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Implementation of VoIP Monitoring and Control System

Author: ShaoBing
Tutor: ShiWenXiao;ZhuangShaoQuan
School: Jilin University
Course: Electronics and Communication Engineering
Keywords: VOIP Monitor Signaling protocol Media Control Protocol
CLC: TN916.2
Type: Master's thesis
Year: 2007
Downloads: 174
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With the rapid development and popularization of Internet , broadband network business are also increasingly diverse . ADSL broadband network in the high-speed development of China in recent years , the maturity of VoIP technology allows many users started to use broadband IP telephony on the Internet the day-to-day activities of the exchange . VoIP been widely used to good voice quality and low or free price . At the same time , take advantage of the broadband network to engage in illegal VoIP operators , domestic and international long distance voice services phenomenon appears and intensified , causing serious influence and impact on normal telephone operators . VoIP technology and VoIP operators monitoring key technologies , Jilin Netcom Internet network status, VoIP monitoring system set up to describe the main function of VoIP monitoring system , and finally the use of the systems analysis Jilin Netcom Internet VoIP developments and propose appropriate control recommendations .

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CLC: > Industrial Technology > Radio electronics, telecommunications technology > Communicate > Phone > Telephone lines, telephone network
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