
About 14 item dissertation in line with Material Intelligent Systems Engineering query results,the following is 1 to 50(Search took 0.092 seconds)

  1. Study on Glow Plasma Nitriding and Vanadinizing on Cr12MoV Steel,ZhangTao/Donghua University,0/75
  2. Characteristics on Thermolysis Process of Precursor Fiber and Performance of Si-B-N-C Ceramic Fiber,ZhangZuo/Donghua University,0/38
  3. Study on the Extrusion Foam Molding of Polyethylene,GuiGuanQun/Donghua University,0/286
  4. Development on ZnO-B2O3-SiO2System Thermal-resistant OPal Glass,XuJingZuo/Donghua University,0/38
  5. Study on Polyphenylene Sulfide (PPS) Composite Fiber,CuiXiaoLing/Donghua University,5/569
  6. Study on Microstructure and Morphology Structure of High Performance PAN-Based Carbon Fibers,ChenXiao/Donghua University,2/378
  7. Study on Heat Treatment of Low Alloy Wear-resistant Cast Steels,ChenBingXing/Donghua University,1/286
  8. Controllable Synthesis, Mechanism and Properties of ZnSe Micro/Nano-Materials,WangNa/Donghua University,0/119
  9. Synthesis and Properties of CaTiO3:Eu3+ Phosphors,FuJiaPeng/Donghua University,0/39
  10. Waste of wool blends of cellulose dissolution and research,ZhangMeng/Donghua University,1/65
  11. Polypropylene initial crystal structure of the pressure -induced flow-forming role in regulating,ZhangJuanJuan/Donghua University,0/25
  12. Study on the Preparation Technology, Structure and Properties of Carbon Fiber from Cnts Reinforced Lyocell Fiber,DuZanGe/Donghua University,0/42
  13. Study on the Crystallinity of Plla/Pdla Blends,ZhangWeiWei/Donghua University,0/34
  14. Study on the Synthesis and Properties of Organic Silicone Modified Waterborne Polyurethane,ZhuLiLiang/Donghua University,0/96

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