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Marxism,Leninism,Mao Zedong Thought,Deng Xiaoping Theory

Marx and Engels - Lenin - Stalin book - Mao Zedong - Deng Xiaoping's works - Compilation of the works of Marx, Engels, Lenin,Stalin,Mao Zedong,Deng Xiaoping - The life and biography of Marx, Engels, Lenin,Stalin,Mao Zedong,Deng Xiaoping - Marxism,Leninism,Mao Zedong Thought,Deng Xiaoping's theory of learning and research

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Social Sciences

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Comprehensive books

Books - Encyclopedias, reference books - Dictionary - Proceedings of The Complete Works,Selected Works,Miscellaneous - Yearbook, annual - Journals,the continuity of publication - Library catalog,abstracts,indexes

National Literature

Last updated on 2025-02-14

Research of Spreading Properties on Several Models of Complex Networks
The research of complex networks has penetrated into many different fields includingMathematical and Physical Sciences, Life Scien
Management Decision Theory and Application - O157.5 - LiPing - Shandong Normal University

An Overlapping Community Detection Algorithm in Complex Networks
Complex network can be used to describe Internet, Social relationship network, Biologicalnetwork, Industrial communication network
Computer Software and Theory - O157.5 - ZhangZhen - Xinjiang University

The boundary integral and an improved regularization method for solving the acoustic scattering problem
The inverse problem is a comprehensive academic research, the acous-tic scattering as an important branch of the inverse problem o
Computational Mathematics - O241.8 - YaoZhiCong - Northwestern University

Optimal Parameterizations for Parameter Curves with Piecewise Linear Transformation
The best parameter of a curve is arc-length parameter, but it is hard to get. The study of optimal parameterizations is an importa
Applied Mathematics - O186.11 - WangQiTao - Fudan University

Approximate Lagrange constrained vector optimization problem of multiplier and KKT conditions
Using the techniques and methods of variational analysis, we study weak ap-proximate Pareto solutions, approximate KKT points of c
Applied Mathematics - O224 - LiRunZuo - Yunnan University

Applying DEA Model to Internal Credit Rating System of ACLEDA Bank PLC.(Cambodia)
This study evaluating the current internal credit rating system of ACLEDA Bankused scoring method and examining the credit rating
Business management - F224 - YuanShuBo - Huazhong University of Science and Technology

Study on Data Fusion of Fiber Optical Bragg Grating Sensing
With engineering applications of fiber bragg gratings and widely use of multiplexingtechnology of FBGs, signals of fiber gratings
Communication and Information System - TN253 - MaLeiMing - Tianjin University of Technology

Preliminary Study of Two-layer Heterogeneous Fiber Sensor Network Based on Distributed Polarization Maintaining Fiber and Discrete Fiber Bragg Grating
The fiber sensor network consists of fiber sensors or sensing subsystems in a certain topology. With the intelligent feature, a ne
Optical Engineering - TN253 - YeZuoZuo - Tianjin University

Analysis of Response Characteristic of Antennas Excited by Electromagnetic Pulses Based on FDTD
With the rapid development of microelectronics technology, the miniaturization ofelectrical and electronic systems, especially the
Communication and Information System - TN011 - CaoLei - Harbin Engineering University

The Research of2Effects100t/d Sea Water Desalination
Water shortage has become a critical and serious challenge to society progress and economy development in the world. As an importa
Power Engineering - P747 - YueHaiPeng - North China Electric Power University

Petrogenesis and Geodynamic Setting of Magmatic Rocks from Uranium-bearing Volcanic Basins,Gan-Hang Belt, Southeast China
The Gan-Hang Belt is an important volcanic rock-hosted uranium mineralization belt in China. Abundant volcanic rock-hosted uranium
Mineralogy,petrology, Mineral Deposit Geology - P588.1 - YangShuiYuan - Nanjing University

Rock Burst Mechanism in High In-situ Stress and Rock Burst Criterion in Deep Underground Engineering
Recent years, because of more and more underground engineering in high in-situstress area, rock-burst has been a inevitable geolog
Geological Engineering - TU45 - LiYingHua - Chinese Geology University (Beijing)

Simulation on the Self-assembly of Anisotropic Nanorods/block Polymers
Recently, anisotropic nanorods in material science are increasingly becoming one ofimportant research topics in material science.
Applied Chemistry - O631.3 - LiuGuanFeng - Zhejiang University of Technology

Preparation of New Polydentate Ligand and Determination of Metal by HPLC after Cloud Point Extraction
Cloud point extraction (CPE) is a new liquid-liquid extraction technology which hasbeen proved to have many advantages,such as sma
Analytical Chemistry - O658.2 - ZhangXiuJing - Qiqihar University

Studies on Liposomes Entrapping Cinnarizine Cyclodextrin Inclusion Complex
The concept of entrapping cyclodextrin-drug complexes into liposomes has been proposed by Me Cormack and Gregoriadis in 1994. This
Pharmacy - R94 - JiaZengRong - Shenyang Pharmaceutical University

The Fiber Optic Monitoring Technology Research of Casing Strain and Formation Pressure in Production and Injection Well
Previous casing damage monitoring technology is limited to the inner casing, andmeasures were taken only after casing deformation
Mining Engineering - TE938 - LinFaZhi - Northeast University of Petroleum

Study on Green Supply Chain Management of Shanxi Golden Rock Corporation
With the improvement of scientific and technological progress of energy, new energy and clean energy will become an important driv
Business management - F274 - HaoQianYao - Beijing Forestry University

Experiment Study on Laws of Relieved Methane Delivery by Protective Layer Mining
Released protective layer induces overlying strata fracturing and changes on originalporosity and permeability of coal-rock mass.
Fluid Mechanics - TD712.6 - GaiDi - Liaoning Technical University

Study on Related Phase Equilibria of the Al-Zn-Fe-Bi Quaternary System
Hot-dip galvanizing is an effective and widely used technology to protect steelagainst corrosion. However, the hot-dip products ar
Materials Science and Engineering - TG174.44 - GongYanJuan - Xiangtan University

The Prediction of Masteel CSP Hut Rolled Strip Based on Data Mining
In this paper, performance prediction, the CSP technology and data mining techniqueshave been studied with the aim of finding an e
Management Science and Engineering - TG335.11 - ZhangZhuTing - Anhui University of

degree thesis is a written report of test results of scientific research, the students of colleges and universities or research institutions to obtain a degree, under the guidance of instructors completed
dissertation is divided into bachelor thesis, master thesis, dissertation
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