
About 16 item dissertation in line with integration of management system query results,the following is 1 to 50(Search took 0.073 seconds)

  1. Remuneration Management System Planning and Application Based Oil Information Integration,CaiJian/Hunan University,0/9
  2. A Study of Integration Risk Management at the Execution Stage of Overseas EPC Infrastructure Projects,ZhuZuoRong/University of Chinese Academy of Sciences,College of Engineering&Information Technology,0/1
  3. The Research and Design of Automatic Ticket Management System in Railway Passenger Line,JiaZuo/Xi'an University of Electronic Science and Technology,0/5
  4. Research on the Development and Deepening of the Quality Management System in Enterprises,LiJiangZuo/Nanjing University of Technology and Engineering,3/1812
  5. Based on the integration degree the quality of research,WangYaJie/Zhejiang University,10/577
  6. Research and Development of the Resource Integration and Management System Prototype of ASP Service Platform Facing Guangxi Manufacturing Industry,WangHuaFeng/Guangxi University,2/130
  7. The Design and Implementation of the Teaching Management System for University Based on Web Services,ChenYue/Suzhou University,20/1109
  8. ISO14001 and OHSMS integration of research,ZhouRongYi/China University of Geosciences,1/266
  9. Management system integration challenges and opportunities of the capital's economy,LiuFei/Capital University of Economics,0/75
  10. Design of Integration Service Management System for Telecommunication,PengZuo/University of Electronic Science and Technology,1/73
  11. SOA-based enterprise material resource management system design and development,ChenGenHong/East China Normal University,4/212
  12. Research on the Integrated Management System of Metro Enterprise for Comprehensive Budgeting,LiuYi/Jinan University,0/177
  13. On the Yangtze River Delta regional integration development strategy in Customs management system construction and improvement,ShenZuoZuo/Fudan University,0/154
  14. Small and Medium-sized Construction Enterprise Integrated Management Research,LuoZuGen/Tianjin University,0/84
  15. Migratory Population Management System Design Based on Web Services,LiNa/Hebei University of Science and Technology,0/46
  16. Informationization System Integration Project Quality Anagement System’s Establishment,WangXin/Ocean University of China,0/157

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