
About 53 item dissertation in line with cooperation strategy query results,the following is 1 to 50(Search took 0.027 seconds)

  1. A Study of Cooperation Strategies and Profit Distribution for the Enterprise Alliances with Bidirectional Supply-demand Relationshiip,ZhangFangQin/University of Electronic Science and Technology,0/131
  2. Study on the international marketing mode Rebecca company,LiangLiang/Shaanxi Normal University,0/9
  3. Cooperation Game and Profit Distribution of Supply Chain Based on Mutual Trust,ZhangHeng/Central South University,0/82
  4. The Practice and Research of Group Cooperative Leaning in the Junior Middle School Physics Experiment Teaching,SunChuanXiang/Shandong Normal University,0/36
  5. Studies on the Management for Sino-Foreign Cross-Cultural Design Team,WuXiangJun/Hunan University,0/2
  6. Pragmatic Strategies Study in Exhibition Negotiations,DengManYing/Hunan Agricultural University,0/6
  7. Cooperation Strategy between Guangxi Complete Vehicle and Component Parts Enterprises in the New Product Development,XuXiWei/Guangxi University of Science and Technology,0/12
  8. Study on the Strategy Upgrade of Heilongjiang Province Trade and Economic Cooperation with the Russian Far East,WangChangYuan/Harbin University of Commerce,0/0
  9. Study on the Sino Vietnamese cooperation framework of China ASEAN Free Trade Area Chinese - under,LiBing/Heilongjiang University,0/455
  10. On Improving Teachers’ Cooperation,LiZuo/Sichuan Normal University,0/134
  11. Study on Strategy of Scientific and Technical Personnel in Chinese Cultural Heritage Conservation Field,LuQun/Beijing University of Chemical Technology,0/72
  12. Exploration of training and teaching ability of cooperative learning the art of teaching middle school students,NieXiaoNa/Shandong Normal University,0/38
  13. Research on Cooperation Strategy between Hunan Construction Engineering Group and China Genertec Technology Group,HuangYanQiu/Hunan University,0/73
  14. Research on Cooperational Strategy between MNCs and Manufacturing Firms in China,WangQunLi/Shandong University,3/973
  15. Resource Optimization and Cooperation Strategies in Wireless Relay System,Shi/Zhejiang University,12/1010
  16. Financial cooperation in East Asia and China 's strategic research,ZhuXiaoBing/Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences,9/780
  17. Research on the Organization Characteristics and Management Mechanism of Virtual Enterprise,ZhengWenJun/Chongqing University,15/1120
  18. Research on Cooperation Strategy between Manufacturers and Retailers in e-supply Chain,XiaoJian/Chongqing University,5/948
  19. Research on Marketing Decision and Competition-Cooperation Strategy in the Course of Customer Loyalty Migration,XiangZuoZuo/Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications,0/239
  20. Analysis on Sino-Indian Energy Cooperation,ZhouJinQin/Sichuan University,3/281
  21. Study on the Strategy of West Construction Enterprises in Overseas Market Exploitation,XieZuoLi/Chongqing University,0/111
  22. Our Country Yanbian to the Russia Economics and Trade Cooperation Strategy Ponder,FengYuBao/Northeast Normal University,3/161
  23. MAS mobile robot collaborative problem,GaoHongXia/Nanjing University of Technology and Engineering,4/265
  24. The Research of International Cooperation Strategy of Higher Education of China-ASEAN,YangBo/Guangxi University,5/432
  25. Research on Ningzhenyang regional tourism cooperation,ZhangLiHua/Nanjing Normal University,4/338
  26. On the Public Relation Language and Its Pragmatic Strategy,WuZuo/Central China Normal University,1/678
  27. The Analysis of China’s Central Asia Stratety,HuangChao/Xiangtan University,4/659
  28. On China's peaceful development strategy,WangHongWei/Zhengzhou University,5/470
  29. Research on Sustainable Development of Zhejiang Economy,WuJiLin/Zhejiang Normal University,2/509
  30. Inner enterprises \,LiuMin/Inner Mongolia University,0/135
  31. The Theoretical Analysis of East Asia’s Inter-regional Cooperation: Process, Actuality, and Prospect,WangYanZhi/Shaanxi Normal University,0/495
  32. Study on International Cooperation Development Strategy and Mode in Tumen River Area,WuJiBo/Jilin University,0/357
  33. Hong Kong Industry Shifts the Influence Economic to Two Places and Cooperative Tactics,GeHePing/Hohai University,0/457
  34. Study on International Trade and Co-operation Strategy of Domestic Small and Middle sized Enterprise,GaoSong/Tianjin University,0/513
  35. Oil companies of international cooperation and a strategy to enter the international market,ZhangYongJie/Dalian University of Technology,2/279
  36. Analysis of the foreign joint venture of China's auto industry policy enforcement,LiangSongTao/Dalian University of Technology,2/330
  37. The Research on Development Serategy of Three Gorges Travel Company,YaoRong/Chongqing University,1/223
  38. Research on High-tech Co-branding Partner Selection and Cooperation Strategy,ShangWenJing/Shandong University,2/159
  39. Investigation of R&D and Cooperation Strategy to New Bora of FAW-VW,Ma/Jilin University,0/168
  40. Co-operation Strategy Study in Games Activity of Early Childhood Companions,LeiXiaoXue/Henan University,0/666
  41. Strategy and Countermeasures post - Putin era of comprehensive development of Sino - Russian economic and technological cooperation,AnShiYou/Heilongjiang University,1/226
  42. Research on International Strategy of QinDao HaiChuan Construction CO., LTD,HuangZhongPo/Beijing Jiaotong University,0/108
  43. Competing strategic analysis of the cross-strait TFT-LCD manufacturer,ZhaoZhiYuan/Fudan University,0/171
  44. A Study of Highland Company’s Internationalization Strategy,MengLei/Lanzhou University,0/80
  45. Changjitu pilot area development and opening of the International Science and Technology Cooperation Strategic Model,HanZuoZuo/Jilin University,1/238
  46. Analysis of the Effect on Protection during Loop Closing Operation in Huizhou 10kV Distribution Network,PanHaoHui/North China Electric Power University (Beijing),0/65
  47. An Analysis on the Development of the Sino-Japanese Energy Cooperation,SongYingYing/Jilin University,0/90
  48. China and the ASEAN Regional Economic Cooperation Strategy,YangYueSong/Sichuan Academy of Social Sciences,1/302
  49. Multiple subway operators collaborative research,JiaLi/Central South University,2/71
  50. The Research and Solutions on Home-School Cooperation in the Middle Schools,LuoDongLan/Guangxi Normal University,0/121

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