About 16 item dissertation in line with implicit association test(IAT) query results,the following is 1 to 50(Search took 0.060 seconds)
- Study on the characteristics of implicit SWB and its influence on emotional processing,YaoBin/Guangzhou University,0/56
- A Study about the Social Attitude of College Students to Luxury Brands,LiDaWei/East China Normal University,0/531
- Adolescents’ Individualism & Collectivism: Research on External and Implicit Characters,HuangRenZhi/Central South University,9/894
- A Theoretical and Empirical Research on Attitude Formation,ZhangLe/East China Normal University,6/1844
- Implicit Subject Well-being Research,XuWeiDong/East China Normal University,21/2781
- Research on Mechanism and Characteristics of the Implicit Perfectionism,ZhaoYan/Zhejiang University,4/392
- An Experimental Research on Gender Differences in the Way of Implicit Aggression Performance among University Students,XuDeZuo/Jiangxi Normal University,7/458
- Experimental Study on the Gender Stereotype in Advertising Information Processing,SunLianRong/Northwest Normal University,7/563
- A Study of Undergraduate Mathmatics Conception by Implicit Method,MaFang/East China Normal University,12/322
- The Effects of Achievement Goal-Orientation and Self-esteem of Undergraduates on Self-handicapping in Different Situations,DaiZuo/Northwest Normal University,12/586
- A Research of the Implicit Attitude and Psychological Features on the University Students with Suicide Ideations,YangZuo/Jiangxi Normal University,4/434
- Attachment representation of college students consistency of conscious and unconscious,WangBin/Capital Normal University,3/427
- An Experimental Study on Implicit Aggressive of Athletes,XiaoYing/Wuhan Institute of Physical Education,2/237
- A Study of the Association of Subjective Well-being and Extroversion Personality by Implicit Method,WangRan/East China Normal University,1/208
- Research on Sports Major Students’ Explicit and Implicit Aggressive Characteristics,HuJinBao/Zhejiang Normal University,3/148
- An Stabile Experiment Study of Implicit Regional Stereotype for Northeast People,XuMan/Harbin Normal University,0/111
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