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Provide a summary of the 1985-2012 years previous 1,653,803 outstanding graduate master's and the Dr. degree thesis catalog, author, schools, and other bibliographic information.
Marxism,Leninism,Mao Zedong Thought,Deng Xiaoping Theory
Marx and Engels - Lenin - Stalin book - Mao Zedong - Deng Xiaoping's works - Compilation of the works of Marx, Engels, Lenin,Stalin,Mao Zedong,Deng Xiaoping - The life and biography of Marx, Engels, Lenin,Stalin,Mao Zedong,Deng Xiaoping - Marxism,Leninism,Mao Zedong Thought,Deng Xiaoping's theory of learning and research
Philosophy, religion
Philosophical education and outreach - Philosophical theories - World Philosophy - Chinese Philosophy - Asian philosophy - African philosophy - European philosophy - Oceania Philosophy - Inter-American philosophy - Noetic Sciences - Logic ( On Science ) - Ethics ( moral philosophy ) - Aesthetics - Psychology - Religion
Social Sciences
Social science theory and methodology - Current Situation and Development of Social Science - Social science organizations, groups,conference - Social Science Research Methods - Social science education and popularization of - Social Science Books,Collected Works,the continuity of publication - Social Science Reference Books - Social science literature search books - Statistics - Sociology - Demographic - Management - Journal of Systems Science - Ethnology - Talent Study - Labor Science
Political, legal
Political Theory - The international communist movement - Communist Party of China - Communist - Workers, peasants,youth, women's movement and organization - World politics - China's political - National political - Diplomacy, international relations - Legal - Legal
Military theory - The world's military - China's military - Countries in the military - Of strategy,battle school,tactical learning - Military technology - Military topography,military geography
Economics - The world economic profiles,economic history,economic geography - Economic planning and management - Agricultural economy - Industrial economy - Information Industry economy ( Zonglun,) - Transportation and economic - Tourism economy - Posts and Telecommunications economic - Trade and Economic - Fiscal, monetary
Culture, science,education, sports
Cultural Theory - The world culture and culture - Information and knowledge dissemination - Science,scientific research - Education - Sports
Language, writing
Linguistics - Chinese - China 's minority languages - FOREIGN - Sino-Tibetan - Altaic ( Turkic - Mongolian - Tunguska language ) - Austro-Asiatic ( Australia Strobel - Asia Language ) - South India language ( Dravidian languages ??, de la Vader language ) - Austronesian ( Malaya - Polynesian language ) - Northeast Asia, the various language - Caucasian European ( Iberian - Caucasian languages ??) - Uralic ( Finno - Ugric languages) - Flash - with language ( A non- Luo - Asia Language ) - Indo-European - African languages - Languages ??the Americas - The Oceania various language - International Auxiliary Language
Literary Theory - World Literature - Chinese Literature - Countries in literature
Theory of art - Countries around the world Art Overview - Painting - Calligraphy, seal cutting - Sculpture - Photographic Art - Arts and Crafts - Architectural art - Music - Dance - Dramatic Art - Movies, TV Arts
History, geography
Historical Theory - World History - History of China - Asian History - African History - European History - Oceania History - History of America, - Biography - Cultural Relics and Archaeology - Customs - Geography
Natural scientific theory and methodology - Current Situation and Development of Natural Science - Organizations, groups,meetings of Natural Science - Natural Science Research Methods - Natural science education and outreach - Natural Science Books,Collected Works, the continuity of publication - Natural Science Reference Books - Natural Science literature search tools - Natural scientific investigation,study - Nature study,natural history - Nonlinear Science - Journal of Systems Science - Information science, intelligence
Mathematical sciences and chemical
Mathematics - Mechanics - Physics - Chemistry - Crystallography
Astronomy,Earth Sciences
Astronomy - Surveying and Mapping - Geophysics - Atmospheric science (meteorology ) - Geology - Oceanography - Physical Geography
Biological Sciences
Theories and methods of biological science - Current Situation and Development of Biological Sciences - Biological science research methods and techniques - Biological science education and outreach - Biological resources survey - General Biology - Cell Biology - Genetics - Physiology - Biochemistry - Biophysics - Molecular Biology - Bioengineering ( Biotechnology ) - Environmental Biology - Paleontology - Microbiology - Botany - Zoology - Entomology - Anthropology
Medicine, health
General theory of - Current Situation and Development - Medical research methods - Preventive Medicine,Health - Chinese Medicine - Basic Medical - Clinical - Internal Medicine - Surgery - Obstetrics and Gynaecology - Pediatrics - Oncology - Neurology and psychiatry - Dermatology and Venereology - Otorhinolaryngology - Ophthalmology - Oral Sciences - Foreign national medical - Of Medical - Pharmacy
Agricultural Sciences
General theory - Status and development of agricultural science and technology - Agricultural scientific research,test - Agricultural economy - Agriculture as the foundation of science - Agricultural Engineering - Agriculture ( agronomy ) - Plant Protection - Crop - Gardening - Forestry - Livestock, animal medicine,hunting,silkworm,bee - Aquaculture, fisheries
Industrial Technology
Theory of industrial technology - Technology Status and Development - Organizations, groups,conference - Reference Books - Industrial economy - General industrial technology - Mining Engineering - Oil and gas industry - Metallurgical Industry - Metallurgy and Metal Craft - Machinery and Instrument Industry - Arms industry - Energy and Power Engineering - Nuclear technology - Electrotechnical - Radio electronics, telecommunications technology - Automation technology,computer technology - Chemical Industry - Light industry,handicrafts - Building Science - Hydraulic Engineering
Transportation and economic - Integrated transport - Rail transport - Road transport - Waterway transport - Air transport
Aviation, aerospace
Aviation, aerospace technology research and exploration - Aviation - Aerospace ( Astronauts ) - Aviation, aerospace medicine
Environmental science, safety science
Environmental Science Theory - Current Situation and Development of Environmental Science and Technology - Environmental protection publicity and education and popularization of - Environmental Protection reference books - The basic theory for the Environment and Science - Social and environmental - Administration of Environmental Protection - Disasters and their prevention - Environmental pollution and its prevention - Processing and comprehensive utilization of waste - Environmental Quality Assessment and Environmental Monitoring - Safety Science
Comprehensive books
Books - Encyclopedias, reference books - Dictionary - Proceedings of The Complete Works,Selected Works,Miscellaneous - Yearbook, annual - Journals,the continuity of publication - Library catalog,abstracts,indexes
National Literature
Last updated on 2024-09-10
Design and Development on High-power Parallel Switching Power Supply
Research on the Evaluation of Sustainable Development of Dairy Industry in Heilongjiang Province
The Expression of Imagery of Texture in the Creative Work of Comtemporary Cjaborate-Style Painting
A Look into Lin Yutangs’ English Writings: a Linguistic Approach
The Exegesis Value of "Meng Xi Bi Tan"
See the love and marriage and family ethics view of Morrison from the "Solomon song"
On the Social Realistic Significance of the EarlyPerformance Art in China
The artistic practice and game
The Clinical and Etiological Analysis of In-hospital Stroke
The Study of Relationship Between Secundum Atrial Septal Defect Diameters and the Sizes of Occluders in Interventional Therpay
Changes of Lysophosphatidic Acid and Its Receptor-1in the Patients with Preeclampsia
The Effect of Caveolin-1on Cigarette Smoke Extract-induced MUC5AC Hypersecretion
Research and Application of Key Technical Principles of Sea Cucumber (Apostichopus Japonicus Selenka)Ecological Seed Breeding
Analysis of the Potential for Trade in the Fish Products in China
The Study on Common Street Trees Fixing Carbon and Releasing Oxygen Sluggish Dust Benefits in Changsha
Study on genetic transformation of glyphosate resistant gene of beet
Preparetion and Modification of LifePO4/C Cathode Material for Li-ion Batteries
Power Battery Energy Intelligence Unit Dynamic Balancing Research
Study on Development Strategy of Electrical Equipment Corperation in the Trend of Smart Grid
Unsaturated Elasto-Plastic Constitutive Relation Study Based on Bbm Model for Chuanxi Talus Mixed Soil