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Design of Communication Principle Experimental System in Higher Vocational Education and Its Application
Author: GuoXiaoGong
Tutor: LuoBin;XuRongJun
School: Nanchang University
Course: Electronics and Communication Engineering
Keywords: Higher vocational education Communication Principle Experimental System Validation experiment
CLC: TN911-4
Type: Master's thesis
Year: 2011
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Among the basic curriculums in communications information and electronic majors, the communication theory is not only a basic and high-theoretical course, but a most important backbone one for communication major. The content is used to design a communication fundamental practical system adapted in higher vocational education teaching practice and its application. The paper introduces the purpose and significance of designing the system as well as the development at the system. Meanwhile, a overall designing template and circuit diagram with structure details are set forth in the paper. Besides, the paper also describes the various components modular design, circuit, component, pin and its function. Finally, author sums up the whole passage and describe the developing direction for future work.
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CLC: > Industrial Technology > Radio electronics, telecommunications technology > Communicate > Communication theory
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