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Research on Intrinsic Safety Characteristics of Interleaving Magnetic Integrated Boost Converter
Author: WangRui
Tutor: YangYuGang
School: Liaoning Technical University
Course: Power Electronics and Power Drives
Keywords: intrinsic safety characteristics interleaving magnetic integrated Boostconverter the output ripple voltage the inductance current
Type: Master's thesis
Year: 2012
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The power of intrinsically safe switch power supply is required to improve by urgentlysafety production in coal mine. But, there are contradictions between common single channelintrinsically safe switch converter to improve electrical properties requirements with bigcapacitance and inductance, and intrinsic safety characteristics requirements with lowinductance and capacitance, which serious restrictedly improve the power of the switchintrinsically safe converter. This paper puts forward the application of crisscross paralleltechnology to double output current, and reduce output ripple and output filter capacitance, usescoupling inductance to improve the electrical properties by making equivalent electricalinductance increase and improve the properties of the converter by reducing converter equivalentinductance.Firstly, the working principles of interleaving magnetic integrated Boostconverter are studied. The formulas of output ripple voltage and peak inductance currentare derived.Secondly, by analysing principle and energy transmission mode ofinterleaving integrated magnetics Boost converter, the formula of maximum outputshort-circuit release energy is derived in the full dynamic range. The proposed methodof intrinsic safety features and energy transmission mode of interleaving magneticintegrated Boost converter is obtained. Using the crisscross parallel magnetic integrationtechnology thoroughly solve the contradiction with requirement of electrical properties andinductance, and requirement of intrinsic safety characteristics. Finally,the simulation resultsby Saber showed that the theoretical research achievements are correct and designschemes are feasible.
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CLC: > Industrial Technology > Electrotechnical > Transformers, converters and reactors > Converter
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