
About 6 item dissertation in line with pollen flow query results,the following is 1 to 50(Search took 0.075 seconds)

  1. Study of Honeybee’s Visiting Behavior on Rice and Rice Pollens Diffusion via Honeybee,LiuJiaFu/Zhejiang University,0/1
  2. Pollen-mediated Gene Flow and Its Modeling in Rice (Oryza Sativa L.),RongJun/Fudan University,0/339
  3. Pollination Ecology of Two Sympatric Orchids, Changnienia Amoena and Cypripedium Japonicum,SunHaiQin/Institute of Botany,11/622
  4. Development of an Efficient Genetic Transformation Procedure and Pollen-specific Expression of Cell Cycle Genes in Brassica Napus L.,PanGang/Huazhong Agricultural University,2/327
  5. Mating Patterns and Gene Flow in an Experimental Population of Liriodendron Revealed by SSR Markers,SunYaGuang/Nanjing Forestry University,3/233
  6. Genetic Diversity and Spatial Distribution of Reaumuria Soongorica (Pall.) Maxim. Populations in Northwest of China,LiXiuLing/Lanzhou University,0/131

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