About 17 item dissertation in line with forest resources management query results,the following is 1 to 50(Search took 0.069 seconds)
- Research on Problems of the Ecological Protection and Economic Transition in Yichun State-owned Forestry Region,MaWenXue/Northeast Forestry University,0/6
- Study on Theory and Approach of the Participatory Multi-Purposes Integrated Management for Collective Natural Forest Areas,ZhuangZuoFeng/Beijing Forestry University,0/221
- Philosophical Thinking and Analysing on the Practice of China’s Forest Resources Classification Management,XieShouZuo/Beijing Forestry University,5/353
- A Study on Forest Management of Southern Collective Forest under Share-cooperation System,DengHuaFeng/Beijing Forestry University,6/344
- Countermeasures of Shandong Forestry structural adjustment,ZhouXiaoDong/Nanjing Forestry University,1/140
- The practice under the forest geographic information system establishment and application,LiShuJuan/Nanjing Forestry University,11/128
- Research the Legal System of State-owned Forest Resources Management,XuYongFei/Northeast Forestry University,3/169
- Heterogeneous data integration based on the XML forest resources management system,GaoZuo/Capital Normal University,5/174
- Value Orientation and Legal System Perfection for Forest Resources Control,HuangJinPing/Chongqing University,0/188
- Study on the Development and Appliance for Forest Resources Management System Based on VC and MapObjects,QiHong/Northeast Forestry University,7/276
- Study on Operation and Management of Urban Forest Resources in Shanghai,ZhuHongXia/Zhejiang University,0/203
- Watershed Management in Qinghai Forestry Resources Management Project Application Research,ZhangLi/Northwest University of Science and Technology,0/81
- Development of a GIS-based Information System for Forest Resource Management in Parung Panjang Forest Farm, Indonesia,Fauzan Mulia Bey.F/Zhejiang Forestry College,0/115
- The Application Research of "3S" Technologies in Forest Resources Planning & Design Investigation,LiuYong/Northwest University of Science and Technology,0/256
- Study on Improving and Innovating the Forest Resources Management System Based on the State-Owned Forest Right Reform,ZhangZuo/Northeast Forestry University,1/166
- Designing and Developing of Maoershan Experimental Forestry Multiple Resources Management System Based on C#,GuoXu/Northeast Forestry University,0/55
- Guan Di Fen River Basin mountainous forest resource management system design,MaoChunHua/Taiyuan University of Technology,1/34
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