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Multi-Agent Technique Based Substation’s Operating-Sequences Intelligent System
Author: LiangZhaoJun
Tutor: JiangHuiLan
School: Tianjin University
Course: Proceedings of the
Keywords: Electrically operated ticket Intelligent Agent MAS system RBFNN Mapping System
Type: Master's thesis
Year: 2004
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Substation operation system of the substation important to ensure safe and reliable operation of measures. The reasons for issuing the correct switching operation has important implications for the operation and maintenance and management of substation operation, this operation ticket system subject has been extensively studied. With the development of integrated substation automation and artificial intelligence theory, based on artificial intelligence technology operation ticket automatic generation system study a lot, and has made considerable achievements, however, there are still insufficient. Operating ticket system Research review and summarize the basis of distributed artificial intelligence as much as Agent theory applied to the operation ticket automatically generated system, and integration of neural network technology, the development of multi-Agent-based substation operation votes automatic generation of intelligent systems. Generate a sequence of operations knowledge extraction, Agent model construction, and the main substation wiring diagram drawing made creative work, new ideas and new methods for distributed artificial intelligence applications in power system operation and maintenance opens up research directions. In this paper, the hierarchical structure of the substation operation system, the first time the theory of distributed systems and multi-Agent technology is introduced into AUTOMATICALLY GENERATE system, generated by the operation sequences Agent operational knowledge Agent explain Agent coordination Control Agent MAS system. Operator sequence generation Agent utilize the RBFNN model structure to achieve the implicit reasoning of the sequence of operations, explained Agent call a class of devices, equipment knowledge, operational knowledge, protection and automatic device knowledge encapsulation \operation of a the knowledge distributed operating knowledge Agent rules, the concrete realization of the operation sequence of the statement and natural language translation. Agent to combine the entire operating ticket system will be a variety of different functions, Agent collaboration for multiple Agent management control through coordination, jointly complete ticket is automatically generated. In the operation sequence generated automatically create a complete sequence of different device operating automatically generated features four categories of devices Agent the RBFNN model structure is proposed as a specific implementation method, on RBFNN of operation tasks for a given output vector is a sequence of operational nature give full play to the self-learning and implicit reasoning ability of the neural network, and RBFNN learning speed, high network utilization efficiency, fault tolerance, and to bring this system has a simple process, easy maintenance and management, with a strong intelligence. Substation main connection mapping system, the use of interface features powerful programming language, Visual Basic, so that it has a high visibility as well as the function of the database system connected to the database engine. Use of object-oriented programming ideas, the substation primary equipment using ActiveX controls production technology for encoding and encapsulation made into a stand-alone device control, unified description of the properties and behavior of things, loaded into the main wiring drawing system, drawing as VB comes with controls to take advantage of its features that can respond to user actions events, the completion of the main wiring diagram drawing, drawing workload is reduced, and the versatility of the system; the substation topology automatically generated, no manual entry to improve the intelligence of the system.
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CLC: > Industrial Technology > Electrotechnical > Transmission and distribution engineering, power network and power system > Power system automation
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