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Research on Embedded Hardware Platform Based on DSP for Instrument

Author: LiYanHua
Tutor: WangXiangJun
School: Tianjin University
Course: Measuring Technology and Instruments
Keywords: DSP CPLD Hardware platform Embedded Systems Image processing Instrumentation
CLC: TH703
Type: Master's thesis
Year: 2004
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Digital Intelligence is one of the direction of development of the instrumentation, instrumentation, data acquisition speed faster and faster, increasing the amount of data, the requirements for data processing time is getting shorter, this instrumentation The hardware platform proposed new requirements. The common instrumentation hardware platform based on embedded technology. Embedded microprocessor for embedded systems, there are four: the embedded microprocessor (CPU), embedded microcontroller (MCU), embedded DSP (Digital? Signal? Processor) and embedded on-chip system (SOC). The four techniques were applied to different instrumentation applications. Embedded DSP hardware platform with fast processing speed, high accuracy and reliability. DSP-based embedded hardware platform, the establishment of a miniaturized, intelligent, real-time processing of data, highly flexible hardware platform of the economy. The selected 32-bit floating point DSP and CPLD platform, in order to ensure real-time as well as the flexibility of the system. Plus a CMOS image capture chip at the front of the system, constitute the image processing hardware platform, and the preparation of the two-dimensional FFT algorithm to validate the performance of the platform. Experimental results and the actual application notes, design and implementation of this thesis, the platform has a faster speed of data acquisition and data computing power and accuracy, able to complete the real-time data acquisition and processing functions. It is a small size, light weight, micro-power, low-cost, processing speed, high reliability, easy upgrade platform of test and measurement instruments, has a broad application prospects in the field of instrumentation. The papers to complete the concrete work including: using TMS320C6712 and EPM7128S for control devices designed embedded high-speed signal processing system can run autonomously offline. The front of the system plus CMOS image capture chip OV7120, a 32-bit floating-point arithmetic and 8-bit data acquisition. Preparation of the data acquisition system, two-dimensional FFT, image transmission, and power-loaded program. Completed the commissioning of the entire system, the problems encountered in the commissioning and Notes summarized. Finally, the analysis of the performance of the entire system. Summary of previous experience on the basis of the proposed measures to improve the performance of the hardware platform. New system and the design of the overall program.

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CLC: > Industrial Technology > Machinery and Instrument Industry > Instruments, meters > General issues > Structure
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