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The Research of Blended Learning Based on the Principle of Effective Teaching
Author: LiuYang
Tutor: TianBaoJun
School: Hebei University
Course: Educational Technology
Keywords: Blended Learning Effective Teaching Instructional Design
CLC: G434
Type: Master's thesis
Year: 2011
Downloads: 187
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With the advent of the information society , the development of society need to develop innovative talents to promote traditional teaching has been unable to meet the demand for training new talent to strengthen the application of IT in education as an education , to change the backward situation of traditional teaching methods , the important part of the reform , especially blended learning provides a positive and effective way to achieve the cultivation of new talent . At the same time , the reform of higher education programs has been more than 10 years of practice and exploration , but found by the study of the relevant literature , many colleges and universities to implement education reform does not completely change the poor efficiency of higher education teaching and performance weak and low efficiency in the reality . Therefore, blended learning how to use the teaching of the university curriculum , and realize the effect of teaching the current problems to be solved . This study on the basis of analysis of the status of blended learning and effective teaching , blended learning , the concept of effective teaching and effective teaching standard definition of blended learning to analyze the \the necessity and feasibility of the design , and then as the goal of effective teaching standards in the teaching process optimization theory , instructional design theory and constructivist theory , under the guidance of the \. Practice has proved that the design of blended learning to promote the \
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CLC: > Culture, science,education, sports > Education > EDUCATIONAL > Computerized teaching
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