
About 212 item dissertation in line with doctor-patient relationship query results,the following is 1 to 50(Search took 0.040 seconds)

  1. Giving up Treatment Behavior Study of Criminal Law,HuangPeng/Southwest University of Political Science,0/22
  2. Research on the civil law regulation of the doctor-patient relationship,WangLiJuan/Shaanxi Normal University,0/203
  3. The Build of Safety Valve Mechanism on Harmonious Doctor-patient Relationship in Social Work Perspective,ChengLi/Central China Normal University,0/0
  4. Doctor-patient Trust Crisis Research,ZhangLiang/Southwestern University of Finance and Economics,0/121
  5. Xinjiang Hospitals of Different Levels and the Current Situation of Doctor-patient Relationship and Its Influencefactors,HaSiYeTi·YaSen/Xinjiang Medical University,0/20
  6. Study on the Evaluation of the Doctor-patient Relationship and Its Influencing Factors in Hunan Province Tumor Hospital,LiangYing/Central South University,0/30
  7. Case Model in the Doctor-patient Relationship Strategy Research of the Problem,LiYe/Central South University for Nationalities,0/68
  8. Impact of Medical Staff Perceived Doctor-patient Relationship and Interpersonal Trust on Work Engagement,ChuShuang/Harbin Engineering University,0/67
  9. An Inquiry of Virtue Ethics into the Doctor-Patient Crisis of the Trust Relations in Contemporary China,GongSha/Hubei University,0/38
  10. A Study on the Doctor-patient Relationship Based on the Social Role Theory,LuZuo/Northwest Normal University,0/37
  11. Principle and Mechanism Analysis of Media Presentation on Doctor-patient Dispute,XiongZuoYin/Huazhong University of Science and Technology,0/48
  12. The Characteristics and Governance of Doctor-patient Relationship,YanBinBin/Huazhong University of Science and Technology,0/31
  13. Research on Doctor-Patient Relationship from the Perspective of Political Sociology,WangLanHui/Central South University,0/55
  14. About Construction Harmonious Medicine Trouble Relations Research,XieZuo/Central South University,0/87
  15. A Study on Guangming Daily Doctor-patient Relationship Reports Features,YuanYuanHang/Xiangtan University,0/219
  16. Audience research - China's news media reported the doctor-patient relationship in Xi'an city as an example,MaLiMin/Shaanxi Normal University,0/495
  17. The Study on Municipal Hospital Doctor-patient Relationship Current Status and Countermeasures in Shenyang,LuJianXin/Jilin University,0/171
  18. Considering the Social Network Model of Doctor-patient Principal-agency Model,HuangJing/Dongbei University of Finance,0/2
  19. Study on the Doctor-patient Relationship Based on a Perspective of a Hospital,LiuJiXia/Hebei University of Economics,0/12
  20. Team Activities to Improve the Doctor-patient Relationship for Social Workers,AnNing/Central China Normal University,0/3
  21. The Doctor's Occupation Burnout and Positive Policy Responses Based on Doctor-Patient Relationship Perspective,XuPeng/Central China Normal University,0/3
  22. The Relative Deprivation and the Tension between Doctors and Patients,WangDan/Xiamen University,0/2
  23. Study on Building Harmonious Doctor-Patient Relationship on the Background of the New Healthcare Reform,GuJiaLiang/East China University of Political Science,0/111
  24. Study on the Ideological and Political Education of Medical Staff under the Background of New Medical Reform,ZhangPing/University of North,0/20
  25. Study on the construction of the system of medical liability insurance compulsory in our country,LiCong/Capital University of Economics,0/4
  26. Study on Game Phenomenon in the Right of Doctor-patient Speech in Cyberspce,ShiLinLing/Suzhou University,0/138
  27. Research on Medical Dispute Alternative Resolution Mechanism,ChenMeiLing/China University of Political Science,1/287
  28. The Research of Informing Obligation of Medical Institutions in the Tort Law,WangJunHui/Huazhong University of Science and Technology,0/15
  29. On the Improvement of Patient’s Informed Consent System,LiuZhongZheng/Ningbo University,0/62
  30. Research on Spoliation of Evidence in Medical Disputes,XieTingShu/Shandong University of Finance and Economics,0/75
  31. Discussion on Medical of Informed Consent and Its Exception,WangJie/Huazhong University of Science and Technology,0/51
  32. Issue About the Informing Obligations of Healthcare,GaoMeiLing/Jilin University,0/133
  33. Research on the Allocation of the Burden of Proof in the Medical Damage Compensation Litigation,YangBo/North China Electric Power University,0/127
  34. The Study on the Rights and Obligations of Both Doctors and Patients,WangHongZuo/Ocean University of China,0/138
  35. Legal Regulations on the Medical Tort,ZhaoPeng/Huazhong University of Science and Technology,0/47
  36. The Legal Patenralism in the Doctor-patient Relationship,ChangLingLing/Jilin University,0/121
  37. Ethical Considering of Doctor-patient Relationship in Current China,ZhangYanLin/Nanjing Forestry University,0/5
  38. Research on Medical Paternalism of Chinese Tradition,ZhouZuo/Hunan Normal University,0/143
  39. Hedges in Doctor-Patient Conversation as a Pragmatic Strategy,WenYuJuan/Taiyuan University of Technology,0/11
  40. The Balint Group of Theory and Practice,ZhaoJianPing/Huazhong University of Science and Technology,0/35
  41. Development Status and Treatment of the Doctor-patient Relationship in Xi’an,QuKunCheng/Fourth Military Medical University,0/5
  42. A Research of Building a Relationship between Doctors and Patients under Harmonious Socialist Society,WangFangLan/Jiangxi Agricultural University,,0/8
  43. Analysis of Shanghai city municipal hospital medical complaints and patient satisfaction,ZhangZuo/Fudan University,0/204
  44. Research on the Doctor-patient Relationship in Sociology Vision,GaoLei/Anhui University,0/91
  45. A Study of the Doctor-patient Relationship Under the Media Frame,WuPengWei/Anhui University,0/105
  46. The Doctor-patient Relationship Research of Six Public Hospitals in Xinjiang,WangLiNa/Xinjiang Medical University,0/138
  47. Trust crisis and the contradictions between doctors and patients, during the period of social transformation, the doctor-patient relationship research,LiuHeHui/Yunnan University,0/139
  48. Doctor-patient Relationship among Inpatients of Xiangya Hospital,FuXingHua/Central South University,0/175
  49. The Study on the Factors Influencing Patients Trust Doctors and It’s Promotable Strategies,NingLiHong/Shandong University,0/164
  50. Health Communication Perspective Patient Relationship Analysis and Countermeasures,JiangMo/Anhui University,0/212

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