
About 6934 item dissertation in line with Q7,Molecular Biology query results,the following is 1 to 50(Search took 0.026 seconds)

  1. Studies on the Cloning, Sequencing, Expression and Biologic Activity of Gene Encoding Antibacterial Peptide PMAP-37,MingShuangXi/Dalian University of Technology,0/11
  2. Cloning and Characterization of the Lysozyme Gene in the Sea Cucumber Stichopus Japonicus,YangXiJian/Dalian University of Technology,0/3
  3. Expression of Human Acetaldehyde Dehydrogenase2in Pichia pastoris,ZhaoJin/Wuhan Institute of Technology,0/11
  4. Computing Analysis on Gene Expression and Its Transcriptional Regulatory Mechanisms,ShiJinLong/National University of Defense Science and Technology,0/104
  5. Expression of Lumbrokinase F238in Pichia Pastoris and Bacillus Subtilis,SongZuoYu/Tianjin University of Science and Technology,0/12
  6. Heterologous Expression of Daphnia Magna ChE and Applicability of the Enzyme-based Antibodies,LiuHongCui/Zhejiang University,0/12
  7. High-throughput Construction of Lentiviral RNA Interference Vectors,YangJu/Hubei University,0/75
  8. Molecular Analysis of the Complete Genome of SCYLV-HN1 and Construction of Bait Plasmds for Studing CP and P0 Proteins Interaction with the Host,YangWenJun/Hainan University,0/43
  9. Derivatives of Poly(D,L-aspartic Acid)Used for Gene Delivery,ZhaoDanJun/Zhejiang University,0/6
  10. Prediction of Eukaryotic Gene Transcriptional Regulation Elements and Networks,WangJin/Nanjing University,0/19
  11. Antibiotic Resistome in Aquaculture Sediment and Agricultural Soil,XuChunYan/Jimei University,0/11
  12. Characterization of Bmlipase-1Gene Promoter and Analysis of Its Differential Expression among Silkworm Strains,ZhangZuoZuo/Jiangsu University of Science and Technology,0/44
  13. Expression of Ribonuclease-Onconase and Its Fusion Proteins,HuXiao/East China University of Science and Technology,0/7
  14. Construction of High Efficient Genetic Transformation System and Evaluation of Promoter Activity for Cladosporium cladosporioides MD2,LiuBo/Huazhong University of Science and Technology,0/27
  15. Research of Cis-regulatory Module Discovery Method Based on HMM Model,ZhengShuRui/Xi'an University of Electronic Science and Technology,0/27
  16. Recombinant Expression of Acetylcholinesterase of Housefly(Musca Domestica),WangDong/Tianjin University of Science and Technology,0/5
  17. Construction and Preliminary Use of Expression System in Lactic Acid Bacteria,DaiWeiLi/Tianjin University of Science and Technology,0/17
  18. Analytical Methods of Gene Gene Copy Number Variations Based on Multiplex Competitive Pcr Using Universal Fluorescent Primers,LiPengXiang/Donghua University,0/6
  19. High-level Production and Directed Evolution Study of Pyrroloquinoline Quinone-dependent Glucose Dehydrogenase in Escherichia Coli,YuZuo/Zhejiang University,0/14
  20. Cloning and Expressing of Lipases for Preparation of L-menthol,SunMiaoMiao/Zhejiang University,0/17
  21. The Role of Glycosyltransferases β3GnT8and β3GnT2Play on the Cell Signal Transduction Pathway during CD147Inducing MMPs Production,HuShuiJun/Suzhou University,0/31
  22. Genetic Function of Encoding Dhak in Klebsiella Pneumoniae,WeiDong/Tianjin University of Science and Technology,0/3
  23. Identification of Allatotropin Receptor and the Developmental Expression of the Related Neuropeptide Receptors in Bombyx mori,QiuNaSha/Hefei University of Technology,0/19
  24. Construction of Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic Expression System for Cationic Antimicrobial Peptide G13,LuYingHu/Anhui University,0/23
  25. Research of siRNA Mediated by Non-virus Vector,JinWenShi/Liaoning Normal University,0/0
  26. Cloning, Expression and Monoclonal Antibodies Preparation of Vav3Gene from Lampetra Japonica,FengBo/Liaoning Normal University,0/1
  27. Cloning and Coexpression of Thermostable Endoglucanase Gene andβ-Glucosidase Genes in Bacillus Subtilis,WangYuan/East China University of Science and Technology,0/13
  28. Effect of a New Nebulizer on Plasmid DNA Integrity and Gene Transfection,WangHong/Fourth Military Medical University,0/15
  29. The Role of Human SHOX Gene During Mouse Limb Bud Chondrogenesis,WuLiPing/Fujian Medical,0/16
  30. Expression,Purification and Site-directed Mutagenesis of the HdrC Subunit from Heterodisulfide Reductase in Acidithiobacillus Ferrooxidans,JiJiaJu/Central South University,0/2
  31. The Effect of Gene Dosage and Culture Temperature on the Expression of β-mannanase in Pichia Pastoris,LinFuLai/Central South University,0/12
  32. Study on Swine Hepcidin Gene Expression in Pichia Pastoris,DiYuanRan/Henan Agricultural University,0/12
  33. Soluble Expression of Recombinant Proteine Mediated by Chaperonin GroEL/GroES and the Folding-assembiy Mechanism,ZuoXiao/Zhejiang University,0/84
  34. Cloning, Expression and Bioinformatics Analysis of Lck-like Gene from Lampetra Japonica,DaiPeng/Liaoning Normal University,0/3
  35. Anti-tumor Effect of Recombinant RGD Toxin Protein rLj-RGD3from Lampetra Japonica in Mice Bearing Lewis Lung Cancer,YuFeng/Liaoning Normal University,0/2
  36. Molecular Cloning of Amphioxue Uncoupling Protein and the Study about UCP1Structure-function Relationship by Site Directed Mutation,ChenKun/Nanjing University,0/33
  37. Mycobacterium Tuberculosis the RpfE and RipB Cloning,Expression and Biological Activity Performance,WangGang/East China University of Science and Technology,0/40
  38. The Gene Synthesis of Proteus Sp. Lipase and the Construction Expression in Pcihia Pastoris,JiaoLiang/Hubei University,0/23
  39. The Research about Saccharomyces Cerevisiae-vectered APCs-targeted Nucleic Acid Vaccine,LiShunTang/Hubei University,0/19
  40. The Study of Recombinant Expression and Intracellular Activities of Bacillus subtilis CobA and NasF,FangMeiGu/Anhui Agricultural University,0/11
  41. The Feasibility Study of Tobacco Mosaic Virus U2Strain Coat Protein Used to Build Functional Composite Materials,LiuXueMei/Sichuan Agricultural University,0/12
  42. Clone and Expression Analysis of the Amylosucrase Genes from Neisseria Polysaccharea,ZhaoJun/Jilin Agricultural University,0/19
  43. Polycistronic Expression of Human Platelet Factor4in Escherichia Coli,DuanYiTao/Tianjin University,0/19
  44. Cloning, Expression and Characterization of a Novel Cellulase Gene cel28a with Xylanase Activity,JiangHaiQin/Anhui Agricultural University,0/14
  45. Whole Genome Sequencing of a Multidrug Resistant Acinetobacter Baumannii Isolate and a Systematical Bioinformatics Study,YangZhiLiang/Tianjin University,0/5
  46. Molecular Simulations on the α7Nicotinic Acetylcholine Receptors and the Partial Agonists,ShiCaiJuan/Tianjin University,0/2
  47. Expression, Purification and Preliminary Antibody Preparation of Sls1p of Saccharomyces Cerevisiae,ShenYaoYao/Zhejiang University,0/4
  48. Establishment of Bioluminescence Imaging of Caspase-3Activity in Vitro and in Vivo System,DuanXiangGuo/Xinjiang Medical University,0/12
  49. Construction of Zfn Vectors Targetting β-Lactoglobulin and Exploration of Zfn Screening Systems,LiJingXin/Nanjing Agricultural College,0/1
  50. Heterologous Expression of Fugnal Polyketide Synthases6-MSAS, MOS and PksCT in Pichia Pastoris,GaoLiMei/East China University of Science and Technology,0/18

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