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Provide a summary of the 1985-2012 years previous 1,653,803 outstanding graduate master's and the Dr. degree thesis catalog, author, schools, and other bibliographic information.

Marxism,Leninism,Mao Zedong Thought,Deng Xiaoping Theory

Marx and Engels - Lenin - Stalin book - Mao Zedong - Deng Xiaoping's works - Compilation of the works of Marx, Engels, Lenin,Stalin,Mao Zedong,Deng Xiaoping - The life and biography of Marx, Engels, Lenin,Stalin,Mao Zedong,Deng Xiaoping - Marxism,Leninism,Mao Zedong Thought,Deng Xiaoping's theory of learning and research

Philosophy, religion

Philosophical education and outreach - Philosophical theories - World Philosophy - Chinese Philosophy - Asian philosophy - African philosophy - European philosophy - Oceania Philosophy - Inter-American philosophy - Noetic Sciences - Logic ( On Science ) - Ethics ( moral philosophy ) - Aesthetics - Psychology - Religion

Social Sciences

Social science theory and methodology - Current Situation and Development of Social Science - Social science organizations, groups,conference - Social Science Research Methods - Social science education and popularization of - Social Science Books,Collected Works,the continuity of publication - Social Science Reference Books - Social science literature search books - Statistics - Sociology - Demographic - Management - Journal of Systems Science - Ethnology - Talent Study - Labor Science

Political, legal

Political Theory - The international communist movement - Communist Party of China - Communist - Workers, peasants,youth, women's movement and organization - World politics - China's political - National political - Diplomacy, international relations - Legal - Legal


Military theory - The world's military - China's military - Countries in the military - Of strategy,battle school,tactical learning - Military technology - Military topography,military geography


Economics - The world economic profiles,economic history,economic geography - Economic planning and management - Agricultural economy - Industrial economy - Information Industry economy ( Zonglun,) - Transportation and economic - Tourism economy - Posts and Telecommunications economic - Trade and Economic - Fiscal, monetary

Culture, science,education, sports

Cultural Theory - The world culture and culture - Information and knowledge dissemination - Science,scientific research - Education - Sports

Language, writing

Linguistics - Chinese - China 's minority languages - FOREIGN - Sino-Tibetan - Altaic ( Turkic - Mongolian - Tunguska language ) - Austro-Asiatic ( Australia Strobel - Asia Language ) - South India language ( Dravidian languages ??, de la Vader language ) - Austronesian ( Malaya - Polynesian language ) - Northeast Asia, the various language - Caucasian European ( Iberian - Caucasian languages ??) - Uralic ( Finno - Ugric languages) - Flash - with language ( A non- Luo - Asia Language ) - Indo-European - African languages - Languages ??the Americas - The Oceania various language - International Auxiliary Language


Literary Theory - World Literature - Chinese Literature - Countries in literature


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History, geography

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Natural scientific theory and methodology - Current Situation and Development of Natural Science - Organizations, groups,meetings of Natural Science - Natural Science Research Methods - Natural science education and outreach - Natural Science Books,Collected Works, the continuity of publication - Natural Science Reference Books - Natural Science literature search tools - Natural scientific investigation,study - Nature study,natural history - Nonlinear Science - Journal of Systems Science - Information science, intelligence

Mathematical sciences and chemical

Mathematics - Mechanics - Physics - Chemistry - Crystallography

Astronomy,Earth Sciences

Astronomy - Surveying and Mapping - Geophysics - Atmospheric science (meteorology ) - Geology - Oceanography - Physical Geography

Biological Sciences

Theories and methods of biological science - Current Situation and Development of Biological Sciences - Biological science research methods and techniques - Biological science education and outreach - Biological resources survey - General Biology - Cell Biology - Genetics - Physiology - Biochemistry - Biophysics - Molecular Biology - Bioengineering ( Biotechnology ) - Environmental Biology - Paleontology - Microbiology - Botany - Zoology - Entomology - Anthropology

Medicine, health

General theory of - Current Situation and Development - Medical research methods - Preventive Medicine,Health - Chinese Medicine - Basic Medical - Clinical - Internal Medicine - Surgery - Obstetrics and Gynaecology - Pediatrics - Oncology - Neurology and psychiatry - Dermatology and Venereology - Otorhinolaryngology - Ophthalmology - Oral Sciences - Foreign national medical - Of Medical - Pharmacy

Agricultural Sciences

General theory - Status and development of agricultural science and technology - Agricultural scientific research,test - Agricultural economy - Agriculture as the foundation of science - Agricultural Engineering - Agriculture ( agronomy ) - Plant Protection - Crop - Gardening - Forestry - Livestock, animal medicine,hunting,silkworm,bee - Aquaculture, fisheries

Industrial Technology

Theory of industrial technology - Technology Status and Development - Organizations, groups,conference - Reference Books - Industrial economy - General industrial technology - Mining Engineering - Oil and gas industry - Metallurgical Industry - Metallurgy and Metal Craft - Machinery and Instrument Industry - Arms industry - Energy and Power Engineering - Nuclear technology - Electrotechnical - Radio electronics, telecommunications technology - Automation technology,computer technology - Chemical Industry - Light industry,handicrafts - Building Science - Hydraulic Engineering


Transportation and economic - Integrated transport - Rail transport - Road transport - Waterway transport - Air transport

Aviation, aerospace

Aviation, aerospace technology research and exploration - Aviation - Aerospace ( Astronauts ) - Aviation, aerospace medicine

Environmental science, safety science

Environmental Science Theory - Current Situation and Development of Environmental Science and Technology - Environmental protection publicity and education and popularization of - Environmental Protection reference books - The basic theory for the Environment and Science - Social and environmental - Administration of Environmental Protection - Disasters and their prevention - Environmental pollution and its prevention - Processing and comprehensive utilization of waste - Environmental Quality Assessment and Environmental Monitoring - Safety Science

Comprehensive books

Books - Encyclopedias, reference books - Dictionary - Proceedings of The Complete Works,Selected Works,Miscellaneous - Yearbook, annual - Journals,the continuity of publication - Library catalog,abstracts,indexes

National Literature

Last updated on 2025-01-26

The Trends of Science Development Based on Metrical Analysis the Contents in Nature and Science during the20th Century
The description of the history of science development is one of the basic task of History of Science. So far, there are seldom stu
History of Science and Technology - N09 - WangBaoHong - Shanxi University

The Problems about Normality and Value-sharing of Meromophic Function
In1925, R.Nevanlinna developed two basic theorems of meromorphic functions,and then created modern research of the value distribut
Applied Mathematics - O174.52 - GuoNiNi - Changsha University of Science and Technology

Research and Exploration on Teaching System of Probability and Statistics
The Probability statistics is a basic mathematical subject which has strong application, so the perfect combination of the basic a
Applied Mathematics - G642 - LiuDaZhuo - Xi'an University of Engineering

Research on the technology of laser pulse smoothing based on multiphoton absorption effect
Amplitude modulation might damage the optics, adversely affects the laser performance and eventually would make the inertial confi
Optical Engineering - TN249 - ChengKun - Chinese Academy of Engineering Physics

The Delay Characteristics of Chaotic Systems Based the Semiconductor Laser
Since the chaos synchronization method was realized by Pecora and Carroll, various kinds of chaotic systems have been proposed and
Signal and Information Processing - TN248.4 - ZhangQiao - Southwest Jiaotong University

Urbanization Effect on Surface Warming in Nanjing
Nanjing is an important economic and science and technology center in east China, so research on the effect of the urbanization is
Urban Meteorology - P463.3 - LiuXin - Nanjing University of Information Engineering

A Further Study on the Impact of Parameter Errors on the ENSO Spring Predictability Barrier in the Zebiak-Cane Model
Both initial and parameter errors can cause prediction errors. Previous researchshowed that the initial errors are more important
Meteorology - P732 - YuLiang - Graduate School , Chinese Academy of Sciences ( Institute of Oceanography )

A Study on the Influence of Wave on the Temperature in the Upper Ocean Mixed Layer
The article analyses the influence of the surface wave on the mixed layertemperature variation through adding the effect of wave i
Physical oceanography - P731 - ZhangXiaoShuang - Ocean University of China

Atomic Equilibrium Electronegativity and Its Application Research in Molecular Design and Molecular Modeling
Quantitative structure-property/activity relationship (QSPR/QSAR) was originally introduced as a branch in the biological field an
Applied Chemistry - O621.25 - DaiYiMin - Central South University

Separation and Determination of ATP and Phosphate Based on Uranyl Complexes
In this paper, we mainly studied several new methods for the separation anddetermination of ATP and phosphate based on uranyl comp
Analytical Chemistry - O641.4 - ZhaoMinMin - Nanhua University

Fluorescence Property and Analysis of Syringic Acid, Sinapic Acid and Catechin in Chinese Herbal Medicine
Fluorescence spectra of syringic acid and sinapic acid, active components of Chineseherbal medicine, were studied in this thesis,
Chemical Biology - O657 - ZhangNing - Hebei Normal

Study on Hydrodynamics and Mass Transfer in an Internal Loop Airlift Reactor
Airlift reactors have been widely applied in chemical andbiotechnological industries due to their special advantages. However, bec
Control Theory and Control Engineering - TQ021 - LuoLiJia - Shanghai Jiaotong University

Experimental Study on Deflagration Propagation of LPG-Air in Pipeline
China is coal resources big country, is also with coal as the main source of energy one ofthe countries, coal production in the de
Thermal Power Engineering - TD712.7 - ZhongWei - Harbin Engineering University

Preparation and Evaluation of Human Milk Hat Substitutes
Human milk fat (HMF) is one of the important nutrients in human milk. The uniquestructure of HMF, i.e., palmitic acid is mainly lo
Agricultural Products Processing and Storage - TS252.7 - ZuoXiaoLi - South China University of Technology

Trace Cobalt-Mediated Activation of Peroxymonosulfate to Degrade Azo Dye Acid Orange7: Role of Bicarbonate Ions
Advanced Oxidation Technologies (AOTs) based on the generation of sulfateradical (SO4) is a recently emergi
Environmental Engineering - X703 - HanQiang - Ocean University of China

Biological Stability of Reclaimed Water and Removal of Organic Matter by Uultrafiltration-Ozone Treatment
Biological stability is one of the most important aspects for reclaimed water safety. Because in reclaimed water have many kinds o
Environmental Engineering - X703 - JiangFeng - Jilin Agricultural University

Research on Process Drawing Generation Method and System for Shaft Parts
Computer Aided Process Planning (CAPP) is the bridge of CAD&CAM and the key technique of CIMS. CAPP has become the research focus
Mechanical Manufacturing and Automation - TH133.2 - LiJuan - East China University of Science and Technology

Research on Fault Diagnosis Methods for Machinery Based on Morphological Component Analysis and Chirplet Path Pursuit
With the progress of science and technology, modern mechanical equipments aredeveloping toward large-scale, high-speed, continuum
Mechanical Engineering - TH165.3 - ChenXiangMin - Hunan University

Analysis of the hypersonic vehicle infrared radiation characteristics
In recent years, with the rapid development of the hypersonic flight technology, the strategic significance and application value
Electromagnetic Field and Microwave Technology - TN211 - ChenChen - Nanjing University of Technology and Engineering

Study on Methods for Continuous Measurement and Identification of the Vertical Interaction between Wheel/Rail
Railway vehicle running status monitoring, diagnosis, and early warning is important means to ensure vehicle safety. Monitoring wh
Vehicle Operation Engineering - U216.3 - NongHanBiao - Southwest Jiaotong University

degree thesis is a written report of test results of scientific research, the students of colleges and universities or research institutions to obtain a degree, under the guidance of instructors completed
dissertation is divided into bachelor thesis, master thesis, dissertation
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