About 2820 item dissertation in line with projects query results,the following is 1 to 50(Search took 0.080 seconds)
- Problem and Countermeasure Research on the Major Scientific and Technological Projects Supervision of Hunan Province,LuoLiHuaLei/Central South University,0/12
- Scientific Research Proiect Quality Management Research in the Thirteen Corps,CaoXiangBin/University of Chinese Academy of Sciences,College of Engineering&Information Technology,0/1
- Research on Risk Management of National S&T Planned Projects Based on the Asymmetric Information Theory,WangXin/Beijing Jiaotong University,0/121
- Tracking Audit of Fixed-asset Investment Projects,YangChengRong/Changchun University of Science and Technology,0/4
- The Research on Supervision for Administrative Power under a Big-department System,ZhangGuLing/Hunan University,0/194
- Tracking Audit Study of Project Invested by Government Based on National Governance,LiangHaiYan/Anhui University of Finance,0/106
- A Research on Interest Coordination Mechanisms of Audit Stakeholders about Large Construction Projects,ChenXi/Changsha University of Science and Technology,0/88
- The Countermeasures of the Audit Project Quality Control under Information Environment,JiangDongDong/Nanjing University of Technology and Engineering,0/11
- Research of the Communication Management of the PBC Information Technology Projects,OuXiaoShan/Ningxia University,0/8
- The Research of Carbon Emission Rights Pricing,WangXiaoFen/East China Jiaotong University,0/11
- Study on the Problems and Coutermeasures in Green Procurement Projects Invested by the Government,GaoChongFeng/Shenyang University of construction,0/105
- Design on the Performance Evaluation Indicator System of Fiscal Technology Project,HuXinXin/Chang'an University,0/40
- Problems and Countermeasures of Supervision of Financial Investment in Science and Technology Funding,ZhangZuo/Central South University,0/57
- The Preliminary Discussions on Supervision of Government Investment Project,LuoQiang/Institute of Fiscal Science,0/85
- Research on Communication Management of Projects Building between Countries in Scmcc,LiuWei/University of Electronic Science and Technology,0/5
- Research and Application on the Post-Evaluation of Investment Projects in Telecommunication Enterprises,YangXin/Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications,0/23
- Financial Risk Management on Cultural Differences of International Engineering Projects,RenDongDong/Hebei University of Economics,0/6
- Research on the Inscom’s Development Project Management,QiYi/Huazhong University of Science and Technology,0/10
- The Study of Company a Call Center Project Human Resource Management,XuYi/Xi'an University of Petroleum,0/7
- The Analysis and Countermeasures of Zhuoyue Company Internal Management Issues,ZhangShengNan/Tianjin University,0/2
- Research on the Coordination Management of Large-scale Project Interface of Chemical Enterprise,PanJiaXiang/Xi'an University of Architecture and Technology,0/7
- Study on the Material Procurement Management Modes and Strategies about a Large-seale Ceal to Chemical Project,GengHongBing/Ningxia University,0/11
- The study on employee satisfaction assessment of power grid construction project,DuYun/Kunming University of Science and Technology,0/5
- Study on the Performance Evaluation Problems of Informatization Project of Sany Heavy Equipment Co., Ltd,HouYaXin/Jilin University,0/31
- Research on Haiyang Nuclear Project Item Purchasing Management of S Company,LiJuan/Harbin Engineering University,0/50
- Research on the Financial Problems and Countermeasure of Small and Medium Sized Projects in Manufacturing Enterprise,ZhaoYan/Hunan Agricultural University,0/2
- Research on Post Evaluation of Social and Ecological Benefits of the Projects of Existing Industrial Buildings Reformation and Reusing,WangZhenZhong/Xi'an University of Architecture and Technology,0/16
- Study on Local Transfer of Rural Surplus Labors in Mudanjiang City,CuiZuoBo/Jilin University,0/47
- Study on Factors Influenced Public Participation Behavior in Rural Environmental Governance,ChenJiangYing/Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University,0/64
- Nantong City, Jiangsu Investment Ownership of Land Remediation Project Design Framework of Adjustment Programs,WangZhiZuo/Nanjing Agricultural College,0/4
- Research on Economical and Intensive Land Use Standards and It’s Suggestions of Changsha Dahexi Pioneer Zone,ChenHongWang/Hunan University,0/1
- The Study on Financing for the Construction of Southern Hunan National Undertaking Industrial Demonstration Zone,BaiXueMin/Hunan University,0/1
- Study of classification management mode of investment project economic and Technological Development Zone in China with the Zhenjiang economic and Technological Development Zone as an example,HuMin/Kunming University of Science and Technology,0/13
- Regulatory Mechanism for Government Investment Projects,LuoChunMei/Southwestern University of Finance and Economics,0/34
- Research on the Government Counterparty Risk of BT Combined with Land Compensation Construction Projects,HuangZuoYang/Huazhong University of Science and Technology,0/7
- A Study on Government Investment Project Management,WenNanFang/Central South University,0/44
- Research of the Influence Factors of Public Participation in Large Public Construction Project Investment Decision-making,ZhangRui/Guangzhou University,0/60
- The Internal Control of the Project,DaiLiang/Shanghai Jiaotong University,0/167
- Research on the Improvement of Salary Administration in Hunan Housing Projects Investment Company,ZengYan/Hunan University,0/1
- Research on Social Stability Risk Management of Major Projects,DaiZhengJiao/Xiamen University,0/157
- Research on the Investment Management of Government’s Infrastructure Projects,HouZengBo/Dongbei University of Finance,0/9
- Research on the Risk Early-warning Management Mechanism of International Engineering Projects,ZhengZuoNing/Shandong University,0/87
- The Research on Financial Control of Weiyi Liuan Project,DengKaiPing/Hunan University,0/17
- The Investment Research of Beichen Delta High-end Residential Project,HuoBinFeng/Hunan University,0/14
- Research on Investment Risk Analysis and Evaluation in Real Estate Development Project,MaXiaoHui/Liaoning University of Science and Technology,0/87
- Feasibility Study by Comprehensively Assessment on Prior Period of Real Estate Project,HuBo/Tianjin University,0/1
- Research on Risk Eveluation and Control of Real Estate Development Project Based on Full Life-cycle,ZhaoLin/Harbin Engineering University,0/303
- Study on the Marketing Strategy of Blue Real Estate "M Project",XuFeiFei/Sichuan Normal University,0/40
- Study on the Projects Establishment and Resources Optimal Allocation in Real Estate Enterprise,ZhaoLiPing/Chang'an University,0/7
- Industrial Real Estate Project Investment Risk Evaluation and Countermeasures Research,ZhangHuaFeng/Tianjin University of Finance and Economics,0/5
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