
About 7 item dissertation in line with weight training query results,the following is 1 to 50(Search took 0.025 seconds)

  1. Effect of Weight Training on Aging Rats’ Sarcopenia,ZuoWanJun/Hebei Normal,16/247
  2. Research on Neuromuscular Adaptation to Weight Plyometric Training,TianShiLiu/Shanghai Institute of Physical Education,5/399
  3. Weight training and supplement soybean peptides intervention skeletal muscle aging effect and mechanism of,LiuFengBin/Hebei Normal,6/271
  4. The Outstanding Female Weightlifter before weight control research and training monitoring,WangYanZhen/Qufu Normal University,1/411
  5. The Effcet of Different Load-bearing Trainning on Apoptosis and Bcl-2、Bax Expression in Aged Cardiac Muscle of Rats,TangYanMei/Hebei Normal,0/25
  6. BP Neural Network Based on Adjustment Coefficient in the Study of Character Recognition,ZhangLiZuo/Harbin Engineering University,1/59
  7. Effect of Weight Training and Soybean Peptide Supplement on Myocardial Antioxidant Capacity of Rat in Aging Process,JiaHua/Hebei Normal,0/71

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