millet Grains,Ahmed Salah Moussa Saleh(AMaiDe)/China Agricultural University,0/5
- Study on Rapid Monitoring for Enzyme Reactions Based on Ambient Mass Spectrometry,LiaoPeng/Hunan Normal University,0/0
- Study on Screening of Strains Yielded Zein Hydrolase and Preparing ACE Inhibitory Peptides,LiZhiRui/Dalian University of Technology,0/11
- Extraction and Purification of the Lung Angiotensin Converting Enzyme and Thermodynamics Primary Explorer of Binding to Its Inhibitor,ZhouLiQin/Guangxi University,0/50
- Development of Amperometric Chemo-/biosensors Based on Thiol-ene Chemistry and Research on Highly Sensitive Piezoelectric Biosensing,SuZhaoHong/Hunan Normal University,0/183
- Study on the Preparation and Inhibition Mechanism of Dual Renin and ACE Inhibitory Peptide Derived from Rapeseed Protein,HeRong/Jiangnan University,0/6
- Angiotensin-converting Enzyme Insertion/deletion Polymorphism and the Risk of Prostate Cancer in the Han Population of China,WangZuo/Zhejiang University,0/2
- A Study of Genetic Association in Cerebrovascular Disease of Dai,WA Population in Yunnan China,ZhangZuo/Kunming Medical University,0/35
- Oral Contraceptives Use, ACE Polymorphism on the Risk of Stroke in Women,LiHuiQiao/Nanjing Medical University,0/71
- Associations of Polymorphisms in Angiotensin Converting Enzyme Genes and Perioperative Myocardial Protection during Cardiopulmonary Bypass,YangWei/Nanchang University,0/13
- Effect of Angiotensin-converting Enzyme Inhibitor, Captoporil on the Proliferation and Migration of Epidermal Stem Cells during Wound Healing,XiaoJing/Jinan University,0/4
- Expression and Significance of ACE2-Ang-(1-7)-Mas Axis in the Endometrium of Patients with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome,TangHongJuan/Hebei Medical University,0/51
- Epidemiological Investigation of Hypertension in Nanchang and the Correlation between Antihypertensive Drugs and Blood Pressure Variability Caused by Temperature,SunZuoZuo/Nanchang University,0/66
- Meta-Analysis of Efficacy of ACEI Vs. ARB in Treatment of Proteinuria in Essential Hypertension,LiChangJun/Shandong University,0/221
- Renin-Angiotensin Sy Stem Inhibitors Prevent the Recurrence of Atrial Fibrillation:a Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials,HanMin/Shandong University,0/25
- Correlative Analysis between Distributional Characteristics of the Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme Gene Polymorphsm in Southern Jiangsu Province and Chronic Heart Failure,LiFeng/Suzhou University,0/7
- Preliminary study on transforming growth factor binding protein 2 as a marker of heart failure,BaiZuoZuo/Beijing Union Medical College,0/224
- Chinese coronary heart disease patients with two level prevention drug investigation,ZhangHaiBo/Beijing Union Medical College,0/25
- Effects of Alcohol Consumption on Cardiac ACE and ACE2Expressions in Rats,LiuAiDong/Zunyi Medical College,,0/12
- Effects of PM2.5 on ACE and AT1R Genes Expression in Human Umbilical Vein Endothelial Cells,CaiMing/Central South University,0/35
- Evaluation of Active Ingredients from Lycium Barbarum L.Inhibiting Angiotensin Converting Enzyme Inhibition,LiXiaoDuo/Southwestern University,0/37
- Effects of the Longxi,Gansu Astragalus Mongholicus on Protection of Peripheral Artery and Mechanism in Hypertensive Patients with Metabolic Syndrome,DingZuo/Lanzhou University,0/5
- The Study of the Correlations between Henoch-Schonleinpurpura Nephritis and Constitution of Traditional Chinese MediCine,ZuoFuBin/Beijing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine,0/190
- Study on the Preparation of Monolithic Materials via Cryogelation for the Immobilization of ACE,ChenYingYing/Hunan Normal University,0/55
- Study on Preparation of ACE Inhibitory Peptides from Enzymatic Hydrolysis of Soybean Protein,ZhangQiang/Tianjin University of Commerce,0/109
- Preparation and Application of Immobilized Angiotensin-converting Enzyme on Chitosan,TianQingQing/Hunan Normal University,0/117
- Preparation and Inhibition Mechanism of Angiotensin Converting Enzyme-Inhibitory Peptide from Yeast,NiHe/South China University of Technology,0/190
- The Quantitative Structure Activity Relationships of Angiotensin Converting Enzyme Inhibitor Peptide from Egg White,LiuBoQun/Jilin University,0/109
- The Study on the Relationship between APOBEC3B Gene Deletion and the Alu Insertion of ACE Gene,WangKang/Jilin University,0/38
- The Interventional Effect of Herbs of Supplement Qi and Nourish Yin Resolve Masses and Dredge Meridians on Diabetic Nephropathy and the Effect on Renin-angiotensin System in Rats,GuoDengZhou/Hebei Medical University,0/316
- Study of the Effects and Related Mechanism of ACEI on Ischemic Angiogenesis in Diabetic Rats,GaoZuo/Tianjin Medical University,0/153
- TGF-β1 and RAS gene polymorphism and lumbar disc herniation TCM syndromes associated,XuJianWen/Hubei College of Traditional Chinese Medicine,0/293
- EA Quchi Xue 2K1C hypertensive rats blood pressure and common carotid artery vascular remodeling in,QianChunYan/Hubei College of Traditional Chinese Medicine,0/247
- Ischemic stroke phlegm network card and the biological basis of the liver wind disturbance permit,ShaoWei/Hubei College of Traditional Chinese Medicine,0/201
- Effects of Imidaprilat on Matrix Metalloproteinase-2 and TIMP-2 in Cardiac Fibroblasts Induced by IL-1β and the Study of Possible Mechanism,GuoXiaoGang/Zhejiang University,0/467
- Effects of Ramipril on Collagen and Apoptosis in Non-infarct Zone in Rats after Acute Myocardial Infarction,JiaZhiMei/China Medical University,0/198
- Study on Therapy and Mechanisms of the Role of Reactive Oxygen Species in Diabetic Retinopathy,ZhengZhi/Shanghai Jiaotong University,0/321
- Experimental Study of Antiatherosclerotic Drugs on NF-κB-DNA Binding Activity and Inflammatory Mediators Expression in a Rabbit Model of Atherosclerosis,YangXiaoYun/Huazhong University of Science and Technology,1/595
- The Effects of Combination Therapy with Low Dose of Perindopril and Irbesartan on Dilated Cardiomyopathy and the Related Mechanism,MaGuoTian/Central South University,0/216
- Bone Marrow Mesenchymal Stem Cell Transplantiation Combined with Perindopril Treatment Attenuates Infarction Remodelling in a Rat Model of Acute Myocardial Infarction,LuoRongHua/Zhejiang University,0/315
- The Dynamic Changes of NOS/NO, ECE-1/ET-1, MMP-9/TIMP-1 and the Study of Intervention Role of Benazepril in the Kidney with Diabetic Rats,SunShuZhen/Shandong University,0/316
- Chemical Components of Sauraia Napaulensis, Debregeasia Orientalis, Ilex Litseaefolia and Helwingia Japonica,XiaoYanHua/Chengdu Institute of Biology,1/219
- Experimental Study on the Myocardial and Renal Expression of ACE2、Apelin、and APJ in SHR and Diabetic SHR with Irbesartan Intervention,WuYiNan/Shandong University,0/466
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