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Relative Study on Uncertainty and Coping Style of Patients with Diabetes Mellitus
Author: WangEnGuang
Tutor: LiWenTao
School: Jilin University
Course: Nursing
Keywords: diabetes mellitus uncertainty in illness coping style
CLC: R473.73
Type: Master's thesis
Year: 2012
Downloads: 191
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Objectives:The purpose of this study were to investigate the level of uncertainty in illness andcoping style of patients with diabetes mellitus,to analysis of factors affecting the uncertaintyin illness, and to explore the correlation between illness uncertainty and coping style.Methods:By purpose sampling,150patients with diabetes mellitus, from four general hospitalswith three level of first-class, were asked to administer a questionnaire which composes ofgeneral information, Uncertainty in Illness Scale for Adults and the Medical Coping ModesQuestionnaire. Descriptive analysis was used to analysis of general information,the level ofuncertainty in illness and response status; t tests and analysis of variance was used toanalysis of general information on the impact of uncertainty in illness; Spearman correlationanalysis was used to analysis of the correlation between illness uncertainty and coping style.Results:1.For patients with diabetes mellitus, the uncertainty in illness score was85.31±11.10,the patients with moderate uncertainty accounted for86.2%;2.There were difference in patients with diabetes mellitus in total uncertainty on ethnicand the per capita net income of households(P<0.05); There were differences in patientswith diabetes mellitus in ambiguity uncertainty on ethnic and religious belief(P<0.05);There were differences in patients with diabetes mellitus in unpredictablity uncertainty ongender, the per capita net income of households, ability to pay and whether or not to mergecomplications(P<0.05);3.There were differences in avoidance and resignation between patients with diabetesmellitus and national general clinical patients (P<0.05);4.The score of total uncertainty, ambiguity uncertainty and unpredictablity uncertaintywere positively correlated with resignation(P<0.05);The score of Complexity uncertaintywas negatively correlated with confrontation(P<0.01).Conclusion: 1.All the patients with diabetes mellitus experienced illness uncertainty,and mostpatients with moderate uncertainty;2.There was difference in patients with diabetes mellitus in illness uncertainty underdifferent groups, such as ethnic, religious belief, gender, the per capita net income ofhouseholds, ability to pay and whether or not to merge complications;3.Compared with general clinical patients, patients with diabetes mellitus rarely usedavoidance and resignation as their coping style;4.The degree of uncertainty of patients with diabetes mellitus was closely related totheir coping style,and the positive coping style was helpful to decrease the degree ofuncertainty.
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CLC: > Medicine, health > Clinical > Nursing > Specialist nursing > Oncology Nursing
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