
About 191 item dissertation in line with nuclear magnetic resonance query results,the following is 1 to 50(Search took 0.01 seconds)

  1. Metabolome Analysis of Oligodendroglia Cells Infected with Herpes Simplex Virus Ytype1by1H NMR*,MaLiHua/Chongqing Medical University,0/6
  2. Study on Structure Identification and Anti-tumor Activity in Vitro of Three Uniform Molecular Weight-Angelica Polysaccharides,XingLiPeng/Huazhong University of Science and Technology,0/12
  3. Study Oil Shale with Solid-State13C NMR,ZhuYuCheng/Tohoku Electric Power University,0/16
  4. Study on the Methods of~1H-NMR and Ftir Spectroscopy Combined with Chemometrics Application to Traditional Chinese Medicine Identification,YuPeng/Zhejiang Normal University,0/93
  5. Structure Elucidation of Thioredoxin Reductase by NMR,ZhuQinJun/Central China Normal University,0/1
  6. Research on the Damage Evolution and Failure Law of the Jointed Rock Mass during Excavation,ShangJunLong/Central South University,0/24
  7. Study on Degradation Characteristics of Rock in Condition of Freeze-thaw Cycle and Rock Slope Stability Analysis in Cold Region,XuYuJuan/Central South University,0/25
  8. Ground Magnetic Resonance Method Application of the Hydrogeological Survey,GanBin/Chinese Geology University (Beijing),0/85
  9. Structure and Physical-Chemistry Property Evolution of Heat-treatment Palygorskite as Well as Adsorption for Phosphorus,XieJingJing/Hefei University of Technology,0/64
  10. The Low-Field NMR System's Application and Research,HuangWei/Central China Normal University,0/0
  11. High-Resolution Absorptive NMR Spectroscopy in Inhomogeneous Magnetic Fields,ZhangLianZuo/Xiamen University,0/1
  12. NMR-based Metabonomic Analysis on Metabolic Regulation and Adaptation in Training and Competition of Combat Sport,HuangCaiHua/Fujian Normal University,0/193
  13. The Application of Independent Component Analysis Algorithm in Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging Data,ChengMing/Jilin University,0/60
  14. NMR Studies of Angiotensin Ⅱ Type1Receptor and the Interaction between Valsartan and Mimetic Membranes,CaoZuo/Huazhong University of Science and Technology,0/45
  15. Identification and Preliminary Metabolic Profiling of Four Oral Candidal Species Based on~1H-NMR,LiBing/Lanzhou University,0/37
  16. NMR Studies of the Quercetin Effects on HepG2Cellular Metabonome,YaoJianWu/Wuhan Institute of Physics and Institute of Mathematics,0/27
  17. The Establishment and Application of Access Data Bank of Infectious Disease of Central Nervous System,HuangShouXian/Lanzhou University,0/92
  18. Relatied Research of Endometriosis-associated Infertility&Effect of Recombinant Human Luteinizing Hormone for in Vitro Fertilization-Embryo Transfer Outcome,ZhangShuo/The people's Liberation Army Medical Institute Chinese,0/23
  19. Plasma Metabolic Component Research of Cervical Carcinoma and Precancerous Lesions in Uyghur Women,AMiNiGuLi·MaiMaiTi/Xinjiang University,0/36
  20. A Proton Nuclear Magnetic Resonance-based Metabonomics Study in Serum of Patients with Immunoglobulin a Nephropathy,LiLiPing/Guangxi Normal University,0/136
  21. Dystonia Disease Metabonomics Diagnosis Exploration and Carotid Artery Adventitial Stripped of Small Molecule Metabolites Differences before and after Operation,SunJiMing/Fourth Military Medical University,0/1
  22. Study on Serum Metabolic Profiling in Different Stage of Liver Cirrhosis Patients with Hepatitis B Virus Infection,QiSuWen/Chongqing Medical University,1/223
  23. Perfusion Weighted Imaging and Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy Experimental Study of Brain during Acute Hemorrhagic Shock,ZuoZuo/Nanjing Medical University,0/27
  24. Researches on Moisture State and Moisture Distribution in Carrot during Drying Based on Low-field NMR,ZhuShuSen/Nanchang University of Aeronautics and,1/145
  25. Quantitative metabolic nuclear magnetic resonance studies on golden hamster model of hyperlipidemia tracking and blood lipid regulating drug pharmacodynamics evaluation based on,JiangChunYing/Beijing Union Medical College,0/48
  26. The Research on the Interaction between Tween80and Chemical Composition from Traditional Chinese Medicine by Nuclear Magnetic Resonance,TanZhiGao/China Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine,0/99
  27. Chemome and Metabonomics Studies of Traditional Chinese Medicine Sini Decoction,TanGuangGuo/Second Military Medical University,2/1052
  28. Planning of MRI project planning medical equipment project,ZhaoWeiWei/Suzhou University,0/33
  29. Isolation and Characterization of Main Component of Whole Cell Wall of Pine Wood,XueBaiLiang/Northwest University of Science and Technology,0/26
  30. Salt marsh soil organic carbon fractions , Sources of Spartina (Spartina alterniflora) and structural features,HangZiQing/Nanjing Normal University,0/9
  31. Speciation, Mobilization, and Control of Water-dispersible Colloidal Phosphorus in Agricultural Lands,LiuZuo/Zhejiang University,0/3
  32. Extraction and Separation of Molybdenum, Vanadium,Nickel, Cobalt from Acid Leach Solution,ZengLi/Central South University,0/373
  33. The Influence of White Rot on the Properties of Larch Wood at Meso and Micro-mechanicial Level,ShangGuanWeiWei/Chinese Academy of Forestry,0/79
  34. Effect of Repeated Freeze-Thaw Cycles on Goat Quality,QiJun/Nanjing Agricultural College,0/105
  35. Research on the Water Holding Capacity of the Sorbitol in Sausage,ZuoXiaoLei/Jiangnan University,1/150
  36. Studies on the Development of Biosensor Detection of OTA and Hg(Ⅱ) in Foods Based on Aptamer,MaWenWei/Jiangnan University,1/343
  37. Nuclear Magnetic Response Parameters of SiO2Nanotube and BN Nanotube,PuPeng/Lanzhou University,0/16
  38. A Study on Lignin Gradual Separation Methods and Structures&Distribution of Lignin Fragment,ZhangChunJing/Shandong Institute of Light Industry,0/107
  39. The Effects of Betaine and Micro-coagulation on Natural Rubber Structure and Properties,DongJingJing/Qingdao University of Science and Technology,0/29
  40. Construction of NMR Virtual Laboratory Based on Flash Technology,ZhaoDongLi/Dalian University of Technology,0/87
  41. Study on Rapid Detection of Adulterated Milk by Low-field Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Technology,JiangChao/Zhejiang Technology and Business University,0/209
  42. The Application Study of NMR Logging,XiaoFei/Yangtze University,0/450
  43. Three Santanghu basin Niuquanhu area blocks Xishanyao reservoir characteristics research,YuShengBiao/Northwestern University,0/74
  44. The NMR core analysis experiment and Application Study Based on the,LiXiaoQiang/Southwest Petroleum University,0/327
  45. Study on Gemological and Spectral Characteristics of Ambers and Imitations from Several Different Localities,DongYaJie/Chinese Geology University (Beijing),0/100
  46. Isolation and Characterization of Natural Organic Matter in Coastal Environments,ZhangYaoLing/East China Normal University,0/119
  47. The Research on the Vertical Distribution of Yili Typical Grassland Chestnut and Desert Grey Soil Humus Constituent,AYiNuEr·KaWuLaHong/Xinjiang Agricultural University,0/5
  48. Poly-β-hydroxybutyrate on Metabolism of Bacillus Thuringensis Bmb171Cry1Ac,WangQianKun/Huazhong Agricultural University,0/27
  49. Structural and Functional Research of Prostaglandin E Receptor Subtype3,ZhaoHeYa/Jilin University,0/44
  50. An NMR-based Metabonomic Study of Gender-and Age-related Differences in KM Mice,CaiYi/Wuhan Institute of Physics and Institute of Mathematics,0/89

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