
About 69 item dissertation in line with teacher learning query results,the following is 1 to 50(Search took 0.028 seconds)

  1. Research on the Teachers' Autonomous Professional Development in Rural Secondary Schools,LiYongFang/Shanxi Normal University,0/2
  2. A Study on School-based Learning for High School Teachers from the Aspect of Learning Community,XuYanFang/Minnan Normal University,0/26
  3. Research on the Advising Model of Resource Teachers’ Role Playing in Inclusive Environment,LiuHuiLi/Central China Normal University,0/193
  4. Research on Status of the Middle School Teachers’ Self-directed Learning and It’s Influencing Factors,SunLiYing/Northeast Normal University,0/131
  5. Investigation of the demand of middle school teachers' learning under the background of Educational Informationization,ChengJia/Shaanxi Normal University,0/162
  6. Research on Teachers’ Action Learning,WangDong/Shanghai Normal University,0/826
  7. A Research on Teacher’s Learning Motivation of Primary School,LiXingLi/Northeast Normal University,0/4
  8. Empirical Research on Primary Teacher School-based Learning,ShenGangYun/Guangzhou University,0/61
  9. Research on primary school beginning teachers inspire students' learning motivation and teaching strategies,LiFei/Shanghai Normal University,0/2
  10. Research on Teachers Implicit Learning,PanGaiXia/Henan University,0/0
  11. Research on Teacher Learning Mode Based on Expansive Learning Theory,GaoZuo/Hangzhou Normal University,0/89
  12. Research on Current Situation and Guarantee System of Rural Teachers’ Learning Opportunities,ZhangSuZuo/Hangzhou Normal University,0/151
  13. The Construction of Teacher Learning Community on Self-Organizing Theory,YanFangYu/Bohai University,0/149
  14. Research on Teacher Learning in the Perspective of Learning Sciences,ZengYuPing/Jiangxi Normal University,0/236
  15. Research on teacher learning community from the perspective of the professional development,ChengLin/Qufu Normal University,0/339
  16. An Exploration on the Teacher Learning Community under the Ecological Philosophy Visual Threshold,XuPingYin/Hainan Normal University,,0/427
  17. The Research on the Model and Strategy of the Technical Supporting to Teachers’ Professional Development,JinYanHong/Northwest Normal University,0/614
  18. The Research of Teacher Distance Learning Process and Influence Factors,BaiXiangHe/Henan University,0/95
  19. The Research on the Training of Education Technical Ability for the Teacher Learning Community Platform Based on Web2.0,ZhangMan/Southwestern University,0/197
  20. Chinese Teaching and Learning Tradition of Foreign Language,AnNa/Zhejiang University,0/45
  21. A Narrative Inquiry of English Teachers’ Professional Growth in Their Learning Activities in Rural Junior High Schools,ZhangXinFeng/Zhejiang Normal University,0/62
  22. A Study on Learner Autonomy under the Influence of Expectancy Effects of Teacher,SongJingYing/Northeast Forestry University,0/4
  23. Professionalism and Development of Effective EFL Teachers,LiuYuZuo/Shanxi University of Finance,0/117
  24. A Research on College English Teachers’ Learning,LiYun/Qingdao University,0/113
  25. Exploring Teacher Learning Community for Teachers’Professional Development,PengHui/Southwestern University,0/146
  26. A Study on Collaborative Learning among Interdisciplinary Teachers Through Network,DongHongJian/East China Normal University,9/1266
  27. Learning environment for pre-service teacher education,WuWei/Nanjing Normal University,3/985
  28. A Study on Teacher School-Based Learning,LiZhiHou/Northwest Normal University,45/1912
  29. Regulation Pattern of Teacher Autonomic Learning and Its Mechanism,ZhangMin/Zhejiang University,10/1879
  30. Teacher Learning for the Knowledge-Based Society: Facilitate the Development of Adaptive Expertise,WangMei/East China Normal University,8/1051
  31. A Study on Student Practicum and Its Influencing Factors in the Context of Curriculum Reform in School Education,WangFang/Northeast Normal University,4/1558
  32. Teacher learning : expectations and reality,SunChuanYuan/Shanghai Normal University,4/1965
  33. An Empirical Study of Teacher Learning in Elementary School,YangXueJing/East China Normal University,8/572
  34. Living in the Teacher Learning Community-An Ethnographic Study of Teacher Development,XuZuoNa/Zhejiang University,0/403
  35. An Empirical Study of Shanghai middle school teachers learn,ChenJie/Shanghai Normal University,1/260
  36. Investigation of Learning Assessment Conceptions Held by Senior Middle School Teachers,ShangHui/South China Normal University,9/448
  37. The Study of Online Teacher Learning Community Construction,WangLei/Northeast Normal University,14/676
  38. Open Education Teachers' Self Development Strategy,DingJiKe/Nanjing Normal University,0/111
  39. An Action-Research about How to Promote Rural Teachers’ Professional Development Through Teachers’ Learning Resources Center,YangXiaoQi/Northwest Normal University,5/361
  40. Practice and Thinking of language integrated learning,DaiXiaoE/Shanghai Normal University,0/193
  41. New mechanism for school - based teacher education : reform of teacher learning way,WuDongHui/Capital Normal University,3/308
  42. The Problems and Solution of Cooperation among Teachers,YangXueCui/Shandong Normal University,6/499
  43. Web-based Teacher Learning Community,WuJunXue/Hebei University,32/830
  44. Teachers learn about the theory and research,SunFuHai/South China Normal University,34/781
  45. Research on the Effective Movement of Teacher Learning Resource Centers in the Western-countryside Distance Learning,GuoJiong/Northwest Normal University,3/300
  46. Learner Factors and College English Teaching,YuanXiLing/Northwestern University,0/281
  47. The Exploration of EFL Teacher Learning in the Context of Social Constructivism,YangWenWei/Shanghai International Studies University,0/287
  48. Research of Teacher School-based Study under Network Environment,YanHuaQin/Nanjing Normal University,1/195
  49. The Exploration of Teachers’ Learning Procrastination,ChengJiaLi/Shanghai Normal University,6/404
  50. Research on Cultivating Learning Community of Teachers in an Online Environment,ZhuRong/Jiangxi Normal University,3/462

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