About 334 item dissertation in line with vehicle routing problem query results,the following is 1 to 50(Search took 0.056 seconds)
- Study on Optimization of Multi-temperature Joint-delivery in Cold Chain Logistics,TangZhen/Yantai University,0/28
- Composite Particle Swarm Algorithm and Its Application,BaoZuo/Central South University,0/15
- Hybrid Algorithm for Vehicle Routing Problem,GuanWeiLi/Guangxi University,0/79
- Optimization on Distribution Route of XX Fast Food Company of Shunyi Beijing,SunKeRan/Nanjing Agricultural College,0/4
- A Hybrid Meta-heuristic for the Heterogeneous Fleet Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem with two-dimensional Loading Constraints,CaiZuoSen/Xiamen University,0/0
- Research on the Vehicle Routing Problem of Material Handling System for Large Ship,ZhangYanQiong/Huazhong University of Science and Technology,0/7
- Research of Vehicle Routing Optimization Problem Based on Genetic Algorithm,ZhaoChen/Tianjin University,0/13
- Research on Large-scale Multi-depot Vehicle Scheduling Method with Fluctuant Demand,QiuHongYan/Tianjin University,0/1
- Study on Multiple-depot Vehicle Routing Problem Based on Different Replenishment Methods,ChenBin/Huazhong University of Science and Technology,0/7
- Solving of Emergency Logistics Vehicle Routing Problem with Genetic Algorithm under Capacity Constraints,DingWei(Sefa Vidinlioglu)/Huazhong University of Science and Technology,0/8
- The Green Time-Dependent Vehicle Routing Problem,JiangFei/Tsinghua University,0/14
- Green Vehicle Routing Problem with Split Delivery,YinLe/Tsinghua University,0/8
- Vehicle Routing Problem with Limited Stations,LiuShuSheng/Tsinghua University,0/7
- Pipeline company logistics distribution path optimization of long distance X,XieShaSha/Southwest Petroleum University,0/10
- Vehicle Routing Problem of Simultaneous Deliveries and Pickups with Two-dimensional Loading Constraints,LiLin/Nanjing Agricultural College,0/1
- Vehicle Routing Problem with Three-Dimensional Loading Constraints,PengBiTao/South China University of Technology,0/78
- Emergency Vehicle Routing Problem Research Based on Emergency Relief Classification-Batches Distribution,DuMiaoMiao/Beijing Jiaotong University,0/47
- Research on Dynamic Vehicle Routing Optimization of Cigarette Logistics Based on Time-window,GuoJianHong/Beijing Jiaotong University,0/46
- Route Optimization of Tobacco Distribution Based on Clustering-Tabu Search Algorithm,WeiJing/Xiamen University,0/3
- Research on Logistics Distribution Pricing Strategy Based on the Perspective of Supply and Demand,MaJianTao/University of Electronic Science and Technology,0/30
- Modeling and Optimization Methods for Uncertain Vehicle Routing Problems,WangJun/Tianjin University,2/539
- The Research of Vehicle Routing Optimization Based on Cellular Automata,LiuWei/Tianjin University of Finance and Economics,0/31
- Optimizing Vehicle Fleet Management with Travel Time Reliability Constraint,WangHongYan/Northeastern University,0/35
- Research on the Pickup and Delivery Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Windows,LuYing/Northeastern University,0/60
- Research on Joint Distribution of Logistics Outsourcing in Industrial Cluster,ZhangYiXian/Hunan University,0/88
- Optimal Model and Algorithm for Emergency Logistics Vehicle Routing Problem Considering Stochastic Demand and Robustness,ZhaoXiaoBo/Central South University,0/151
- Research on MDVRPTW Based on Fuzzy Cluster Analysis and Immune Algorithm,CaoYuXia/Ocean University of China,0/127
- Research and Application on Distribution Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Windows,ZhangLiang/Anhui University of,0/224
- Research of Large-Scale Multiple Depot Vehicle Routing Problem,CuiWen/Shandong University,0/236
- Research on Vehicle Routing Problem for Logistics of Appliances Chains Enterprise Based on GIS,DingXu/Harbin University of Commerce,0/393
- Research on Fuel Consumption Minimized Vehicle Routing Problem,SongQin/Tsinghua University,1/251
- Distribution Optimization with Stochastic Customers and Demands,ZengHua/Shandong University,0/517
- Optimization Research for Integrated Vehicle Filling and Vehicle Problem in Logistics Distribution,ZhuLiJuan/Wuhan University of Technology,1/460
- Research on Simulation Optimization Method for Vehicle Routing Problem,SunZhongYue/Beijing Jiaotong University,3/762
- Uncertain Information Vehicle Routing Problem Based on Case-based Reasoning,WangZuoZuo/Nanjing University of Technology and Engineering,0/118
- Research on the Fairness Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem Based on Variable Neighborhood Ant Colony Algorithm,Pan/Shanghai Jiaotong University,0/121
- Solving Multi-fuzzy Factors Vehicle Routing Problem with Improved Lévy Particle Swarm Optimization,LongYuanMing/Huazhong University of Science and Technology,0/20
- Application of Ant Colony Algorithm in Vehicle Routing Problem,LiJu/Southwest Jiaotong University,0/52
- Using Improved Genetic Algorithm to Solve Vehicle Routing Problem with Soft Time Windows,WeiKai/Anhui University of,0/2
- Research and Application of Vehicle Routing Problem Based on the Ant Colony Optimization Algorithm,LiuZuo/Chongqing University of Technology,0/3
- Difference solution of three classes of optimization scheduling algorithm and quantum evolutionary algorithm based on,DuPuZe/Kunming University of Science and Technology,0/2
- Logistics Vehicle Dispatching and Management System Design Based on ARM and GPS/GPRS/GIS,ZhangYueHua/Chongqing University,1/204
- The Design,Realization of Third-Party Logistics Distribution System,DingPeng/Hunan University,0/500
- Hybrid Ant Colony Optimization Algorithm for Two Echelon Vehicle Routing Problem,ZhangZeBin/Guangdong University of Technology,0/59
- Research on Vehicle Routing Problems in Intelligent Transportation System,ChengXiangWei/Lanzhou Jiaotong University,0/4
- The school bus routing problem meta heuristic algorithm design and GIS integration,LiuQingSong/Henan University,0/0
- Research on Open Vehicle Routing Problems with Fuel Consumption,WangMingYang/Shenyang Normal,0/36
- The Rearch in the Multi-objective Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Windows,XuYangYang/Northeastern University,0/122
- Improved Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm for Vehicle Routing Problem Research,YangHuLin/Guangxi Normal University,0/119
- Study of Particle Swarm Optimization Based on Particle Swarm Optimization,XiongNing/South China University of Technology,0/190
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