About 99 item dissertation in line with market management query results,the following is 1 to 50(Search took 0.09 seconds)
- Study on Problems and Countermeasures of the Seed Market Management,LvZuo/Hunan Agricultural University,0/5
- The Briefly Investigation of the Construction of New Socialist Countryside in Yueyang County,XuZhan/Central China Normal University,0/6
- Research on the Management of Shandong Seafarer Labor Market in the Perspective of Service-oriented Government,LiuXinRan/Dalian Maritime University,0/13
- Research on Cultural Market Enforcement Management Mechanism Design and Implementation of A County,XiaZhenQiang/Tianjin University,0/2
- The Study on Administration System of Cultural Market of Dongguan,LiHuaiZhong/Northwest University of Science and Technology,0/31
- Research on Supervision Information Platform for Wuhan Construction Market,QiuBoQun/Huazhong University of Science and Technology,0/15
- Lankao Government Market Problems Existing in the Management of the Research,HuangHongMei/Zhengzhou University,0/5
- The Mass Culturel Market Managemen of China,GuoShiJun/Jiangxi Normal University,0/8
- The Research of Market Management System of Space Star Technology Co. Ltd,LiYuan/Harbin Institute of Technology,0/0
- Sovereign Wealth Funds: Analysis of the International Investment Strategy of China Investment Corporation,Marta Allevi/Fudan University,0/28
- On the Manaement Tactics of Metroolitan Journals in Local Market,LuoLei/Southwest University of Political Science,0/45
- The Design and Implementation of Admissions Market Management System for Shandong Economic and Tradc Vocational College,YiZuoZuo/Shandong University,0/16
- The Design and Implementation of Information System of Tobacco Monopoly Management and Control System,GaoSai/Shandong University,0/66
- Agricultural Products Market Stall Management Information System Based on.Net,HeJun/Yunnan University,0/9
- The Research of Administrative and Operating System of Chinese Competitive Sports Symbolized the Combination of Government and Market,LiChangGao/East China Normal University,0/54
- A Glimpse of Ancient Chinese Commercial Legal Culture,MaMaoQing/Lanzhou University,0/41
- Research on Marcket Regulations of Pre-Song Dynasty,LiuPingPing/Shandong University,0/70
- Study on the market management of Tang Dynasty,ZhangZuo/Yangzhou University,0/64
- The Study of Market Officials in Qin and Han Dynasties,LiaoJian/Jiangxi Normal University,0/8
- The Research on the Functional Change of Government Sector in the Development of Domestic Theatrical Performance Market,YuJin/Hunan University,0/124
- Research on the Mechanism from the Government to the Network Culture Market,XieXiaoZuo/Northeast Normal University,0/75
- Nansha District Cultural Market Administrative Law Enforcement System,XiaoWeiBo/South China University of Technology,0/123
- Research on Auto Axle Marketing in Huazhong Area,SongHongSheng/Huazhong University of Science and Technology,0/50
- Design and implementation of the land market management system,DangChunLi/University of Electronic Science and Technology,0/111
- The Study of Theories and Methods of Management on Petroleum Engineering Technical Service Market,WangYongJun/Chinese Geology University (Beijing),1/419
- The Theory and Application Research of Optimal Power Equipments Maintenance Scheduling in the Environment of Electricity Market,YuanDe/North China Electric Power University (Beijing),0/490
- Research on Establishing and Implementing Emission Permits Trade System in China,HuMin/Southwestern University of Finance and Economics,13/1245
- International research on the CBA league,LiuWei/Qufu Normal University,2/236
- On the Improvement of Legal System of Urban State-owned Land Assets Management in Our Country,DingLiBo/Guangxi Normal University,0/221
- On the Status Quo, Problems and Solutions of Law Enforcement in Shanghai Cultural Market,ChenZuoQun/Shanghai Jiaotong University,1/375
- The Research of Comprehensive Law Enforcement Pattern in Culture Market,LiWuXiang/National University of Defense Science and Technology,4/360
- Research on Managengement of Construction Project of Changqing Oil-Gas Field,WuQiang/Xi'an University of Technology,2/365
- Enterprise’s Internal Marketing: Design、Operation and Effect Inspection,LiuZhiWang/Hunan University,0/243
- Research on the System of Power Demand Side Management Market,LuoLinHui/Hunan University,1/173
- Defects and Improvement of Current Mineral Resources Legal System of China,JiangXiDong/Lanzhou University,4/470
- The Price System of Interior Market Research in Coal Enterprise,LiJun/Shandong University of Science and Technology,0/290
- China’s Market Management Policies in Tang and Song Dynasty,TianZuo/Shaanxi Normal University,1/395
- Research on the Mode of Regional Market Management for the Automobile Manufacturing Enterprise,GuYan/Jilin University,0/453
- 3G Marketing Strategy for Hunan Mobile Yongzhou Branch,WenHui/Hunan University,2/202
- Securities Crime Research,LuoFei/China University of Political Science,2/182
- Crew management mode,ZhuHongBo/Shanghai Maritime University,0/189
- Open-end fund our liquidity risk research,LiuDiFei/University of Foreign Trade and Economic,0/257
- Henan talent market management and the Countermeasures,MiaoBin/Hunan University,4/226
- CEC (China Electronics Information Industry) Group the Compete the Method with the Strategy Research with the International Market,TaoMeng/Northwestern Polytechnical University,1/87
- A Research of Customer Relationship Management of Modern Enterprises,PengHongGuang/Wuhan University of Technology,1/503
- U.S. shipping legislation and Reference,JingYan/Shanghai Maritime University,8/345
- Research on Real Estate Market Management in Present China,LiuHuiLing/Central China Normal University,1/395
- On the crime of illegal business,LiuWenPing/Zhengzhou University,5/230
- Game Theory in China 's financial markets,TangZhenYu/Hunan University,4/737
- Social Security Fund Investment Research,ZouZuo/Hunan University,1/459
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