
About 7455 item dissertation in line with Northeast Forestry University query results,the following is 1 to 50(Search took 0.031 seconds)

  1. Study on the Internal Control and Audit of Information System,ZhangYueChuan/Northeast Forestry University,0/196
  2. Research on Evaluation of Technological Innovative Capability of Large and Medium-sized Industrial Enterprise in Heilongjiang,LiuYaJie/Northeast Forestry University,0/9
  3. Research on Grain Strategy Base Construction in Heilongjiang Reclamation Area Based on the Responsibility Response,DanLiYan/Northeast Forestry University,0/93
  4. Research on the Blueberry Industry Competitiveness in Daxinganling Forest Region,MaShuangShuang/Northeast Forestry University,1/0
  5. Study on the Polycentric Governance of Agricultural Non-Point Pollution in China,YangLiBin/Northeast Forestry University,0/504
  6. Construction of Harmonious Rural Development View of Marxism,ZhouChangXi/Northeast Forestry University,0/12
  7. Heilongjiang Province, to Promote the Integration of Urban and Rural Institutional Innovation Research Perspective of Harmonious Society,AnXiuWei/Northeast Forestry University,0/34
  8. The Foam Insulation Greenhouse Monitoring System Design,ZhangZuo/Northeast Forestry University,0/17
  9. Study on MDF Continuous Press Position Servo System Modeling and Intelligent Control,HuangXiaoZhou/Northeast Forestry University,0/13
  10. Research on Non-Distortion Papr Reduction Techniques for Ofdm Signals,WangTieBin/Northeast Forestry University,0/105
  11. The Study of Integrated Circuit Visual Positioning System with Ball Grid Array (BGA),ZhaoLiHua/Northeast Forestry University,0/34
  12. Mental Health Education Research Network Field,HuangGang/Northeast Forestry University,0/122
  13. Mao Zedong Thought on Anti-corruption,ZhangZuoTong/Northeast Forestry University,0/179
  14. Research on Paths of Contemporary Marxim and Chinese Traditional Cultures,ChenLei/Northeast Forestry University,0/107
  15. An Analysis of Everyday Use for Your Grandmama from the Perspective of New Historicism,ShangGuanDaiQing/Northeast Forestry University,0/74
  16. Conservation Effects Assessment of Zhalong Nature Reserve Based on Red-crowned Crane Protection,FengXiaoDong/Northeast Forestry University,0/102
  17. The Effect of Reversine on the Reprogramming Capability of Sika Deer(Cervus Nippon) Fibroblast and Interspecific Nuclear Transfered Embryos,YaoYaZuo/Northeast Forestry University,0/20
  18. Research of Intelligent Control Mechanism for Poultry House Environment,WangXinZheng/Northeast Forestry University,0/197
  19. Quantitative Evaluation on the Adaptability of Salt-Tolerant Plants in Songnen Glassland Based on AHP and PCA,WangHongFeng/Northeast Forestry University,0/50
  20. In-Vitro Anti-PRV Activity and DPPH·radical Scavenging Activity of Phenolic Glycosides Homogenated Extraction from Popolus Alba×P. Berolinensis,YuXueYing/Northeast Forestry University,0/36
  21. Gene Clone and Genetic Transformation of FLC Gene in Betula Platyphylla,ZuoLiNa/Northeast Forestry University,0/27
  22. Research on Larix Olgensis Families' Variation Under Drought Stress,ZhangLei/Northeast Forestry University,0/40
  23. The Genetic Variation and Multi-Trait Associated Selection of the Growth Traits and Material Quality Traits of the Excellent Progenies of Larix Olgensis,LiYanXia/Northeast Forestry University,0/39
  24. Research on Optimization and Modeling of Hybrid Wood Drying with High-Frequency and Convective Heating,LiZhiWei/Northeast Forestry University,0/46
  25. Study on the Forest Resources Security of State-owned Forestry Region in Heilongjiang Province,WangRui/Northeast Forestry University,0/34
  26. Evaluation of Germplasm Genetic Diversity and Conservation of Major Valuable Timber Tree Species in Northeast Forest of China,ChenChangMei/Northeast Forestry University,0/47
  27. Study on the Response of Tree Ring Growth to Climate Changes in Scandinavia,ZhangPeng/Northeast Forestry University,0/48
  28. Research on Construction of the Low-Carbon Economic Development Mode in Heilongjiang State-Owned Forest Industry Region,LiZuoZuo/Northeast Forestry University,0/88
  29. Genetic Analysis of QTL for Root Length under High Concentration of Ammonium in Rice,BoZuoZuo/Northeast Forestry University,0/33
  30. Research on Pyrolysis and Burning Experiment of Logs' Pile,XinYing/Northeast Forestry University,0/38
  31. Estimating Burned Severity with Multiple Methods in Da Hinggan Mountains,LeiChengLiang/Northeast Forestry University,0/43
  32. The Mechanism Interference of Extraction of Mulberry Leaf on Beet Armyworm Larvae Growth,WangShiDan/Northeast Forestry University,0/14
  33. Research of Car Composite Molded Ultra-fine Wood-flour Grinding Equipment,ZhaoYue/Northeast Forestry University,0/14
  34. Study of Vehicle Performance and Influence on Urban Traffic with Gasohol at Low Temperature,QiangTianGang/Northeast Forestry University,0/100
  35. Sand Pile Self-Balanced Testing Method of Theory and Research,QiYuanBo/Northeast Forestry University,0/19
  36. Study on the Mechanical Properties of Wood Residues Cushion Packaging Material,PanXiaoQing/Northeast Forestry University,0/74
  37. The Research of Environmental Protection Planning in Sui Fen He City,LiHui/Northeast Forestry University,1/0
  38. Study on Competitiveness of Regional Environmental Protection Industry Based on Factor Endowments,LiuZuoYuan/Northeast Forestry University,0/90
  39. Economic Social Problems Research on Local Community of National Nature Reserves in Songnen Plain,SunMeng/Northeast Forestry University,0/67
  40. Study on the Environment Planning in FuLaErJi Economic Development Zone,LiYaNan/Northeast Forestry University,0/55
  41. Comparative Analysis on Molecular Mechanism of Glutathione Synthetase for Heavy Metal Pollution Bioremediation,LiuDaLi/Northeast Forestry University,0/374
  42. Acoustic Vibration Performance Detection and Analysis of Several Typical Folk Instruments Wooden Resonators,HuangYingLai/Northeast Forestry University,0/85
  43. Design and Simulation of the Nc Energy-saving Cutting-up Along-the-grain Chipper,WangYu/Northeast Forestry University,0/47
  44. Application of fractal and wavelet theory in the bending fracture of Fraxinus mandshurica,ZhenMengYing/Northeast Forestry University,0/33
  45. The Preparation and Manufacture Performance Research of Metal Net-Lvl Composite,LiJin/Northeast Forestry University,0/50
  46. Research on Wood Chip Shear and Impact of the Fracture Characteristics Based on Fractal Theory,XuWei/Northeast Forestry University,0/49
  47. Research on Table Band Sawing Machine Curve Feeding Mechanism and Digital Control Implementation,CuiQiangQiang/Northeast Forestry University,0/88
  48. Wavelet packet energy distance detection system based on ultrasonic holes in wood,YangHuiMin/Northeast Forestry University,0/9
  49. Mechanical Properties Research of Wood Glue Joints,LuWei/Northeast Forestry University,0/86
  50. Wood-Organic Aerogel Composite Materials Research,LiJun/Northeast Forestry University,0/133

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